
The Ambitious Schnee (RWBY)

This is an ongoing commission that I've been writing for four years now. I will be posting a chapter a day until it's caught up to where it's at on both QQ and HF. Synopsis: Whitley Schnee, having secretly mastered his devious semblance, prepares for his chance to take over the the family, the company and beyond. The first step? Bring his older sisters under his power, to gain their support, remove them as obstacles and make him feel like a King all at once.

CambrianBeckett · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

The End Game Pt. 2

He learns a lot from Neo. Some might say he learns everything he needs to know, but Whitley isn't foolish enough to believe that. Still, he learns enough about Cinder's plans to realize one thing… he doesn't have enough time to thoroughly derail them as he might want to. Within a day of subverting Neopolitan to his side, the Singles Matches begun, and Yang and Mercury have their fight.

Even knowing of Emerald's semblance via Neo, it still caught him off guard when Yang attacked Mercury, seemingly unprovoked. Whitley could only imagine what it looked like to the general public, what it felt like. The negative emotions and controversy generated by the stunt was exactly what this Cinder Fall wanted. Yang was made to look like the bad guy and Mercury the victim, and in the end it just added to the pressure Whitley was already under.

To add to that pressure, Pyrrha had come to him and told him that the Headmaster had approached her about becoming the new Fall Maiden. Both sides are on the move, and Whitley is stuck playing catch up. As irritating as that is, he just grits his teeth and bears with it, soldiering on. Between Emerald's semblance, the fact that Cinder can rig up any match she wants and has access to a multitude of files, Whitley is able to put together what's going to happen next pretty easily. Assuming they know Pyrrha's semblance, which he would be willing to bet a vast portion of his fortune on, then it's obvious what they intend to do next.

All of this was to say, time was short. It was far too late to stop Cinder's plan outright, so the only option left in Whitley's eyes was to steal it for himself. However, to accomplish that, he needed Amber restored. Not only for the firepower that she would be able to bring to the table, but if she was moved away from Vale, then Cinder wouldn't have everything she needed to open the vault.

And that was so very clearly the whole point of the operation to begin with, from what Whitley could see. Torchwick and the White Fang were the fall guys all along, the patsies to be used and discarded by Cinder when the time finally came. They were just there to mask the true intent of the chaos and destruction that the mad woman intended to set off.

Unfortunately, where Amber was concerned, Atlesian medicine has proven less than adequate. His own power granted him some influence over her mind and soul, a connection that he'd certainly been sure to exploit… but the only way that connection could be used to help Amber would be if Whitley transferred his own aura into her.

… Theoretically, it was an option. Theoretically, it should work, it could work… it might work? What it really came down to was that the amount of aura required for that kind of restoration would deplete Whitley to unsafe levels, maybe even kill him. Which was, obviously, not at all optimal.

However, that led him to another thought, led him to contemplate another individual on this great big fucking chessboard. Jaune Arc. He was… he wasn't important, by any stretch of the imagination. He was the first crush of Whitley's Champion and Future Wife, but of course Whitley had Pyrrha's full loyalty and devotion at this point. She still held a certain fondness for Jaune, but only because Whitley allowed her to, and only because the one interesting thing about Jaune Arc was his massive aura.

The boy had yet to unlock his semblance, but Whitley would once again be willing to bet a large portion of his fortune that it was somehow aura-related. Perhaps something to do with aura-sharing, or soul stuff? If his hunch was right, then Jaune was exactly what Whitley needed to advance HIS plans and curtail Cinder and Ozpin's.

But before he could find out for sure, he needed to force Jaune's semblance to the forefront so the boy could finally activate it. Unfortunately, as Whitley's own experimentation into the subject had already uncovered, the young man couldn't just order his toys to find and activate their semblances. It simply didn't work that way, even if it would have been abundantly easier if it did.

… Luckily, Whitley had another avenue to explore now in that way, and all it would take was stealing one of Cinder's toys to do so. Something that Whitley had no problems doing whatsoever, given the mad woman's plans for Vale and for so many of the people that Whitley had claimed as his own. The ambitious young Schnee would never not protect what was his… and Cinder was going to learn that, one way or another.

Which was why he was all smiles as he met Emerald Sustrai at the entrance to his yacht, giving her a respectful bow.

