
The Alpha Twins (B1)

Updates on Saturdays The Alpha Twins ~ Book 1 in the Wolf Trials ~ In a world like none other, there lives a boy named Kai and he is a very special guy. For one, Kai is an Omega boy which it’s not rare, but it’s very uncommon. But for whatever reason, Kai has been unable to find an Alpha to mate with. It was sad but Kai went on with life, not letting it bother him. But when not one, but two Alpha brothers come into his life, will Kai be prepared for everything that will happen next? The Hunters of the Moon ~ Book 2 in the Wolf Trials ~ After his parents were murdered, Jace was sold into the sex-trade where he was tortured for months – thankfully only beaten – and a specific hunter takes special interest in Jace. After Jace kills him, the hunter’s brother decides to make Jace’s life a living hell. After Jace is thrown back into the sex-trade as punishment, Jace loses hope that he was ever going to be able to get out of this life. That is until the bidder who wins him ends up being someone who turned over a new leaf, and is trying to do the right thing. Jace finally has a new family, someone he can count on, but he should’ve known that life doesn’t work that way and he is forced to flee once more. But this time, he isn’t afraid, and he will do whatever it takes to be happy again. Even if that means loving two wolves.

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31 Chs

Mate 1.2

Eventually, I got out of bed and got ready for the day. After moments of tormenting myself on what to wear, I finally settled on a pair of black leggings, a white t-shirt, and black converse. I pulled my hair up into a half ponytail, and put on a little bit of makeup. I decided against perfume, because I know that I have a good, natural smell that gets ruined by perfume. I made my way back downstairs and that's when I saw mom and dad sitting in the living room with Kit and Gio. But what I wasn't expecting was to see Theodore and Aurora Walker, their parents.

I froze when I saw them, suddenly realizing that it is not normal to have the ex Alpha and Luna in our home, because they did not socialize much with those who weren't their family, or other Royals. The last time they had visited anybody who wasn't that, it was the family of a warrior who had been killed in an attack from another pack. Did they know that Gio and Kit wanted me to be their mate? Are they going to accept me, or are they going to get them to change their minds about me? All eyes turned to me, and though Theodore's face was passive, not giving out what he was thinking, Aurora's face lit up with a huge smile and she jumped to her feet. I couldn't help the flinch back as she rushed towards me, grabbing my hands and shaking them excitedly.

"You must be Kai!" Aurora said excitedly, her green eyes a spitting image of Kit's, "oh, you are so pretty! After what happened last time, I never thought these two were going to find a mate. And from what I've heard, you are just perfect for my boys."

I glanced back at Kit and Gio who were watching this, and I swear there was just amusement clear in their eyes, "um, thank you? I just found this out myself a little while ago that they saw me as a potential mate. But it's my choice in the end, is what I was told."

"Are my boys not up to standard?" Aurora asked, looking really confused.

I was taken back a little bit, a little worried that she thought they weren't good enough, "I mean, we just met last night. I don't want to rush into a mating, and I'm sure they don't either."

Aurora looked even more confused, "Theo and I were mated within a few days of knowing each other, so what's the difference?"

"My son will not be forced into a mating that he isn't sure about." Dad growled, not looking very pleased, "when he is ready to mate, then he will do it. But he will not be pressured into feeling he is obligated to mate with them just because of who they are. I'm just making that very clear."

And once again, eyes turned to me for answers.

I flushed once more, and averted my eyes, "I feel a connection to Gio and Kit, but I don't want to rush it. I too had a bad falling out in a relationship, and I just want things to go right. Is that okay?"

Sympathy filled Aurora's eyes, and she nodded, "oh yes, honey, I completely understand. You take all the time you need, and Gio and Kit can stay here to court you or you can come back with us to our home. We have a very good training camp up there and you could meet some friends, train, and get to know them better. I-"

Dad shot to his feet and marched out of the living room, smoke practically coming out of his ears. Kit and Gio rose to their feet and followed after my father, and I had no idea how well that was about to go. Aurora went down and sat beside mom, and mom and her began to discuss whatever. My eyes locked with Theodore's and he motioned me to come over and sit next to him. I nervously went over and sat beside Theodore, my heart racing in my chest. I fiddled with my fingers, wondering why he wanted me to sit here.

