
The Alpha Twins (B1)

Updates on Saturdays The Alpha Twins ~ Book 1 in the Wolf Trials ~ In a world like none other, there lives a boy named Kai and he is a very special guy. For one, Kai is an Omega boy which it’s not rare, but it’s very uncommon. But for whatever reason, Kai has been unable to find an Alpha to mate with. It was sad but Kai went on with life, not letting it bother him. But when not one, but two Alpha brothers come into his life, will Kai be prepared for everything that will happen next? The Hunters of the Moon ~ Book 2 in the Wolf Trials ~ After his parents were murdered, Jace was sold into the sex-trade where he was tortured for months – thankfully only beaten – and a specific hunter takes special interest in Jace. After Jace kills him, the hunter’s brother decides to make Jace’s life a living hell. After Jace is thrown back into the sex-trade as punishment, Jace loses hope that he was ever going to be able to get out of this life. That is until the bidder who wins him ends up being someone who turned over a new leaf, and is trying to do the right thing. Jace finally has a new family, someone he can count on, but he should’ve known that life doesn’t work that way and he is forced to flee once more. But this time, he isn’t afraid, and he will do whatever it takes to be happy again. Even if that means loving two wolves.

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31 Chs

The Wolf Ball 1.5


Christian Walker

I tried to hide my annoyance as my family and I walked through the crowded clearing, seeing the wolves gawk and fawn over us. I could smell the lust rolling off of the wolves in waves, and I desperately kept the mask of disgust from appearing on my face. Though we were all very good looking, the main reason anybody wants to be with us is because of our title, not for us. It sickens me beyond belief because Gio and I have been unable to meet the wolf who we wanted to be our mate.

Yes, my brother and I, we wish to share a mate. Ever since we could remember, we have shared this need to share everything and as we got older and did start dating, we felt the happiest when we were able to share our potential mate. But for the past couple of years, Gio and I haven't taken on a potential mate because everyone so far has only wanted us because of our title, and didn't want to be shared by us. It affects me, and I know that it affects Gio as well. We wish we could find a mate, because we feel a hole inside of us that needs to be filled by our mate's love.

Gio ~ ~ ~ Kit, look over there.

I was surprised to hear that lustful tone in his voice when he mind-linked me. I was confused for a moment, following his line of vision as we walked upon the stage where the royals were to be seated. As I watched wolves bow before us, I saw immediately what had caught Gio's attention, and I felt my mouth go dry as the immediate attraction shot through my body, my body heating up as I had the urge to jump off the stage and go claim the beautiful man that was the only person who was not bowing, but gazing off into space.

Beautiful was an understatement as to how to describe the man. He looked to be around 5'5", with fair skin, and a curvy body. I drank in the sight of him as I saw the black shirt that was slipping off his shoulder, exposing his beautiful, pale skin. He wore a pair of black leggings that hugged his curves, showing the length of his legs. He has pretty, shoulder-length wavy blonde hair that was pulled up in a half-ponytail. His eyes were a pretty gold color and his lips were a pretty pink color that were pulled into a small smile. I just wanted to keep staring at his face, but then to my frustration, the man beside him grabbed him by the back of his neck and forced him to bow. I stifled the growl that tried to escape me but I knew Gio was having a hard time as well.

Gio ~ ~ ~ I want to go talk to that man. I want him...

Kit ~ ~ ~ I understand, so do I.

All I could do was stare at the boy as he slowly got from his bowed position and I saw the man next to him nod at whatever. I growled along with Gio when the beautiful man stood up on his toes and gave the man a kiss on the cheek before he turned around and looked like he was heading to the food tent. Mom and dad were looking at us like we were crazy.

Theo ~ ~ ~ What are you two growling about over there?

I shrugged my shoulders and hopped off the stage, Gio right behind me as we headed in the direction of the food tent, desperately wanting to find the beautiful boy before he got away. Gio was growing impatient as well because he too wanted to find the boy and make him ours. Gio and I have never felt like this before and we haven't even spoken to the boy yet. Eventually, we did find him, but we were confused to see him talking to one of our elite warriors, Kody. Though it irritated both of us, Gio and I stayed back to see what was happening.

"What are you doing here, Kody?" The boy asked softly, his voice a sweet tone that sent a shot straight to my core.

"Well for one, the ball." Kody replied as he crossed his arms over his chest, and he looked pretty annoyed, "and two, I wanted to see you."

Excuse me? The boy didn't look very happy either. If I didn't know any better, I wouldn't have noticed the clear pain that was in this boy's eyes. How dare that lowly bastard cause this boy pain?

"Why did you want to see me after what you did?" The boy demanded, looking like he was fighting both anger and pain.

A dark expression crossed Kody's face as he frowned and replied, "you wouldn't understand, Kai. What I had done, I did it to protect you."

So his name is Kai? That's a beautiful name...

Kai laughed, but it sounded bitter and forced, "you did it to protect me? You HUMILIATED me in front of the whole school and broke my heart and now what? You think you're just going to try to walk back into my life now? No, I don't think so. I don't want anything to do with you, and I want you to just leave me alone. That's the least you can do for me after what you put me through."