"Ms. Sustrai, thank you for accepting my invitation. Though I'm sorry to see that it's just you…"

He trails off there, but if Emerald looks uncomfortable at his words, she doesn't show it. The invitation had of course been to her entire team, under the guise of being something of an expression of sympathy, or even an apology for what his sister's teammate had done in the arena. By all accounts, Yang had fucked up, and Whitley wasn't supposed to know any better than that, so it made perfect sense for a rich young man like him, still coming into his 'prime', to try to clean up the messes of his sister's friends, right?

Of course, Whitley had known that if Emerald did accept the invitation, she would come alone. He never thought for even a second that Mercury or Cinder would show up. Maybe Neo, but then, Neo was his creature now, so it didn't matter if she did or not. But no, as he'd planned, Emerald was all alone, likely here to keep up appearances and maintain her cover… as well as for the chance to steal things.

Smiling sardonically, the red-eyed, dark-skinned thief just shrugs her shoulders, acting the part of a flippant huntress-in-training who knows Whitley is trying to make nice with her as she looks around.

"… Nice place."

Whitley chuckles and turns to lead her further in.

"Why thank you. Please, let me treat you to the meal my chefs have cooked for us."

"Sure, sounds good."

Of course, that right there is a bald-faced lie, as Whitley's sensors alert him to a moment later. Finely tuned to notice the activation of semblances and the use of aura in those semblances, Whitley's technology is capable of tracking Emerald. Which is why he knows, despite feeling her presence at his back, following along behind him, that the red-eyed woman is using her semblance on him right now. She's broken away from following him, clearly not having any intention of following him to the dining room.

His sensors tell him that she's turned around, let him leave her line of sight, so without a moment's hesitation and before the thief can leave the hallway, Whitley whips around and fires off one of his glyphs at approximately where the invisible young woman's exposed lower back should be. He knows he has her when the version of Emerald he CAN see flickers out like it was never there, and the real Emerald appears down the hall, fallen down flat on her face.

Grinning, Whitley trots over and makes a few adjustments to the tramp stamp-esque glowing glyph on the small of her back, chuckling as he does so.

"This would have been more difficult if you'd bothered wearing more clothes, Ms. Sustrai… as it is, you gave me so many openings it wasn't even funny…"

A few moments later, and Whitley is done. Emerald wakes up, groaning as she comes to. Pushing herself up onto her hands and knees with some difficult, she lifts her head only to see Whitley standing right in front of her, one hand in a pocket and the other hanging loosely at his side as he smirks easily. Red eyes widening, Emerald immediately pushes her head back down to the floor, visibly prostrating herself before him as she trembles in fear and horror.

"M-Master! I'm so sorry Master! I-I used my semblance on you, I should never have… I was going to steal from you! A-And all for that false mistress! P-Please Master, I don't know what came over me!"

Whitley just grins and places his foot out far enough for Emerald to see. The thief immediately begins to kiss the top of his perfectly polished shoe, peppering it with kisses even as she continues to murmur apologies and beg for forgiveness. As far as Emerald Sustrai was now concerned… she was his in every possible way. No, more than that, she now believed she'd ALWAYS been his.

His own personal double agent on the inside. She thought she was his property from the day she was born to today, and that everything she'd done for and with Cinder was simply an act while she gathered intel for him. Of course, to complete this, Whitley had made it, so she also thought she'd gotten in too deep, that she'd forgotten her true purpose. That was why she'd forgotten that her first and only TRUE loyalty was meant to be to him, why she'd been willing to use her semblance on him and even contemplated stealing from him.

Never again, of course. Emerald Sustrai was his pet now through and through, his semblance making sure that she would never disobey him, never betray him. He'd effectively stolen Cinder's bishop right off the board, to go back to the chess metaphor. Grinning wickedly down at Emerald, Whitley decides then and there that he can't possibly just… get a move on. Really, he's got a beautiful young thief prostrating herself at his feet. How can he NOT take advantage?

"Lift your head. Your reparations begin now."

Even as he speaks, Whitley is flicking open the button on his pants and yanking down the zipper. Emerald lifts her head to look up at him with gratitude and an eagerness to please filling her red eyes, just in time for him to whip out his cock and slap it down on her face. The dark-skinned beauty's breath hitches, and she lets out a soft moan as she goes cross-eyed just looking at his length.

"Suck it. Prove to me you can at least do that much still."