"So, who was this person that you were in a relationship with that hurt you?" Theodore asked me, a dangerous look in his eyes, "because I can promise you this, Kit and Leo, they aren't like that. After what that piece of shit did to them many years ago, they have been very cautious about who they allow to be their potential mate. And I have this... vibe that comes off of you that you are a good boy, and I think you will make them happy. I don't want to take you away from your home, nor will I force you to be with them, but I would give them a serious chance to show you that they will make you happy."

"I was told about him." I murmured, remembering how I was told how he had basically played them, and attempted to have Gio killed, "he was executed right?"

Theodore nodded, an even darker look in his eyes, "yes, I was still Alpha at the time, and soon after I had found out what he had planned, I put him on trial. I remember the devastated look on Kit's face when he found out what Eren had done. Gio had seemed passive, because Eren had played them and had attempted to have him killed. He was executed by beheading. It was a quick, merciful death. If I had it my way, I would have had him tortured to death."

"His name was Eren?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, Eren Olson. He was a beautiful boy, very cunning. Honestly, he was the opposite of you. While you look like an angel, Eren was a demon in disguise. He had fair skin, and had shoulder-length wavy black hair and grey eyes." Theodore sighed, rubbing his eyes, "even on his deathbed, and even after he was caught, he did not say anything except for this one sentence that would haunt me for a long time. He said to Gio, 'I should have killed you a long time ago'.

I pursed my lips, "he said that to Gio? That's horrible."

"You can understand why Gio and Kit don't get close to anybody." Theodore murmured, before he met my eyes directly once more, "so, who was this boy that hurt you?"

Before I could say anything else, an all too familiar voice sounded in the doorway, "Kai?"


Kody stood in the doorway of the living room, taking in the people of the room before his eyes locked with mine once more, confusion clear in his eyes. I could see the question there, probably wondering why the Royal family was here with my family. Probably wondering why Theodore sat beside me in close proximity. But my biggest confusion is why is Kody inside my home? I didn't hear the doorbell go off, nor any knock. But it seems as if Theodore and Aurora know who Kody is.

"Kody, what are you doing here?" Aurora asked curiously, looking like she was very fond of Kody, "is Silas with you?"

Silas? Whose that?

"Um, no, he stayed back home." Kody murmured, glancing once more at me nervously, but I don't think anybody besides me noticed, "I came here to see Kai. What are you guys doing here?"

"Well, we came to meet Kit and Gio's potential mate that they had taken an interest in." Aurora replied, and I saw the anger that appeared in Kody's eyes, "how do you know Kai?"

Kody's eyes met mine, and I could tell he was really pissed, "well, Kai and I used to date. I wanted to come and see him to clear up the mess that had happened last night."

"You're the jerk who hurt him?" Theodore asked, his eyes narrowed to slits, "I never would have thought you to be that kind of guy, Kody. And although you have your potential mate who you have been courting, you walk into Kai's home without permission to see somebody that you had hurt. That makes no sense."

Kody tensed, but he spoke calmly, "I apologize, Theo, it wasn't my intention. I had seen Kai last night and we had talked, and I was hoping that we could rekindle our friendship because before we dated, we were best friends. I had no ill intent. I came here to apologize to him once more, but I see that it came off wrong."

I was mad, because this was utter bullshit that he was spewing. He wants to get back with me, but here he has a potential mate that he is pursuing back home. Is he trying to have two mates or something? Because with Kody, that'll never happen. Over my dead body.

"Kai, do you want him here?" Theodore asked me gently.

I could see mom looking over at me, and she too looked nervous. I know she hasn't said anything to not disrespect Aurora and Theodore since they had seemed to be fond of Kody, but I didn't care too much about that. Whether they are Royals, this is my home, and those I don't want in my home, don't need to be here. But it seems like I didn't need to do anything because Gio had appeared behind Kody, a dark expression on his face.

