
Little black dress

"Hello little one." a voice rang out in the darkness. I looked around, nothing but the dark forest surround me.

"H..Hello?" I said shakily standing up "W.. Who's there?" I could feel someone watching me.

"Oh no need to be scared. I am here to help." the voice continued to echo around me, although they said that my nerves were standing on end.

"What do you want with me?" turned around in circles trying to locate it, "where am I?" I could have sworn I was at the pack house, how did I get here?

"I come baring gifts." it said I could feel my body start tingling, "When it is time you will know what it is." the sensation grew, almost started burning. I panicked falling to the ground in pain. "Transformation is never easy little one, learn this now." The voice finished sending me doubling over, the pain covering every inch of my body. I tried to scream but my voice wouldn't sound, the pain engulfed me sending small black dots dancing across my already blurred vision.

"DALIAH WAKE UP!" a cold bit of liquid splashed on my face causing me to wake up from what ever kind of dream that was. I looked and saw a flustered Finn clutching my shoulders holding me up. "You were screaming, are you okay?" the worry creased his forehead.

"Yeah, what a weird dream." he let go sitting on the pull out mattress, "Where is everyone?" I asked wondering where my parents were.

"Well most people are currently training but my mom thought it best we let you sleep in." he pushed down on the bed, "this is awful, you slept on it?" making a scrunched up face he got up.

I looked down noticing I had slept in all of my clothes, even the heels stayed on all night. My cheeks felt hot from blushing. No wonder the Luna wanted me to sleep in I practically crashed into the pull out bed last night.

"It was not so bad, but I think I should probably get ready for the day." I didn't look up at him trying to hide my face.

"Okay, the staff made some lunch when your ready." he left the room closing the door softly.

Taking off my shoes before getting up, I walked into the bathroom and hopped in the shower. That dream was something else, what did it mean transformation is never easy. Fallon stirred at the uneasy feeling my stomach had. What ever that dream was about I couldn't shake this odd feeling. I hoped the water would wash it away but it didn't.

Making quick work of finishing the shower and getting dressed in some comfy work out clothes I headed down to the kitchen. I had almost expected Finn to be here but he wasn't, both Fallon and I a little let down. The staff ushered me to the table and set a plate in front of me. I basically inhaled the food, I hadn't realized how hungry I actually was.

When I was done they took the plate and left me alone in the kitchen. The house seemed so quiet with everyone gone. Bored, I went about looking for Finn. Before I got to his door I stopped when I heard two voices coming from inside. My hearing zoning in on their conversation I could hear it was a female in there with him.

"Oh come on baby, its been too long. Don't you miss me?" the feminine voice cooed.

"Aren't you supposed to be training with the other wolfs today?" Finn replied with a softer tone that I have heard him use before.

This pissed both Fallon and I off, I could feel my heart beating faster, but I worked to control it so they wouldn't hear me.

"Yeah, but I though we could fool around like we use to." I heard a plop on what sounded like his bed. It took every thing in me to not go in there. "You know like this..." that was it.

I quietly ran to the door and threw it open. There he was laying underneath this blonde she wolf. Fallon howled in pain, I could feel the tears in my eyes threatening to fall. I would not give them the satisfaction. As soon as they heard the door open they had frozen in position, only their heads turned to look. The girl had ice blue eyes, I hated to admit she was actually beautiful. The smirk on her face made me hate her all that much more.

"Do you mind?" the girl said coldly to me, I just went to turn away. I couldn't fight my tears any more.

"Dali, wait" Finn called but I was already sprinting down the hall and out the drive way.

"How could he?" Fallon whined, "Everything was going to well." She whimpered going back into where she resides in me.

I kept running, directly into the woods. There was no where really I was going but any where was better than there. The trees zoomed past me as I ran in speeds I never have in my regular form. When I had reached the river that ran through the lands I jumped smoothly over it in one bound and kept running as soon as my feet hit the ground. After that slowing my pace, since they would have to go around the river to pick up my tracks.

My heart felt like it had been ripped out of my chest, leaving this hollow pit in its stead. The only reminder it was still there is when I reached the pack limits, if I kept going I would be going into the human territories. At this rate I honestly didn't care. Looking down at my clothes, some how I had managed to keep them clean, even my shoes, so I crossed the invisible line. I'm sure both Henry and Finn would have felt me leave.

The only thing I had on my person was my phone, luckily the case also worked as my wallet. A little retail therapy to get my mind off of things, I would return before night fall. I had no plans on becoming a rouge, especially after meeting the few I have. Quickly I searched the maps for a clothing shop, luckily there was a business district about two blocks away. Walking at a humans pace after running like that felt so sluggish but if I moved how I wanted I could draw unwanted attention.

The little district was cute, different shops lining the street with their signs proudly hung outside their respective shop. This one shop had these gorgeous dresses in the display window so I went in. The clothes inside had a very boho feel to them, although some designs were more chic than others. One of the dresses called to me, a little black velvet long sleeve form fitting dress.

"Its fabulous right?" the musical voice chirped behind me.

"It is!" I gushed, "How much is it?" I asked looking for the tag.

"Well here at Melanie's I tend to mix it up a little. For you twenty bucks." she said throwing her light brown curls over her shoulder.

"Are you serious? This definitely seems worth so much more than that!" I panicked looking into her almond brown eyes trying to see if she was joking.

"Well I'm Mel, and you look like your in need of a dress. What ever poor sap wronged you I hope he eats his heart out seeing you in it." she laughed as she walked over to a pair of knee high strappy heels that kind of resembled what the ancient Greeks use to wear. "These with that, ohh and this little clutch. What do you think?" She showed me the sequence purse, she really put together a whole outfit for me.

