
The Ancient Potter Magic

A Harry/Multi story where only James died and Lily lived. A Slytherin Harry learns secrets about the potter family line as he understands the real power that could take down the Dark Lord. The story takes off from Year 4 with flashbacks and explanations as needed regarding the difference in the previous years. Features Harry/Lily, Harry/Female OC's, and more. =================================== This is a Harry/multi story that includes Lily and his twin OC sisters. Don't read if it ain't your cup of tea. Harry will be with various women but his eventual relationship will include his family and two or three other witches, I haven't fully decided yet but definitely happy to take suggestions. Lots of lemons and smut with some plot throughout. (No smut in the first few chapters). First chapter is short but they get longer as we go along. ********************************************************* I'm posting this story as the original creator of this work apparently deleted all of their work from his website and I found the approach to this story pretty good and I've seen many others on the internet looking for this story as well. ------------------------------------------------------------ So just ENJOY THE STORY!!!

NoName2021 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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42 Chs

Chapter 14

"She just stormed off after that?" Asked Emma as Harry recounted what happened the prior day.

"Yea, like I don't get what her problem is, she doesn't talk to me all day after I get back then when she does she's gone insane!" Harry exclaimed.

"You were fucking Fleur though right before you ran into her?" Ella asked.

"Well yes but that's besides the point!"

"All that sex and you're still a stupid clueless boy," Emma said shaking her head.

"To be fair all that sex is probably making him lose brain cells if anything." Added Ella.

"Can you two just tell me what's going on? I haven't done anything to her!"

"Well that's probably the issue," said Emma.

"That I haven't done anything to her? What she… she wants to sleep with me?"

"No wonder she's mad at you," said Ella with a face palm.

"She's harbored a crush on you since you were a wee lad Harry," said Emma.

"Wait what?" Asked Harry confused.

"Have you really been that oblivious?" Asked Emma.

"I mean Narcissa brought it up when I… when I saw her and well I thought you know she was doing the whole matchmaking with the daughter thing."

"While you were having sex?" Asked Ella.

"N..no it was before, we uh bad a heart to heart."

"Ok prior to Narcissa telling you her Daughter likes you before she boned you herself you've never noticed it at all?" Emma asked.

Harry collapsed into his chair. They were sitting around in his room during a free period they all shared. Harry was severely aggravated by Estella's antics from the day before.

"Ok so she likes me?" He asked his sisters.

Emma scowled, "for whatever reason yea, she could do alot better though." She said angrily.

"Why are you mad?"

"She's been harboring a crush for Estella for about as long as Estella has harbored a crush for you." Ella explained.

"What the fuck El!" Emma shouted.

"I don't understand why we can't just be honest? I mean I'm falling for Hermione, there now we all know each other's crushes. Well except for Harry I guess."

Emma scoffed, "Harry has a crush on basically every female in the castle, including us."

"I do not have a crush on you!"

"So you're not looking forward to having sex with us?" Emma asked.

Harry turned red, "you fucking women are infuriating you know that."

"Look, it's probably best if you avoid Estella for a bit and let her calm down," Emma said.

"Also maybe stop fucking the Veela, that seems to be what set her off." Ella added.

Harry sighed, "Fleur is teaching me to control my allure so…"

"So you're going to get super randy around each other, got it," said Emma.

"Can you maybe talk to her, see if there's anything I can do to make up for anything I did," he asked, turning to Emma.

"Fine, whatever I'll talk to her." She said taking out her Marauders Map and locating her.

"Right well I have class and it looks like Emmy is skipping since Estella has a free period now, Harry you should get to class too." Said Ella.

Harry sighed, "fine let's go."

The three walked out of the room and went their separate ways. Emma reconfirmed Estella's location and saw it was in one of the unused classrooms she once used to train Harry in dueling.

She was able to get there in a few minutes and unlocked the door with an Alohomora. When she stopped in she saw Estella with her head down at a desk.

"Stella?" She asked while approaching the girl.

"I don't know what's wrong with me," she said in a muffled voice as she kept her head down.

"I guess the Incubus bit and Harry having sex with everyone while you're still not over him will do it."

She picked her head up and looked at her best friend. "Have you and El…?"

"Not yet but we will this weekend most likely."

"Why did I fall for the guy who is going to have multiple significant others?"

"Well he's got an annoying way of digging himself into your heart I'll give you that… if things did work out would you be able to live with the fact that you won't be his only?"

"I'm not even bothered by that, I don't know why it's just well… like I said yesterday knowing he's sleeping with a Veela that just makes me feel inadequate. I'm not really mad at him fuck I can't really blame him I'd probably fuck Fleur too."