"Kody, why are you here?" Gio growled, looking not too pleased, "I thought this was all settled last night."

"I just came to apologize." Kody replied, bowing his head respectfully, "I just learned that you and Kit see Kai as a potential mate for courting. Congratulations."

Gio made his way over and sat down beside me, slinging an arm around my shoulders, and holding me close to him in a protective, possessive way, "thank you. Kai is perfect, and I don't have any intentions of giving him up to anybody unless Kai decided he didn't want us."

"I see." Kody looked like he wanted to fight this, but knew it was not a good idea to do so, "well, you're lucky then. But I'll be heading out then. It would be a good idea for me to get home, and to continue courting Silas."

That was a blow to the gut, but it wasn't a jealousy one. It was a hurt one, because while Kody and I were together, I thought it would be us, and that he would be courting me as we got old enough. But I realized now that Kody was not the guy for me, and I needed to make that clear to him so he would leave me alone... and I didn't mind Gio and Kit being my mate for the long run. I leaned into Gio, ignoring all the shocked looks as I nuzzled myself into Gio, smiling sweetly at Kody.

"Thank you," I told him softly, shrugging my shoulders, "I'm sure we will all be very happy."

I could feel Gio's eyes directly on me, his arm tightening slightly around me to press me closer to him. Kody seemed to notice this as well, and it seems to me he had gotten the point, as his shoulders slumped slightly, and he looked utterly defeated.

"Well, if you ever need to talk about anything, Kai, you know how to get a hold of me." Kody grumbled before he turned around, and headed out of the house.

I didn't feel guilty one bit, because Kody was in the wrong here. I felt bad for this Silas guy because Kody was sure of himself for trying to get back with me while he has been courting that guy. It just isn't right if you ask me, and I wondered if I could somehow get a hold of that guy to tell him what Kody had done. But I couldn't help but wonder if it would be worth the trouble.

"You handled that well." Theodore murmured, rising to his feet, "Aurora and I should be heading out now. Gio and Kit will be allowed to stay here for a little while to see what'll happen. I hope you make the right choice, Kai. It was nice to meet you."

"It was nice to meet you, Kai." Aurora hugged me, looking like she was about to start crying, "I hope you do become my son-in-law."

And with that said, they had left, holding hands as they went. Mom rose to her feet, saying something about finding her husband and wherever Kit went. Now alone, I was about to turn to Gio, when he did something I wasn't expecting. Gio turned his head and leaned closer, pressing his lips against my neck, and started littering my neck with kisses, his canines scraping gently against the tender flesh. My body heated up and I wondered what did I just got myself into.

"You don't know how hard it is to control myself." Gio growled huskily, breathing heavily as he leaned his head into my shoulder, "I've never wanted anybody as much as I want you. I know you don't want to rush things, Kai, but hell, you ARE my mate. No, you are OUR mate. If you consented to it, I would mark you here and now. I have no doubts, Kai. I've never wanted to talk outloud after what had happened with our ex, but meeting you, all I want to do is talk to you. I want you, if you will have me. If you will have us."

I felt the couch dip on the other side of me, and I jumped when I felt a large, warm hand rest on my thigh. My head whipped around, and I saw it had been Kit who had sat beside me, and his and Gio's scent mixed together, overwhelming my senses, and my wolf stirred, the Omega side of me yearning for his Alphas. I was stunned though, because my wolf claimed Gio and Kit as his Alphas. Their wolves were his mates. He wanted them, and only them. So what does any normal wolf do in these situations?

I leaned forward and I pressed my lips against Gio's.

Sparks practically flew as my lips pressed against his, and I marveled at how soft his lips felt against mine. Gio had stiffened slightly, his eyes blown wide, as I placed my hand on his chest, feeling his heart pounding in his chest under my palm. But seeing as Gio was not kissing me back, I pulled away from him, frowning.