"I think you have excellent taste Mel." I beamed at her, "How much for all of it?" she pursed her lips tapping them with her index finger.

"For you fifty bucks and you tell everyone you got it from Melanie's on main!" smiling she packed everything up for me as I cashed out with my debit card. "Oh and trust me, when he sees you in this his jaw will hit the floor." She winked causing me to laugh. Being here I almost forgot what I had saw earlier.

"Thank you for everything, I was really having a crap day." I said taking my bag.

"Well its almost my lunch. You want to go grab a bite to eat at the café next door?" she walked around the counter with a gone fishing sign. I laughed at the little man sitting in the boat pictured on it. "What?" she said looking at it.

"Nothing I just thought it was funny." I laughed a little more when she realized what I meant.

"Its a small town they know what it means." she waved the idea away and went to hang it on the door.

We left the store stopping only for a moment so she could lock it up. The café next door was just as quaint as her shop. It looked like one of those shops that you would expect to see in Paris instead it was here in this little town.

"They have the best food in the city." she opened the door for us.

"Hey Mel!" a young girl popped up from behind the pastry rack they had on display.

"Hey Sara, I'll have my usual." she smiled at her.

"Oh, who's your friend?" Sara said looking past her to me, since Mel was a little taller than I.

"Hi, I'm Daliah but you can call me Dali." I said chiming in on the conversation.

"Mel you didn't know her name did you?" Sara eyed her suspiciously, causing me to get a little nervous.

"Guilty but in my defense she seemed nice, and you know we barely get new people around here." she sighed sitting down at one of the tables. I felt a little relieved at that.

"She's a little eccentric please don't mind her." Sara sighed, "What can I get you Dali?" I looked at the board, there we're so many options to choose from.

"Uhh I'll just have a coffee americano and a croissant." she nodded and went to work on our orders, I went to join Mel at her table.

"This little town is so sleepy, there is never anything to do." she sighed.

"Yeah, it is pretty quiet but I like it, better than the city." I said trying to hide the fact that I lived in the pack lands. Humans wouldn't drive through it they just went around as they thought it was a national state forest.

"Oh you live in the city on the other side of the forest? Your a long way from home." she laughed before continuing "What made you come all the way out here for shopping?" the confused look she had put me on alarm.

"Well you know, guy gets caught with another woman. Angry driving. Retail therapy. Pretty much how I got here" I laughed feeling a little more relaxed when she accepted my story.

"Well he's a d*mn fool if he cheated on you. Your beautiful don't let them get you down." she shook her head, Sara had just caught the end of the conversation as she put down our food.

"Men, can't live with em, can't live with out them." she patted my shoulder lightly a sincere look on her face.

"Thanks you guys are really nice. I'm glad I ended up here." I smiled at them, who knew that in just a short time I could already feel a sense of friendship forming with them.

"Since you helped me out with a dress, I'll take you with me to the city one of these days and get you out of this town for a while." I said to Mel, whose face lit up and nodded in agreeance.

"Please do!!" she was practically jumping in her seat.

We ate our food and chatted for a little while before she had to go back to the shop. Before we parted we exchanged numbers, she was not going to miss an opportunity to get out of the little town. I felt a relaxed almost forgetting this morning. Yet for some reason as I walked back through the forest to the pack lands my mind went to the dream I had. The voice and what it said made me nervous, what could it mean?

Transformation isn't easy? Changing into Fallon was always easy for me so it couldn't be that. I tried to shake the feeling, as I got closer to the boundaries. My chest felt that same sensation when I crossed that invisible line. The feeling of being home washing over me. I picked up my pace but only a little, I was not ready to see him or anyone else for that matter.

"Dali, where are you? Are you okay?" Val screamed through the mind link at me. "Everyone's so worried please come home?" she begged.

"I'm fine Val, tell them not to worry. But I'm not coming home just yet." I said but before I could close the link I heard her ask me to talk to her. I was not in the mood for it even though she was my best friend I needed to be alone. The bliss of being out of the territory almost completely gone.

Running along the edge of the invisible line I headed back to my house. It was the only place left to go. The whole neighborhood had been evacuated, there would only be a few patrols but I could avoid them easily. It didn't take long for me to run into the first one. I carefully stopped behind a tree not making a single noise, they continued on their route never noticing me.

One good thing about hiding from someone for two years, you definitely learned the skill of stealth. Once they were gone I took off running at that similar speed I had earlier, the sounds of my footsteps almost non-existent. Something in my stomach turned causing me to stop and crouch down behind a fallen tree. Almost as soon as I got down I heard the second patrols footsteps.

"Nice." Fallon said impressed with how I am moving.

They continued by never noticing I was there, I got up slowly and checked around just to be sure they were gone. When satisfied I took off again, luckily I had made it past the third patrol before they could see me. Finally I was home. I went through the back gate and to the door, only stopping to grab the spare key we kept under the rug.

When I was inside I finally took a breath, I didn't even realize I had been holding them in. The house felt so empty knowing that my parents were at the pack's home. I went upstairs to my room but stopped when I felt someone was behind the door. It didn't feel like a rouge but they weren't human either. I started to back up when I heard them move towards the door.

"I knew you'd come back here." It was the voice from my dream, the fear welled up inside of me causing me to freeze.

"W...Who are Y... You?" my voice came out almost as a whisper.

"Oh child you know who I 'am." The door opened and behind it was a small older woman. Her long silver hair flowed down her shoulders framing her pale eyes. She wore a long black cloak hiding most of her body.

"M..Moon Goddess?" I asked not sure if I was believing what I was seeing. She just flashed a bright smile at me.