
The Alpha Twins (B1)

Updates on Saturdays The Alpha Twins ~ Book 1 in the Wolf Trials ~ In a world like none other, there lives a boy named Kai and he is a very special guy. For one, Kai is an Omega boy which it’s not rare, but it’s very uncommon. But for whatever reason, Kai has been unable to find an Alpha to mate with. It was sad but Kai went on with life, not letting it bother him. But when not one, but two Alpha brothers come into his life, will Kai be prepared for everything that will happen next? The Hunters of the Moon ~ Book 2 in the Wolf Trials ~ After his parents were murdered, Jace was sold into the sex-trade where he was tortured for months – thankfully only beaten – and a specific hunter takes special interest in Jace. After Jace kills him, the hunter’s brother decides to make Jace’s life a living hell. After Jace is thrown back into the sex-trade as punishment, Jace loses hope that he was ever going to be able to get out of this life. That is until the bidder who wins him ends up being someone who turned over a new leaf, and is trying to do the right thing. Jace finally has a new family, someone he can count on, but he should’ve known that life doesn’t work that way and he is forced to flee once more. But this time, he isn’t afraid, and he will do whatever it takes to be happy again. Even if that means loving two wolves.

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31 Chs

Awoken 1.1

January 6, 2018

Kai Evans

The moment I woke up, I felt stiff as a board and it felt like I had been sleeping in the same spot for who knows how long. As I groggily blinked the sleep away from my eyes, I slowly recalled the last moments before I had blacked out, and I can vaguely remember the pain as dad had dug his claws into my chests, aiming for Kit, and the worried looks on their faces before I had blacked out. I frowned, wondering how long I had been out, and I looked around the room, seeing it was empty. I half expected my mates to be here when I woke up, but maybe they have been and just stepped out for a moment.

Seeing how I was hooked up to a machine, I wrinkled my nose in disgust and pulled the tubes out of my body, knowing that these ones wouldn't harm me if I pulled them out. The beeping of the monitor was quite annoying as well, but I didn't pay it much attention as I sat up and swung my legs around, feeling a little unsteady but I managed to get to my feet just fine. I feel like I really have to pee, I thought to myself, as I wobbly, but pretty surely made my way over to the bathroom so I could relieve myself before I ended up peeing my pants.

Once I was finished, I washed my hands in the sink, and looked at myself in the mirror. I cringed when I saw how horrible I looked, as my hair was a mess, I had bags under my eyes even though I have been asleep for god knows how long, and I looked like I had lost a bit of weight. I noticed the wound dad had inflicted upon me was now just a thin scar, as werewolves heal a lot faster than normal humans. Hell, if I was a normal human, I would've been dead the minute his claws sunk into me, as I know he had dug in deep too, even though I know he didn't do it on purpose.

"Kai?!" I heard Gio's frantic yell, no doubt seeing the empty bed.

I smiled, really wanting to see my mates, as I stepped out of the bathroom, but froze when I saw how horrible he looked. He honestly looked like he hadn't had much sleep, considering the slight bags under his eyes, and even his hair was a little messy, along with his clothing, which was not like Gio. I frowned, going to say something when his eyes landed on me. I saw relief fill his eyes as he rushed over to me, wrapping his arms around me as he buried his face into my neck, inhaling my scent deeply.

"Don't you ever do that again!" Gio growled, holding me close, "I don't care what is going on, you don't jump in to protect either Kit or I. We can handle it. I'm sorry, Kai, but you aren't as strong as we are, and you can't be getting yourself hurt like what happened now. Promise me this won't happen again!"

I hugged him back, seeing how he was visibly shaking, and I felt a little bad, "I'm sorry. I promise I will do what I can to not have a repeat of this or anything. But I can't make any promises. I am your mate, I am supposed to protect you too."

"No, you do not need to." Gio growled once more, "Kit and I are more than capable of protecting you, but jumping into dangerous situations is not something you should be doing. Okay?"

I frowned once more, but I knew there was no point in arguing with Gio because I could easily tell that he would not be swayed, "okay, Gio, I promise."

The bedroom door suddenly flew open, and I saw Kit standing there, a look of relief on his face as he looked at me, but he also looked quite guilty. Like it was his fault that I had ended up getting hurt and landing myself in the hospital. I smiled softly, and I released Gio and turned and held out my arms to Kit, wanting him to come closer to me. Kit hesitated for a moment, before he rushed over to me like Gio had done and wrapped his arms around me and buried his face into my neck.

"Thank the goddess you woke up." Kit whispered softly, "I didn't know what I was going to do continuing to see you hooked up to those awful machines. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. I was just a little wobbly." I admitted, before I looked behind him, "where's mom and dad? I'm sure they are worried about me, and no doubt dad feels guilty about what has happened."

Kit looked away from me, ashamed, "I, um, I'm sorry Kai. I know I don't have any right to blame Jordan as it was our fault as well, but I couldn't be around him, and since I've been mostly here, he hasn't been allowed to come and see you because I couldn't calm myself down. I wanted to punish him for hurting you, but I couldn't because for one, he's our father in law soon, and two, it was an accident. But I was still so mad."

