
the alphas trans mate.

The life of a trans girl caught in her mental and physical abuse gets dragged into a world of magic and werewolves.Danger and self exploration lurk at every corner.

queenalone · LGBT+
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4 Chs

chapter 1

I was walking down the path that lead to my little lakeside shed. My little hideaway from my parents they think it is just a phase but it is not it is not my choice to make I can't help who I am, jerks. I just bought a new dress so that's why I'm walking to my little shed it's where all my "girl" clothes are even though the concept of boys and girls clothes confuse me because clothing is just something you use to cover yourself up with and for the popular girls it's a fashion statement. I look up to the sun peeking through the trees making tiny little patches of shade and sunlight, I can hear the stream burbling somewhere off to the left. The smell of fresh pine and maple waft through my nose when I finally reach the shed. The lake glimmers in the sun just a bit away I may get my bathing suit out and swim I got a 2 piece last paycheck but of course, it didn't fit right for two reasons I'm flat-chested and that downstairs. I walk up to the shed's heavy door and take out the key and insert it into the cold metal lock and I hear a faint little click. The shed isn't fancy a wardrobe I dragged down here last summer made of walnut, a cot since in the summer I like to sleep in my nightgown and my parents won't let me wear it in the house, a table and some chairs. There is a propane camp stove where I bring food down and make dinner or I make a fire, my fishing poles in the corner, and the keys to my boat which is ironic because I like fishing just not eating the fish. I either sell them or give them to neighbors or friends. I go to the mirror and strip to my underwear and grab my bra from the wardrobe and find the silicone padding for them I grab my knife it's a fishing ultra knife with a serrated section and a gut hook on top full tang. I won it at my family Christmas a gift bag type deal I turn back to the package and gently slice the package open and the pretty black and teal dress fall out I set it on the bed. I grab my bra slip the padding and put the side of the clips to my chest to clip them and then I just rotated the padded section where my girl parts should be and then slipped my arms through the straps. A bird chirps outs as I walk over to the cot and pick up the dress and slip it over my head it fits perfectly with my fake bust and my long legs I started twirling and dancing just to see the pretty dress flow.*boom*. I jump as a loud thud. I quietly started stalking over to the window I hear voices picking up my knife I head outside to investigate not caring I was in my dress and no shoes.