Kody rolled his eyes and scoffed, "it's been two years, Kai, get over it."

Okay, that guy just needs a punch to the face. But surprisingly, Kai turned on his heel and started to walk away from Kody. I saw the shock cross Kody's face as if he couldn't believe that Kai had just walked away from him, but I immediately noticed when it was anger that quickly replaced it and he marched after Kai. Gio and I followed, knowing that this could end badly.

"Come on, Kai, we were perfect together." Kody pleaded, but to me, he sounded pretty pathetic, "I know you're not mated, so that must mean you are still single. Become mine, I won't leave you again."

I was shocked when Kai did stop and he turned around. The expression on Kai's face was unreadable, but Kody was looking down at Kai with hopeful and pleading eyes. Kai looked like he was going to be sick, and he shook his head, seemingly pissing off Kody even more.

"I'm sorry, Kody, but that'll never happen." Kai said softly.

Kody took a threatening step towards Kai, and I knew I needed to move, "you-"

I came up behind Kai, my eyes looking at Kody who seemed to notice now that Gio and I had approached. Kai seemed to freeze up, and I could hear his heart pounding in his chest. Kody's eyes met mine, and his whole expression went blank. I greedily inhaled Kai's scent, and I detected a hint of vanilla but it wasn't too strong. Can I just get closer to him? Just this once?

"Hello, Alphas." Kody grumbled, not too pleased to see me there.

"Kody." I greeted, inching closer to Kai, "what's going on here?"

Kody shrugged his shoulders, and said, "this is my ex, Kai. I'm just trying to convince him to come back to me."

I felt Kai's back brush against my front, and I decided that was close enough. Gio stood beside me, his attention fully on Kody. Gio looked like he was ready to attack Kody at any moment. Kody seemed to finally notice how close I was to Kai, and his jaw clenched in clear anger but he didn't dare to say anything.

"Kai, let's go." Kody held out his hand, and I wanted to rip his hand off for daring to order Kai to do anything, "let's go talk somewhere more private. Okay?"

Kai shrunk back into me for protection, and I was severely pleased. But it pissed me off that Kai was clearly afraid of Kody and he went to me to protect him, even if it was unknowingly. I don't think Kai noticed, but I wrapped an arm loosely around his midsection, reveling in how soft and warm he felt. I held him close to me and without any hesitation, I leaned down and scented him, running my nose along the top of his hair. He smells so good... I didn't realize how much attention we were drawing but the man from earlier came barreling through the crowds, eyes dark and furious.

"You son of a bitch!" The man snarled in Kody's face, fangs bared, "after that bullshit you pulled two years ago, I told you to stay far away from Kai. I should beat the shit out of you. Stay away from my son, you no good bastard. Kai deserves better than you, and he doesn't need you hurting him once more."

So this is Kai's father... that's a relief.

Kody glared at the father, his hands balling into fists, "all I was doing was apologizing to Kai and asking him for another chance. I made a mistake. I want to fix it."

A mewl of pain escaped Kai, making me hold him closer, "I don't care if what you did was a 'mistake' and you want to fix it. I will NEVER give you another chance. I want nothing to do with you so leave me alone."

Kody's jaw had clenched and he glanced between Kai and his father and I wondered if he thought he was going to try and take Kai away. Kody eventually huffed and rolled his eyes. His eyes stayed locked on Kai's and he smirked slightly.

"That's fine. Who would want a whore anyways." Kody said coldly.

That bastard! Gio looked like he was going to attack, but Kody stuffed his hands into his pockets and strode off, whistling to himself. Kai's dad looked pissed but he turned around, and I could see the surprise on his face when he saw Gio and I with Kai. He cleared his throat, looking confused.

Kai's dad must've told Kai in mind-link because Kai's face went bright red and he squirmed slightly in my hold so I would loosen his grip on me. I growled lowly, not wanting to let him go, but I did release him. Kai took a step forward and spun around, his eyes widening when he saw us.

"Kai, this is Alpha Christian and Alpha Giovanni." Kai's dad introduced us, "Alphas, this is my son, Kai."

"Hello." Kai said softly, staring at us, but not meeting our eyes, "um, thank you for helping me, Alpha-"

"You may call me Kit." I replied, wanting to keep hearing him talk, "and this is Gio."

Kai's face went even more red if that was even possible, "oh, um, thank you, Kit."

"It's no problem at all." I murmured before I turned my attention to his dad, "after the ball is over, Gio and I would like to talk to you and your mate if that is alright-"

"Jordan." Kai's dad murmured, his expression blank, "and yes, that'll be fine. We can house you guys tonight if you want since it'll be so late. My mate makes delicious food."

I couldn't help but smile, "that sounds like a good idea then. I will see you then."

I looked Kai over one last time before I turned around and walked away. Gio didn't move for a moment but soon after, I could hear him following me. I ignored all the stares I was getting because I was just too happy. Hopefully after tonight, Gio and I will finally have our mate.