"Y-Yes! Thank you, Master… thank you…"

As Emerald thanks him for the opportunity to suck his cock, Whitley can't help but chuckle as a sense of satisfaction fills him. That satisfaction only grows when the thief leans back and takes him in her mouth, reaching up to grab him by the legs to anchor herself as she starts bobbing up and down his length quite… vigorously.

Emerald is nothing but a tool, in the end. She's a weapon, a toy, used and wielded by Cinder Fall, and now by Whitley himself. And yet, that didn't change the fact that it was still Emerald and her semblance that had caused Yang to attack Mercury in what the blonde had thought was self-defense. Of course, Whitley had taken his pet masochist aside and explained the truth afterwards, because no one was allowed to hurt Yang without his permission, but there was still some mental trauma there in the time between her attacking and him telling her the truth of what had happened.

For that, Whitley has no issue whatsoever reaching down, curling a hand in Emerald's hair, and forcing her further along his prick before the red-eyed thief is ready, punishing her as he thrusts forward and hits the back of her throat, before ultimately forcing her to deep-throat his cock and choke on his length.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

"You've been a bad, bad girl, Emerald… but don't worry… I'm going to let you make it up to me."

It's more than satisfying, watching the tears form in Emerald's apologetic red eyes. Watching the drool and saliva collect on her chin and slowly drip down to her chest as he fucks her face nice and hard is almost as satisfying as well. For a time, he just stands there in the middle of the entrance hallway of his yacht, thrusting forward as Emerald kneels before him, taking his cock to the base as he forces her down to his crotch again and again and again.

Finally though, his release arrives. He, of course, uses it to paint Emerald's pretty face white, pulling out and coating the thief in his seed before he's done with her. She takes it like a champ, to her credit. But then, of course she does, she's his bitch now, his toy, his property. She belongs to him, mind, heart, and soul. It makes sense that he can do whatever he wants to her body as well without consequences.

Of course, he's still rock hard after he's done, and Whitley figures he's got a little bit of extra time to spare still, in order to… properly break in his new toy. So, using his grip on her hair, Whitley walks Emerald to the dining room. And by walks her, he means like a dog. She stays on her hands and knees and crawls beside him, wincing and whimpering whenever his grip on her hair and his fast pace means she can't keep up but is forced to anyways.

Dragging her to the dining room, Whitley pulls Emerald to her feet and then lets her go for a moment.

"Clothes off."

Covered in his cum, compelled by his glyphs, Emerald doesn't even hesitate. Though, to his minor amusement, she does try to be sexy about it. As she strips naked in front of him, the dark-skinned, red-eyed thief puts a little sway into her hips and tries her best to make a show of it. It's a pitiful attempt, truth be told, but then Whitley has women with more sex appeal and sultry seductiveness in their pinky toes…

That's not really being fair to Emerald, but Whitley isn't feeling fair or kind towards the bitch right now. If not for his semblance, she would still be Cinder's creature through and through, she would still be working to do great harm to many of Whitley's toys, as well as the Kingdom of Vale itself. So, in a word… fuck her.

That's not to say Emerald isn't still appealing to look at, or undesirable. She's just not… seductive, not really. It's clear she's never really had to be before. She puts her all into it though, into turning her stripping into a strip-tease, dancing to music only she can hear as she pulls off her clothes, until finally she's standing before him naked and striking what she clearly thinks to be a seductive, sultry pose meant to entice him.

Whitley just snorts and reaches out to grab her by the hair again. He's already rather enticed, but only because he thinks it'll be therapeutic to fuck her as hard as he can as a favor to Yang. Using his grip on her hair, the young man pulls Emerald over to the dining table and slams her down onto an empty section, making her the main course as he bends her over with one hand and brings the other up to slap at her juicy wet cunt lips.

And BOY is she wet. As Emerald squeals, Whitley gathers her fluids on his fingers, rolling his digits around before snorting derisively and delivering another smack to her pussy. Emerald shrieks and squeals again but doesn't ask him to stop or try to pull away or escape. She accepts her punishment for what it is, barring her involuntary reactions.

He considers punishing her some more, but no, in the end they ARE on a time table. As fun as this distraction is, best to get on with it. So, Whitley lines his cock up with Emerald's cunt and thrusts. Filling her with his meat is as enjoyable as he expected it to be. She's tight and wet, and of course she cums explosively the moment that he's inside of her.