"Is there some kind of problem?" I asked softly.

Gio snapped out of whatever daze he was in, and growled, "no."

He reached out, and fisted his hand in my hair gently and dragged my face back to his, kissing me with a passion that I just was not expecting. The kiss was hot and heavy, and I parted my lips, allowing his tongue to tangle with mine. The kiss was becoming almost animalistic, and Gio was growling softly as he continued to kiss me. His other hand slipped beneath my shirt, and I moaned out as his hand trailed up and lightly ghosted over my nipple.

Kit growled from behind me, pressing up against my back, "Gio, it's my turn."

Gio broke our kiss, but it seemed like he was a little resistant to do so. Kit gently grabbed my cheek, and turned my face so that his lips met mine. Although they were twins, when it comes to kissing, they were very different. While Kit was more gentle, Gio was more rough. Gio whined slightly and pressed against my side, nuzzling his face into my neck, peppering kisses up and down my neck. I shivered slightly as I felt his canines dragging along my skin, not hard enough to penetrate, but enough for me to feel them there. Is he going to mark me?

I broke the kiss with Kit, and I turned my attention to Gio, "Gio, what are you doing?"

"I won't mark you." Gio promised, sighing slightly as he rested his forehead onto my shoulder, "even though I really want to. I will wait until you give me permission to do so."

Gio was scenting me though, rubbing himself against me as it will mix his scent with mine. Although this is temporary, it normally wards off unmated males who could possibly be a threat. I didn't mind though, because if it was selfish of me, I don't know, but then my scent would also rub off on them. But what we were doing now, we probably should've remembered where we were, and how my father would react if he saw this.

Just like he did now...

"So, I think I was just overreacting, so that I-" Dad started as he walked into the living room, but he came to a sudden halt when he took in the situation going on, "what the fuck?!"

I jumped to my feet and shielded Kit and Gio from my father's wrath, "dad, don't blame them." Dad was still growling at them, canines extended and claws out, "dad, I KISSED them!"

Dad froze, his claws and canines slowly retracting, "what?"

"My wolf, he sees Gio and Kit as his mate." I explained softly, feeling the Alphas' eyes staring hard at me, "and... I don't think I would mind being their mate. I feel connected to them, and they seem to be very nice. Dad, wouldn't you want me to mate with somebody who is strong and kind to me? And on top of it, there are two of them. I know I'm your only child, and I know you want to protect me because of what happened with Kody, and because you see me as this fragile wolf who can't protect himself. I know I'm not the strongest wolf out there, but I am not weak."

Dad's eyes softened.

Dad ~ ~ ~ I know you are not weak, Kai, and I have never seen you as weak. But you are my little boy, you are my only child. I can't help that I feel protective of you. And I'm not going to apologize for it either.

Kai - - - I know, dad, but you need to trust me.

Dad - - - They are going to take you away from here, Kai.

Kai - - - And if that's the case, that doesn't mean I can't come and visit. And then you come and visit me, too. You have to let me go at some point.

Dad - - - I thought I would have a few more years...

Tears filled my eyes, and I raced over to my dad. I put my arms around him, and I hugged him. He hugged me back, gripping me in a tight embrace. I inhaled my dad's scent, the familiar scent that I have grown up with for most of my life. I knew this would happen, and dad did too. But maybe I won't need to leave as soon as possible.


After a few moments of silence, dad pulled back, and his eyes were so watery, and he looked like at any moment, he was about to cry. Dad was not an easy man, and he was tough. He was not somebody who just cried over nothing. So to see him standing here, eyes full of tears, my heart clenched but I knew that it was time to move on in life. And I could see that in dad's eyes. He was ready to let me go...

Dad turned his attention to Gio and Kit, and his expression was stern, "I will tell you two this only once, so pay attention."

Well, dad didn't give two shits that he wasn't being disrespectful to the Royals, but they didn't seem to mind.