I was disappointed, but I could see where he was coming from, "Kit, I understand, but he is my father, and I know he didn't hurt me on purpose. I know you know this too. We shouldn't have been doing what we did under his roof, and I'm honestly surprised this is the outcome of it. I honestly expected much worse. So we need to go and find my mom and dad, and talk to them. Talk everything out. No blaming anybody for what has happened. The past is the past, and we just need to move on from it. Okay?"

Gio and Kit both looked hesitant, but they nodded nonetheless. I followed them out of the hospital room, smiling slightly at how close they stood by my side, and I know having them as mates is going to be an interesting time, but at least I know they will always be there to protect me if need be and would always have my back.

After speaking to the doctor - who was more than a little pissed that I had taken out the tubes and iv's and then left my room - I was cleared to leave, wolves having really good healing abilities so I didn't have any damage except for the little bit of scaring that I would have to live with, but oh well, I could call it my battle scars. Now, we were heading back to my house, and I had to ignore all the people who stopped and stared, no doubt knowing what had happened and it probably has already spread that the Alphas' mate was attacked by his father. Who knows how badly they were twisting it around and making dad seem like a bad guy.

"KAI!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

I frowned, looking over and I saw Kody jogging towards me in just a pair of basketball shorts, looking pretty sweaty so I could only assume he had been working out. But behind him, I saw this beautiful boy jogging after him in only a pair of basketball shorts and a white tank top. He was at least 5'6", with fair skin and a curvy body, with long, wavy blonde hair that was pulled into a ponytail and these sparkling blue eyes. His eyes met mine, and I could see the wariness in his eyes, and it immediately clicked on who exactly that was. I realized then that this has to be Kody's person that he is courting. I tried to remember his name, but I couldn't quite place it. But why is he running up to me like we are close friends? Seeing him reaching out to hug me, I cringed back into Gio, not wanting him to touch me. Kody hesitated, coming to a full stop now when he saw that I curled back into Gio. But, he let his hand drop to his side and he stood a good two or three feet away, his courting mate by his side. But that's when I saw the mark on his neck, and I saw he was eyeing my own.

"Kai, I'm glad to see you have finally woken up." Kody murmured, his voice soft and sounded somewhat hopeful, "this is my mate, Silas Randall. I, uh, I just wanted to let you know that I told him about what I did at the Wolf ball, and its made me realize that I don't love you in a romantic way like I thought that I did. What I miss the most, is our friendship. I know it'll take time for me to gain your trust again to be friends, maybe best friends, like we use to be, but if you want to, I'd like to see that happen again."

I frowned, looking over at Silas, "I don't know, Kody, we were a couple. We overstepped the boundary of friends. And I don't know if being friends with your ex is very appropriate, seeing how you have a mate now and I have mine."

"I'm okay with it." Silas murmured softly, "I understand everything that Kody has told me, about how you two were best friends, then a couple, and he ended up hurting you a lot, whether he thought he was doing it for good reasons or not. But I think that all of that can be put behind us, and we can all be friends here with time. If that is okay with you all?"

I glanced up at Gio, and his expression was impassive, and when I looked over at Kit, I saw he was looking at me. I knew that they wanted me to make this decision, because well, Kody is my ex and everything, and it should be up to me if we could even be friends again. I thought about it for a moment, because for as long as I have known Kody, I know that by his tone and everything, that he is being truthful. But did I want to trust him again, that I wasn't sure about. I was afraid to trust him again, even as just friends, but a part of me wanted to rekindle the friendship that we once had. But was it worth it? So, I made my decision.

"I'm honestly not sure, Kody." I admitted, shrugging my shoulders, "but, maybe with time and everything, we can all be friends again. But that doesn't mean I'm going to trust you right away. That will just have to come with time, if you ask me. If you can accept that, then okay. But if you can't, then there's no point."

"I can accept that." Kody murmured, hugging Silas close to his side, "I know I wasn't going to just get a 'yay, we're all best friends again', but I can live with this. I know with time, I can prove to you that I am a good friend for you once more. Hell, maybe when you and the Alphas have pups, and Silas and I do as well, our pups can grow together as friends too."

I flushed, looking away, "um, we're not trying for pups right now. That more than likely won't be for a few years."

"Silas and I have been talking about it." Kody admitted, smiling softly down at Silas, "but we think we're going to wait a few years as well, but who knows, whatever happens, happens."

It was a little quiet after that, not really awkward, but just a comforting silence. I honestly think that Silas and Kody look like a cute couple, especially now that Kody got his head out of his ass and figured out what he really wants so he isn't trying to play two different people, which was really wrong of him no doubt, but I'm glad that him and Silas figured it out, and Kody finally marked him, which means they won't be able to break the bond unless one of them dies, and even then most of the time, the other one quickly follows suit.

"Um, I have to go see my father." I told them, grabbing Kit and Gio's hand, "so, have a good rest of the day."

Silas and Kody murmured a soft goodbye before we walked around them and continued heading to my house. After talking to Kody and Silas, it seems like some sort of weight was lifted off of my shoulders, which was really uplifting. But now, I have to deal with my father, and I have no idea how to take it.