Squealing and screaming at the top of her lungs, Emerald is having the time of her life as he fucks her, her cunt tightening up around his dick again and again as she just… gives in. It's not like she's going to do anything else. She's his toy now, and as far as Emerald is concerned, she always has been and always will be. Grinning, Whitley tightens his grip on the thief's hair and yanks her head back. Her spine arches beautifully and her cunt muscles clench down all the harder around his cock.

His free hand wraps around her from behind, and he begins to play with and punish her tits to his heart's content, fucking her roughly while also grabbing and squeezing at her soft, dark-skinned breasts. He mauls them, frankly, and pinches and pulls on her nipples until she's squealing nice and loud, her entire body shaking and spasming.

She's got a bit of a masochistic flair to her as it turns out, which is funny because Whitley hadn't bothered to give her any kinks beyond a kink for him and making sure he was happy. Which means the masochism… that's all Emerald. The need to submit to authority is probably at least partially her as well, but Whitley hadn't been taking any chances there. He'd instilled a desire to obey his every order as if it were the gospel and he was her God into the thief. Emerald was never going to knowingly hurt him or what belonged to him ever again.

With a loud grunt, Whitley finally lets loose inside of the dark-skinned thief's womb, yanking back her green hair as he does so. He can't see it, but judging by her wanton cries of ecstasy, he can certainly imagine her red eyes are rolled back in her head and her tongue is lolled out of her mouth as she ahegaos from him cumming inside of her, from him plastering her insides with his seed.

When he's finished, Whitley pulls out and yanks Emerald back up off of the dining table by her hair.

"We're not done yet, Emerald. You've still got a long way to go if you're going to make it up to me."

Instantly, Emerald is alert, the naked young woman so very eager to please her new Master. Whitley wonders if she was as eager to please Cinder, before setting such thoughts aside for the time being. He has a Fall Maiden to save.


Amber's eyes flutter open, the Fall Maiden waking up with a groan. It takes a moment for her eyesight to adjust, but then to be fair, she's been in a coma for a while now. She's… cute, in a country girl sort of way that belies the power she holds within her. But most importantly of all, when the Fall Maiden's eyes finally do focus and they land upon Whitley… the bright, blinding smile that spreads across her face makes it clear everything has gone to plan.

"Master… you saved me."

Smirking easily, Whitley reaches out and gives Amber's hand a squeeze.

"You're damn right I did. Jaune, give her another boost, would you?"

It had been exactly like the Ambitious Schnee had thought. Using Emerald's semblance to make Jaune think both Weiss and Pyrrha were dying before him had been enough for the blond boy's own semblance to finally unlock. Said semblance was based around aura, just as Whitley had suspected. Specifically, Jaune could amplify aura, his own or others, and he could use that to heal those who were suffering from injuries or aura depletion.

Like Amber. It was Jaune who'd technically saved Amber, but it was Whitley who'd orchestrated it, and at the end of the day, they were all his in the first place. He'd merely used one tool to fix another tool, ultimately. Nodding with a certainty and confidence that he'd only gained with the discovery of his semblance and the realization that he held value towards Whitley, Jaune steps forward and lays his hands on Amber again, applying more of his semblance.

Now that she's awake to experience it, Amber's eyes widen, and her pupils dilate as her breathing stops for a moment. Her back arches, and she lifts somewhat off of the bed of the stasis pod she'd been in. After a moment, Jaune is done and pulls back… and Amber is looking even better than before. With a wide grin even bigger than her first, the Fall Maiden leaps right out of the pod she'd spent the last several months in, in a coma.

"Master! I… I've never felt better! It's like… it's like that bitch never even stole some of my powers! How'd you do that, Master? You're amazing!"

Well, Whitley wouldn't want to toot his own horn too much, so he settles for a smug grin and a nod of agreement. Of course, what Amber was saying was incredibly interesting… Cinder had actually managed to take a portion of the Fall Maiden's abilities? And yet, somehow Jaune's semblance had in turn been able to restore some of those abilities?

From what Whitley's research into the Maidens had uncovered, their powers seemed more akin to magic then anything properly understood. And yet, though aura was a quantifiable thing and relatively understood, semblances themselves were still so varied and so out there that it was pretty much impossible to ever understand them fully.

