
The Alpha Twins (B1)

Updates on Saturdays The Alpha Twins ~ Book 1 in the Wolf Trials ~ In a world like none other, there lives a boy named Kai and he is a very special guy. For one, Kai is an Omega boy which it’s not rare, but it’s very uncommon. But for whatever reason, Kai has been unable to find an Alpha to mate with. It was sad but Kai went on with life, not letting it bother him. But when not one, but two Alpha brothers come into his life, will Kai be prepared for everything that will happen next? The Hunters of the Moon ~ Book 2 in the Wolf Trials ~ After his parents were murdered, Jace was sold into the sex-trade where he was tortured for months – thankfully only beaten – and a specific hunter takes special interest in Jace. After Jace kills him, the hunter’s brother decides to make Jace’s life a living hell. After Jace is thrown back into the sex-trade as punishment, Jace loses hope that he was ever going to be able to get out of this life. That is until the bidder who wins him ends up being someone who turned over a new leaf, and is trying to do the right thing. Jace finally has a new family, someone he can count on, but he should’ve known that life doesn’t work that way and he is forced to flee once more. But this time, he isn’t afraid, and he will do whatever it takes to be happy again. Even if that means loving two wolves.

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31 Chs

Dead Reunion 1.2

Kai Evans

I honestly had no idea how this was going to go after I mindlinked Kit and Gio while I stood on my front porch, my arms crossed over my chest as I waited for them to appear. I could sense Eren's nervousness beside me as he cautiously peered out into the woods, no doubt waiting for my mates to appear as well. I hated it though, because I was... honestly, a little jealous. I know I have nothing to be jealous of, seeing how what he did ruined everything, but he was their first love, and although I am their last, he was still their potential mate, and they wanted him before they wanted me... Eren is beautiful, there just isn't any doubt about it, and it relaxes me a little bit to know that he has a mate, and he's pregnant, but it just makes me feel a little uneasy. I know I spoke tough words earlier, but I couldn't help but wonder if things were different, if Kit and Gio would choose to go back to him and leave me behind to suffer the consequences...

I didn't have to ponder on that thought too long as Kit and Gio barreled out of the trees and shifted into their human forms, frantic looks on their faces. I hated the fact that they were naked and on full display, but when they were a few feet away, they finally seemed to notice Eren as they came to a sudden halt, eyes wide, and I could see anger and confusion clearly on their faces as they stared at Eren, not even looking at me which hurt a little, but I can only imagine what they are thinking in this moment.

"Eren?" Gio's voice cracked and you could hear the anger and pain in his voice.

I saw Eren shift a little so he was behind me slightly, and smiled slightly, "Giovanni, Christian, it's... good to see you."

I should have seen this coming as a snarl escaped Gio as his face contorted into rage as he lunged forward, claws extended as he looked ready to tear Eren to shreds. I saw Eren cringe behind me, no doubt ready for the attack, but I wasn't going to allow it to happen. I stepped forward and held my arms out, blocking Gio's murderous path to get to Eren. Gio's eyes were dark and filled with rage as they met mine, and I saw the hurt in his eyes.

"Why are you stopping me?" Gio demanded, his voice tight with barely controlled rage, "you- you know who this is right? What he did? What he tried to do?"

"Yes, Gio, I know." I whispered softly, and I stepped closer, resting my hand on his chest as I forced him to look at me, not at Eren, "I understand what you're feeling right now. I- I never expected to see him either, but he's not here to fight. He's not here to cause any trouble. He just needs your help in saving his mate. Can you hear him out?"

Gio stiffened slightly as he glared now at Eren, "wow, you didn't try to kill this mate now did you, Eren? Frankly, it quite surprises me that anyone would want to be with you knowing what kind of person you are! Did you even tell your mate what you tried to do? Or did you keep it your dirty little secret, you son of a bitch?!"

Eren flinched back, and tears filled his eyes, "I- I know you won't believe me, Giovanni, but I'm sorry. I have no excuses for what I did, but yes, I did tell my mate what I did. I'm not the same person that I was five years ago. But my pup and I need my mate and he's badly injured but they won't treat him since he's a rogue. They need your permission to treat him! I just need that and then I will leave for good! I promise!"