Emma walked over and sat down next to Estella,"I mean what I said yesterday, you're beautiful, you're amazing, and…"

Emma stopped, Estella wanted Harry not her.

"You've always been able to make me smile, Emmy," she said as she hugged the other girl. As they parted she gave Emma a small chaste kiss on the lips. They looked at each other for a moment before Emma leaned in and kissed her. Slowly the kiss deepened when Estella's tongue looked for entrance into Emma's mouth. Emma eagerly accepted as they snogged for some time before breaking apart.

"Stella… sorry I shouldn't have done that," Emma said.

"I'm pretty sure I started that Emmy," she said.

"Stella… I'm not Harry but… I love you, I have for a while now and not just as my best friend."

"I know you're not Harry, your Emmy and that's fine with me, I can't say yet if I feel exactly the same way but, I'm willing to give this a chance."

Emma smiled, but it didn't reach her yes knowing how the love of her life was pining after her brother.

"Stella, what if, what if the three of us try a relationship together?" Emma asked.

"You mean sharing him?" she asked.

"Honestly it would probably be more us sharing you, but you know if anything happens in the future you can become a Potter by marrying either one of us. If you marry me you can rid yourself of all the pureblood politics shit Narcissa has been drilling into you."

"If I marry you, you would still let Harry be with us?" she asked.

"As long as he lets me be with you if the both of you get married," Emma answered.

"Well it helps that I care about you, and like you say about me, you're smoking fucking hot too Emmy," she said.

"I get that from Mum, ask Harry," she said with a smirk.

Estella laughed, Emma loved the sound of it. Everything will be fine if I can still see her laugh and smile.

"Can you tell Harry I'm sorry, I'm a bit embarrassed to talk to him at the moment."

"Well he's not in your common room anymore so you won't bump into him, he was quite confused as to why you were mad but he gets it now."

"It's not like he and I were together there was no real reason for me to get angry I just… did."

The two sat in silence for some time before Estella asked, "so what does this make us?"

"A couple maybe?" Asked Emma.

Estella smiled and nodded. They briefly kissed again before they both went down to their Potions class.

Later that night Harry was still in a grumpy mood. Ok so maybe I was looking forward to having sex with Fleur but it's not like I purposely became an Incubus.

Harry sighed as he started walking towards the room of requirement. "Potter," a voice called from behind him. He turned and saw Daphne Greengrass and Tracy Davis walking towards him.

"Hey Greengrass, Davis," he nodded to them both. Greengrass flashed him a smile, a very rare thing to see on the ice queen of Slytherin.

"You haven't been in the common room in a while, forget the rest of us now that you've got your own room?" Asked Daphne.

Harry raised his eyebrows, "I wasn't aware that you would miss me Greengrass."

"Don't flatter yourself Potter," Tracy said, "Malfoy has been atrocious moaning about how you get favored so much and have your own room. I think it's him who misses you, anything going on there we should know about."

"He's not my type," said Harry

"Not into Blondes then Potter?" Asked the Blonde haired Ice Queen.

Harry smirked, oh you have no idea.

"I am rather fond of blondes, yes, just of the female variety with beautiful blue eyes," he said, taking notice of her eyes.

Daphne felt her cheeks warm up before Tracy cut in. "Daphne I think it's time to go, don't you have to speak to your betrothed about something?"

She sent her best friend a glare but said nothing else.

"You're spoken for Greengrass?" Asked Harry.

"Well I'm not married as of yet, so I'm still free to do as I please," she replied.

Maybe there's hope! Harry thought to himself.

"Well I'm actually going to be late for an appointment, but always happy to discuss the virtues of life before marriage," he said to Daphne.

"Let's go Daphne," her best friend said.

"See you around Potter," Daphne said.

"My friends call me Harry," he said as they were leaving.

Daphne looked over at him and smirked, "That's nice Potter," she said and walked off.

Both of them have such fine asses. Though Davis doesn't seem to like me much.

Greengrass and Davis both had branches of family magic that would help him quite a bit. Though Greengrass was spoken for it seemed like she wasn't very happy with who she was with.

Harry turned and walked the rest of the way to the Room of Requirement and followed Sirius instructions in asking the room to allow him entry into a training room.

"Ah Harry thanks for finally joining us," Sirius said as he walked in.

Harry saw that the "us" meant him and Tonks.

"Nymphadora how are you?" He asked with a grin.

Her hair flared red as she got angry, "don't make me hex you Harry."

"You two can have your little foreplay later, let's talk about the training." Sirius said ignoring the glare from the other two.

"Tonks here is going to drop by and help with training when she can, she will sometimes come with me and at times with Bella, having recently gone through Auror training herself she'll probably be helpful in that regard."

"Wait you're giving me Auror training?"