Was it really that surprising that semblances were closer to magic then technology? Not really, not when Whitley was of the opinion that magic was just sufficiently advanced technology they didn't understand yet. And Whitley wanted to understand it… one day.

For now, though, it seemed that Amber was no longer missing that portion of her Fall Maiden powers. Did that mean Cinder no longer had them? Or had Jaune's semblance regrown the missing portion in Amber, while leaving Cinder running around with the portion she'd stolen? Had the blond boy's ability somehow created MORE of the Maiden Powers then existed on Remnant before?

"M-Master… please, Master… I need it… I need you…"

Blinking, Whitley is pulled from his thoughts by the fact that Amber is… well, Amber is naked now, standing in front of him, spreading her pussy lips apart with her fingers and showing him how aroused she is right now as she offers herself to him with a blush. To be fair, she'd barely been wearing anything before, when she'd been in the pod. A white featureless bra across her chest and a white pair of panties across her crotch.

She's discarded both now though, much to Jaune's embarrassment as the boy averts his gaze and is very clearly in need of her Master's cock. Well, who is Whitley to deny his new weapon some… satisfaction? Stepping forward, he pushes Amber back against the pod behind her, which has closed in her absence. He pushes her against the glass lid, uses his knee to keep her legs spread, and fishes his cock out of his pants, pretty much all at the same time.

In response, Amber wraps her arms around his neck and moans, pulling him in close as Whitley kisses her savagely, dominating her mouth with his lips and his tongue. At the same time, his cock comes to her entrance… and slides right in, like she was made for him. And in a way, wasn't she? This whole world was his oyster. They were all made for him, even those who didn't know it yet. One day, they would learn… just as Amber was now learning.

Kissing her, Whitley begins to fuck the gorgeous, extremely powerful Fall Maiden, his hands coming down to her hips and lifting up her legs, which in turn quickly wrap around his waist as he pins her back to the slanted glass surface of the tube she'd been slept in. They fuck atop it, and he likes to imagine it's therapeutic for Amber, like by having sex atop her coma tube, she's putting the past behind her so she can take her rightful place at Whitley's side.

This isn't just another woman he's fucking right now. She's not just another conquest. Amber is the start of an even more exclusive collection, in Whitley's eyes. One he fully intends to complete before he's done. He's got the Fall Maiden in his grasp now, her legs and arms wrapped around his waist and neck. He's fucking her and she's moaning like a bitch in heat, begging for him, her Master, to fuck her harder.

But what about the other three seasons? What about Spring, Winter, and Summer? Where are the Maidens for those seasons located? Obviously, Whitley has every intention of finding out. He has every intention of tracking down the Maidens, or barring that, the Maiden Powers. His collection won't be complete until he's got all four, now will it?

For now, though, he's got other things to worry about. Amber is awake and alive and stronger than ever, and one hundred percent his. But Cinder doesn't know that, and he's fully aware that the plans that mad woman has set in motion at this point aren't going to stop just because Amber's no longer in a coma.

As the Fall Maiden cums around his cock again and again, Whitley is already thinking of what the future holds. Not the far flung future, in which Remnant as a whole bows down to him, but the immediate future, in which he's going to continue to suborn Cinder's plan, until the woman can no longer pull any of it off.

He's started things off right. Neo is his, Emerald is his, and Amber is his. All pieces of Cinder's plan that now belong exclusively to him. Amber is going to disappear once he's done with her here. She'll be joining his sister, with the Atlesian Military that is effectively under Whitley's control at this point. Ozpin won't even realize she's gone until it's too late, because Whitley has turned Glynda Goodwitch and the majority of the faculty against the oblivious Headmaster.

He might be running out of time, he might be pressured from all sides, he might be just a tad rushed… but that doesn't mean Whitley isn't still planning to win. With a vicious grin, he fills Amber with his seed, even as he continues to claim her mouth with his mouth, kissing her hungrily. This is the beginning of the end… and Whitley has full confidence that he'll succeed in all of his goals.

Pulling out of Amber, he lets her get up off of the glass surface of the tube. He's a little surprised when she then drops to one knee and bows her head like a particularly lewd knight swearing her fealty, but not all that shocked, in the end.

"Master… I am at your service."