Gio's eyes flit to Eren's stomach and his jaw clenched, "great. Another bastard thing to deal with. I don't give a shit, Eren, you, your pup, and your mate can go die for all I care. I'm not helping you."

Gio spun around and started to walk away, and I reached out for him, trying to stop him. Gio shrugged me off though, and when he turned his head to look at me, I froze when I saw the cold look in his eyes as he stared at me.... like I was a bad guy. Like he... hated me.

"And you," he whispered in a soft voice, "you disappoint me the most right now."

And then, he was gone.

My heart hurt hearing those words come out of Gio's mouth, never having seen him look at me or talk to me that way before, and I took a step in the direction that he went, fully ready to go after Gio and try to talk to him, to do anything to not have him look at me like I had betrayed him, but Kit stopped me. My eyes met his, and I knew he could see the tears in my eyes, but his jaw clenched and he shook his head at me.

"Don't follow him." Kit whispered, looking warily back at Eren who was standing beside his brother and Alaric, "right now, he needs time to cool off. This, well, this just wasn't something either of us were expecting, so I'm sure it came as quite a big shock to him."

"He's mad at me." I whispered, my voice cracking slightly, "Kit, he looked at me like I had betrayed him."

Kit smiled, but it was tight and unsympathetic, "yes, I know, but you kind of did, Kai. Eren, he tried to kill Giovanni, and you basically protected him."

"He's pregnant!" I protested, crossing my arms over my chest as I pulled away from him, "I understand what he did was wrong, and I'm not saying you should forgive him for what he did, because it is unforgivable. But he is pregnant, and looks to me has changed for the better, and all he is asking for is our help to save his mate, and then he will be gone. I don't think that's unreasonable, Kit!"

Kit's eyes darkened, and he sighed, "you wouldn't understand, Kai. You weren't the one he wanted to kill, and honestly, he should be dead right now. I'm going to have to have a talk with mom and dad about this as well, since they went behind our backs and let him live. If I'm being truly honest with you Kai, I could care less if him or his mate dies. The world would be better off!"

That pissed me off.

"I understand." Eren whispered, bowing his head, "thank you, Kai, I appreciate you at least trying for me. I know it probably took a lot for you to do so, given what I did in the past. I will leave now, so I can spend my time with my mate before he passes."

I could practically hear the pain in his voice, and even though I couldn't quite see his face, I knew instantly that he was crying. I turned to Kit, and he was glowering at Eren who didn't seem to notice, too focused on hugging his brother and Alaric goodbye.

"You're not going anywhere!" Kit growled, crossing his arms over his chest, "you do realize you should be dead, so I-"

"Your mom and dad pardoned me!" Eren snapped, eyes full of tears as he glared at Kit, "and I understand that you hate me, and want nothing to do with me, but now you're taking this out on my mate and my CHILD who are innocent. But you don't have to worry. When my mate dies, I will surely follow him."

He had turned away to leave, and I grabbed his wrist, stopping him, "no, I won't let that happen. Christian, you will grant permission for that hospital to work on his mate, or I won't be with you."

Kit looked shocked, "you have our mark, I-"

"Just because you marked me, doesn't mean I need to be with you" I growled back, gently holding Eren's hand as I could see him watching me with shocked, but hopeful eyes, "I'm not going to be with Alphas who hold onto grudges and let an innocent person die in the process. I understand what you guys feel towards Eren, I do, but you need to be the better person."

I was very nervous, knowing I had just challenged my Alpha mate, knowing that I could easily lose him in the process. He stared back at me, his expression unreadable, but I knew he was mad and hurt. I couldn't stop myself though, as I knew I couldn't just let somebody die because of something that happened years ago. I knew I was defying my mate, just praying that he could forgive me for this. He sighed, scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay, I will give him permission to be treated." Kit whispered, turning away from us.

I relaxed slightly, feeling very thankful, "thank y-"

Kit looked at me over his shoulder, a cold look in his eyes, "but I hope it was worth it, Kai, because I'm not so sure if you are really meant for us anymore."

My heart cracked in two as he walked away from me, and my vision blurred slightly as I fell to my knees, Eren shouting in response as he caught me before I toppled down the stairs. I reached out towards Kit, trying to form words to bring him back to me but nothing seemed to get past my lips as I helplessly watched him walk away.

They both... left me.