"If I give you my son, you WILL take care of him, and you will protect him." Dad growled, but I could see the pain in his eyes, "if you use him, or hurt him in any way that is basically bullshit, I will hunt you down, and you will wish you had never crossed me. Kai, he is my everything to me and his mother. And when he wants to come home and see us, you will allow him to. He will not be tied down to one spot. He can come and go as he wishes in my home. Are we clear?"

"Of course." Kit replied, nodding his head, "Gio and I will take care of Kai. You don't have to worry about that one bit."

"But, it will be a little different when we do have pups." Gio spoke up, and my eyes widened in surprise that he had the balls to say that to dad, "then you will have to come to him because I don't want him traveling during those times."

Dad's eyes narrowed, "I hope you wait a few years before starting to do that."

Gio opened his mouth, and I really feared what he was going to dare to say to my dad. But Kit had shot out and covered Gio's mouth, probably knowing that whatever Gio was going to say, it would piss my father off even more. Kit gave Gio a look, more than likely mind-linking him about whatever. And then, Kit turned his attention back to dad.

"Everything that happens, it'll be because Kai wants it." Kit replied, his eyes meeting mine briefly, "we will never do something without his consent. I swear on everything that we hold true."

Dad still didn't look very happy, but he nodded either way, "okay, I can respect that." Dad then turned his attention back to me, "I have a few things I need to go and do with mom, so I will be gone for a couple of hours. Why don't you show the Alphas around town, and from what Christian was telling me earlier, he wanted to introduce you to their friends."

That made me a little nervous, but I nodded nonetheless, "okay, I will do that."

Dad kissed the top of my head before he shot one last stern look at Gio and Kit, before he turned around and left the house. I motioned over to Gio and Kit to follow me, and they rose to their feet, standing on either side of me, and we walked out of my house. I locked the door behind us, and I stuffed the key into my pocket.

"What do you guys want to see first?" I asked them curiously.

"Let's go meet our friends." Kit replied, reaching down and holding my hand in his, and I flushed as his hand practically swallowed mine, "they are going to be staying here at the hotel part until we decide to head home here in a couple of days. We all grew up together, and they are really nice. I think you will like them."

"Do they want to meet me?" I asked softly.

I jumped slightly as Gio slipped his hand into my other one, and we started walking through the village, attracting the attention of those who were out, "yes, they really want to meet you. They have been waiting for us to want a mate, or to find a potential one."

"When we told them that we had found a potential mate, they basically went crazy." Kit agreed, a slight smile on his face, "they were so excited, but when we told them that we hadn't discussed it with you yet, and that we needed to ease into it... well, they were pretty disappointed there but they are very good people. They will like you, Kai, because as our potential mate, you will be the future Luna of the pack. It is their job to protect you, as well as everybody who can in the pack. Because you are the Alphas' mate, you are the top priority, and when we do decide to have pups, they will be as well."

I blushed, "I, um, I want to wait a few years before having pups."

"We respect that." Kit murmured, "we would never force that on to you, but I have to warn you, Kai. As Alphas, we have our ruts every New Moon, as you have your heats once a month. We would never force you into anything, I promise. But when those times come, you need be somewhere else away from us. Mating outside of ruts and heats, we are sane enough to know to put on a condom and such, but in your heat, you'll be a mess, and in our ruts, we are not sane enough besides wanting to mate. And that'll be the likely time that you would get pregnant."

"My heat cycles are irregular." I admitted, feeling their eyes on me, "the doctor said that once I become marked, my heat cycles will become regular. So I have to be honest, I don't know when my heats will happen. It could range between weeks to months."

"Well, as long as we are not in rut, we won't have much to worry about." Kit promised.

I nervously bit on my bottom lip, but I did not say anything else. I had never really thought about my heat, because I've never had to worry about it before. But now that I have met them, and they are around me so often, I can't help but worry that this could send my heat sooner than I was expecting. Can I trust them to do the right thing while I'm in heat? Is it possible they could go into rut while doing so?

I feel that I can trust them, but can we trust our wolves?