With his cum dripping down her thigh and her head bowed, Amber looks… absolutely perfect. A wide grin spreads across Whitley's face. It was time to finish this, one way or another.


In the end, to avoid Cinder realizing something is wrong, Whitley is forced to let the Single Match between Pyrrha and Penny go forward as planned. Or… no, that's not entirely true. Sure, he doesn't want to alert Cinder to the fact that she's being tricked, but also, this represents a perfect opportunity for him. After all, if Penny's current body is destroyed, it means that there's a perfect reason for her to get a new body… one that's fully functional and ready to serve him in ways that her current body isn't.

With that in mind, Whitley allows things to play out as they should, albeit with both Pyrrha and Penny knowing the roles they're too play. Neither is too upset about what they have to do, especially not when it will serve their Master (and in Pyrrha's case, fiancé) so very well. Plus, Penny is excited to get a body that will allow for Whitley to fuck her as much as he likes. She's eager to try out all of the upgrades that he's made for her new form over the past few months.

Pyrrha is a little less eager to dismantle the gynoid, but at the same time, what choice do they have, in the end? And with a simple order from Whitley to avoid Penny's core at all costs, as well as the knowledge of WHERE Penny's core is, there's ultimately no danger of the robot girl actually dying. At the end of the day, Penny isn't human, for all that she has the capacity for a humans' intelligence or greater.

She can take a little friendly dismemberment between allies and come out the other side not just okay, but better and stronger than ever before.

Of course, Whitley has to rely on his glyphs and his girls to make sure the Singles Match goes off as it's supposed to. Because while Pyrrha and Penny are fighting and Cinder is distracted, Whitley is using Winter to get him onto the main Atlas ship holding Roman Torchwick. Converting the Criminal Mastermind to his side is quick enough, especially since Whitley has no desire to sample the goods with Roman in the same way he did Neo, Emerald, and Amber.

After that, it's a simple matter of having his pregnant big sister who's also an Atlesian Operative escort him to the control room, where he'd put in his own override code for the Atlesian Military's massive robotics division. This was Cinder's big plan, after all… turn the robots against their masters, attack the human populace of Vale, cause an inter-kingdom incident that would take months of careful politics to unknot and fix, and at the same time ferment enough unrest and negative emotions to bring an avalanche of Grimm down upon the Kingdom of Vale.

Rather than waiting for Cinder to have all the fun, Whitley sets it off early. He causes the robots to go haywire before his adversary is ready, prompting them to attack and alert the actual living Atlesian Military that something was wrong ahead of time. And then, before too much damage could be done, before the civilian casualties could mount, just as Cinder was enacting her plan to try and keep up with the robot rebellion by pushing for the White Fang to attack as well… Whitley 'heroically' reset the Atlesian bots.

Just in time too because the Grimm were already starting to show up. Needless to say, having the robots back on their side was a great boon to both the Atlesian Military and the Vale Security Forces they were working alongside. It was the opposite for the White Fang and the Grimm that were assaulting Vale. The Kingdom's defenses rallies, and its defenders made their stand and stood strong, something that Whitley had a feeling would not have gone the same way if he hadn't done what he did.

With his pregnant sister at his side, Whitley had had no problems taking charge of the counter-offensive, what with Ironwood currently being stuck on the ground and no one willing to countermand the young man who'd shown up with the code needed to fix the robots going haywire. He'd been fully prepared to be the one who saved the day, leading from the front and eager to defeat Cinder and her allies so he could finally bring them… into the fold.

However, that was before the Wyvern, as it would later be called, showed up. As far as Whitley had been concerned at the time, it was just a big honking Grimm Dragon, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. The thing had taken down the ship Whitley was leading the counter-offensive from, and then had began spawning Grimm by the bucket loads, swiftly beginning to overwhelm Vale's defenses in spite of everything.

It was unfortunate… but Whitley was forced to ultimately use his trump card, his semblance allowing him to summon himself to anyone who wore his glyphs, as well as summon anyone who wore his glyphs to him or each other, if need be. Like a massive network spread out through his mind, Whitley had a map of Vale, pinpointed with sparks of light represented by those under the control of his glyphs.

And with the advent of the massive Grimm Dragon, Whitley was forced to use it. Capitalizing on his summoning abilities, he repositioned his servants and himself across the city, wherever they were needed, ultimately leaving Winter with Amber alongside one of the surviving Atlesian Ships, in order to hopefully take deal with and take down the Wyvern itself.