"Yes and no, a lot of what we're doing is based on Auror training but once or twice a week isn't going to be enough to get you on par with Aurors," Sirius replied.

"I'd also add that if you really want to get the full benefit of this you should try to be active, go running in the mornings and all that get your cardio in," she said.

You could help me get my cardio in another way.

Harry just nodded though deciding the flirting could come later.

The training was exhausting, he was forced to do dodging drills and hit moving targets with stunners. After an hour of Sirius and Tonks yelling at him and correcting his errors they took a break.

"Alright Harry at the end of every lesson you will duel with your instructors, we will give you a few minutes to catch your breath then we can start."

"Wait hold on I have to duel both of you? At the same time?"

Tonks chuckled, "well Harry if voldy graces us with his presence again you'll probably be fighting him as well as several death eaters. You need to build experience fighting multiple enemies at once. Also thankfully you are quite good at dodging. When. Mad Eye does these drills he uses lethal spells only. Says if you can't dodge the real thing there's no point in you fighting anyway."

Harry paled thinking about the powerful retired Auror sending lethal hexes at him, "Er Sirius, any chance that you can well… take Moody's place?"

Sirius barked out a light, "nope that's how Bella and I as well as your dad learned," he said with a grin.

"What the fuck have I got myself into?" asked aloud.

"Since today's your first lesson we're giving you a warning before we start. Keep in mind that Mad Eye doesn't believe in warnings, so like he loves saying CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" yelled Sirius.

"I really hate you Padfoot," he said to his godfather.

"I love you too kid, next week we're going to just start attacking you at some point so be ready."

"Aunt Bella's coming next week though right?"

Sirius grinned,"Yup and well you know she's a bit mad, that's why Tonks is coming mainly to keep an eye on her."

"Ready Harry?" Asked tonks. He nodded.

"Diffindo" cried Sirius, Harry barely dodged the curse.

"What the hell I thought you said Mad Eye uses lethal spells!"

"Never said I didn't kid."

"Rictesempra" yelled Tonks and Harry was now forced on the defensive by both of his instructors. They were alternating between lethal and non lethal curses. Harry didn't even have a chance yet to fire a single curse.

"Come on Harry, you can't expect to fight death eaters without casting a spell!"

I need a distraction.

"Serpentsortia! He cried as three snakes came out of his wand.

"Scare them but don't actually hurt them" he hissed.

Tonks got rid of the snakes while Sirius kept in the offensive but then Harry finally found his opening.

"Flipendo, Reducto, Incendio," he said, shooting several curses at Sirius who absorbed them all with a silent shield.

And then Harry fell unconscious as a spell hit him from behind.

"Ennervate," Sirius said waking him back up.

Harry groaned, "what happened?"

"You were focusing too much on Sirius and you hadn't realized I made quick work of your little snakes. Sorry Mr. Slytherin but this badger doesn't like the snakes very much."

"Harry if that was a real battle what would have happened to you?" Asked Sirius.

"I would have been killed or taken to Voldemort to be tortured and then killed."

Sirius nodded, "That's why we're being tough on you. Mad Eye told me about his suspicions, he also said that Snape told him his Dark Mark was getting well Darker instead of the faint tattoo it became when you beat Voldemort as a toddler. Now you're in this tournament Harry we need to be prepared."

Harry sighed, "I'll do the running and exercises in the morning and practice silent casting."

"Good, that's it for tonight, I'll see you in two weeks Harry." He said giving his Godson a hug.

"Want to grab a pint at The Three Broomsticks Tonks?" He asked her.

"Not tonight Sirius you can go on ahead I wanted to talk to Harry for a little bit."

Sirius smirked but said nothing and headed out the door giving them their privacy.

"Sorry Harry to burst you're bubble but we aren't having sex tonight," said Tonks.

Harry blushed, "umm yea sure umm whenever you want to I guess…" he said awkwardly.

Tonks laughed, "before we do this I wanted to ask you, once you are Lord Black, will you want to continue having a sexual relationship?"

"Erm..that's entirely up to you I won't force anything on anyone."

Tonks smiled, "I was interested in starting a relationship with someone but then this happened. I'm all for helping you Harry but I wanted to just be clear on what the expectations were "

"Yea this can be a one time thing and then you can be with whoever you want Tonks I won't force anything on anyone."

"Thank you Harry I really appreciate it," she said as she walked up to him and gave him a deep kiss. "It doesn't need to be a one time thing though, I'd be more than willing to service the Lord Black if I'm not dating anyone at the moment," she added with a light rub of his cock.

"A little preview I guess for whenever it is our night, don't worry you won't have to wait too long."

Harry smiled and gave her a hug as they went their separate ways.

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