The conflict was very clearly starting to reach its peak around the time Whitley felt a flash that told him Yang and Blake had run into serious trouble, allowing him to jump in and save his masochistic blonde pet from losing an arm at the very last second. The ensuing fight between him and Adam Taurus… it was clearly incredibly important to the bull faunus. It was obvious that this Adam thought they were adversaries of the highest caliber, that he was his nemesis, even.

But Whitley didn't have time for faunus with grudges. In the end, he'd summoned Blake to him in the midst of a clash with Taurus, which just so happened to put the cat faunus right behind the White Fang Commander. She hadn't even hesitated in the face of the threat to her Master, and Adam's mouth had gone slack as his head had rolled from his shoulders, the faunus distinctly dead.

Blake did look a little… shellshocked from what she'd just done, making him wonder just how close she and the White Fang Commander had once been. But before he could even consider exploring that, his scroll was ringing, and he was getting a call from Jaune.

"S-Sir! It's Pyrrha! She's f-fighting Cinder, in Beacon! She needs back up, but I can't… I'm too weak!"

Even if Jaune weren't the best fighter, even if this weren't over his head, Whitley would frankly have kept the other man on the sidelines anyways. His ability to heal with his semblance was one of the strongest tools in Whitley's arsenal, at this point. Near-death injuries were recoverable with Jaune still alive. Regardless, Whitley doesn't waste time telling Jaune he's on his way, or that he'll be there shortly.

Instead, he simply summons himself to Pyrrha's side, standing tall beside his future wife as Cinder Fall, the mad woman who started all of this insanity, snarls angrily.

"You! The Schnee Boy… I wonder how much I have to thank you for messing with my plans!"

Smiling slightly, Whitley shrugs, rolls his shoulders, spreads his arms… and promptly summons both Ruby and Weiss to his and Pyrrha's sides.

"All of it, as a matter of fact. Surrender now, and I promise your punishment will be… relatively light."

Because it didn't matter how crazy Cinder was, if he could get a glyph on her, he could make her sane again. Sane, in service to her Master like everyone else was. And yeah, Whitley could admit, he really, really wanted to fuck with this gorgeous crazy bitch. Also find out what the hell her real purpose in doing all of this was, and who her backers were, because she had to have some… but really, he mostly wanted to fuck her.

The phrase 'Don't stick your dick in crazy' didn't apply when you could wash the crazy away with some mind control, hah!

With a shriek of indignant rage, Cinder re-engages. But it's no longer a fight between a mad woman and the Invincible Girl… the Invincible Girl has back up now, and thanks to Whitley, the four of them move together, like a team, like they've been fighting side by side for decades despite their youth. With Ruby and Weiss and him backing Pyrrha up, it's immediately obvious the tides have turned, and that they're steadily backing Cinder into a corner.

However, try as he might, he's not able to get a glyph on her. He definitely makes a few attempts, but each one fails, the extremely dexterous, exceedingly skilled and dangerous woman bending out of the way, dodging attacks from all of them as she grits her teeth, eyes blazing with fury and power. But still, they're winning, and with it being four on one, Whitley has every expectation of them being able to pin Cinder down and take her alive long enough for him to plant a glyph on her bare skin and work his… magic.

However, that plan does not account for the arrival of a certain Grimm Dragon. When the Wyvern interrupts out of nowhere, tearing through the tower that they're all fighting in and sending Whitley and his girls scattering, the young Schnee can only curse in anger as he pushes himself to his feet.

He's just straightened up again when the arrow punches through his aura and into his chest. A choked off sound leaves Whitley's throat as he looks down at his chest, where he's been hit. In front of him, a dozen paces away, stands Cinder Fall with a triumphant grin on her face and her bow in hand. In the end… she'd managed to tag him before he could tag her.

As he falls back, Pyrrha and Weiss are there to catch him. Ruby would be too, but she's too busy screaming and glowing. As the world fades and things begin to go black for Whitley, his consciousness fleeing and his body shutting down, things actually seem to get brighter, surprisingly enough. The last thing he's sure that he sees for real is Ruby floating in the air, eyes glowing with brilliant silver light.

And then… nothing.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

If you'd like to contribute to funding my writing at all, check me out on P atreon.com/Cambrian

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