
Future of the pack

The morning came fast, only the faintest of light peeked through the curtains in the room. My mom and dad were up and moving around the room, no doubt getting ready for the days activities. Today was the day we have the wake for the late alpha and announce the succession. Not only that but there were three other alphas set to arrive today. I let out a heavy sigh startling my parents.

"Sorry to wake you hunny, we're just heading out." my dad said quietly from the other side of the room.

"No, its okay I should get up any way." I said throwing my arm over my face.

"Love you." they both said in unison as they left.

Slowly I got up stretching my tiered muscles. Running after James must have really took it out of me. I made my way to the bathroom to get showered and ready for the day. I took a long spa like shower, I wanted to be set to go for tonight once the festivities were over. When I was done I got out slipping on a black sweater that hugged me in all the right places and a pair of skinny jeans. I put on just a little make up, I wanted to surprise Finn tonight with a full face. When I was satisfied I threw on my black boots and headed towards the kitchen.

It was surprisingly calm despite the time, normally there would be a kitchen staff working. They must be cooking at the stands instead, so I started making my favorite. I decided to make Finn some and take it up to his room. When I was done I picked up our plates and headed there. I could tell he was in there just by sensing him being close. I quietly opened the door and set the plates down on the small coffee table he had in the sitting area.

"Hey I'll be out in a minute." he called from the bathroom. I just smiled and waited on the couch.

When he came out he was wearing a form fitting black suit that showed his toned muscles underneath. My jaw fell open, dear goddess what did I do in my previous life to deserve such a mate. Fallon was howling in my mind, the string of dirty thoughts coming from her was insane. A quick image of me with my mouth wide open flashed in my mind, he was showing me how silly I looked. I cleared my throat slightly embarrassed.

"I made you breakfast.. I wasn't sure if you'd have a moment to eat." I said smiling, still taking in the gorgeous man in front of me.

"Thanks baby." he said giving me a kiss on top of my head before sitting down next to me. We both ate our pancakes just enjoying each others company until a light knock came at the door.

"Young Alpha, the others have begun arriving. The Western moon pack, The nomadic wandering wolf pack, and Star moon pack are here." the small voice called from the other side of the door.

"Sounds great see to it that once they arrive they get settled in." he said only letting a little bit of his alpha tone seep in. "These are delicious. Love strawberry pancakes." he said shoveling another bite in.

"I know me to," I looked over at him and smiled. "my perfect match." I could feel how much I adored him wafting off of me and hitting him.

"You keep that up and we're not going to make it any where." he said meeting my eyes with a hungry gaze.

"Oh stop, we have work to do." I laughed as he finished his plate in a few bites.

"You my love, you are amazing but I have to go." he said standing up, "Do you want to greet them with me?" he said reaching his hand out to me.

"What about the plates?" I asked taking his hand.

"Don't worry about it, I'll send someone to come and clean it up." he flashed a bright smile as he pulled me out of the room and towards the front doors.

We got down the stairs just as the first black SUV pulled up. Just seeing it gave me a small flash back to when Val and I had been attacked. Finn could tell something was up so he squeezed my hand giving me a little reassurance. I couldn't tell if he knew the reason or if he thought I was nervous to meet the other alphas. Either way I had to make a good impression so I stood up tall and watched as Finn took the lead.

"Welcome to the Northern pack lands. I wish it was under different circumstances but I do hope you all can enjoy your stay while your here." he said letting his power seep into his voice, not to be dominant but to show he too was an alpha.

"Good to see you man, I'm so sorry about your pops." a tall man with sandy blonde shaggy hair said as he walked up the stairs to Finn taking him into a hug.

"Thanks man, Zane I'd like you to meet my mate. Daliah, but you can call her Dali." he said with a proud smile on his face causing me to blush. The guys face dropped clearly in shock.

"This is your mate?" he said eyeing me suspiciously. "She's cute, but seems..." a low growl left Finn stopping him mid sentence. "She really is your mate!" he gushed, the change in his demeanor was shocking.

"Yes, now if you don't mind." he said taking my hand and pulling me behind him protectively.

"Ahh little Finny is all grown up." he laughed patting him on the shoulder and walked into the house.

The next man was closer to alpha Henry's age but maybe a little older. His dark black hair was streaked with silver down both sides of his head. His dark eyes seemed tiered as he ascended the stairs to meet us.

"Alpha Isaac. Thank you for coming." Finn said bowing his head only slightly to the other alpha. In response he just nodded and headed into the house with his pack mates in tow.

"Alright! This place is nice!" the guy was around my height wearing a goofy smile. "Ah Finn, we spoke over the phone. I'm Julian alpha to the wondering wolves." his short brown hair stuck up in all directions.

"Julian its nice to finally meet you, please come in." Finn said graciously gesturing to the house.

"Nah man its cool no need to be so formal." his grey eyes scanned both of us looking for something, "You guys look like you have fun so we're cool." he smiled and entered the house with his pack mates.

"That was... That was odd." I said confused, these guys were nothing like any other alphas I have known before.

"I know but they are some of the strongest connections we have." he sighed raking his hands through his hair. "The Eastern pack hasn't even answered our invitation too." instinctively I went to give him a hug nestling into his chest.

"We will figure this out." I said with full confidence, as long as we faced it together we would be okay. Fallon yipped in agreement in the back of my head.

"Lets go to the clearing, the opening statements will start soon." he said as he started down the stairs.

We walked slowly to the clearing, the street was lined with different food vendors and game stalls that were going to be used for the fall festival. Today was about honoring Alpha Henry with our packs tradition. Just as the times before the walk was short even at our pace. When we arrived there was a speaker system set up in the gazebo, it looked so out of place against the soft design.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as we reached it.

"As okay as I can be." he said with a sigh leaning against one of the pillars. "I think going to Et Lupum after this is definitely the right idea, I'm going to need a drink after this."

I leaned against his chest taking in his warmth wishing there was more I could do for him. Soon enough the pack members started to arrive and filled the clearing. It was getting close to the opening ceremony and I could feel my nerves bubbling up, not only were we announcing Finn as the new alpha but me as the future luna as well, I couldn't help but wish I had worn something different. He must have sensed the change in me since he wrapped me up in his arms and squeezed a little.

"Lets take our spots." he said releasing me and taking my hand.

Once we were in our spot we were joined by a disassociated looking Serena and a solemn James, I guess he finally realized what was going on. My heart broke for them, even Finn was putting on a good face for the pack and visitors. The Northern pack has always been one of the largest packs to date but seeing them all gathered here gave me a feeling I have never felt before.

"Pack pride, these are our packmates and we will protect them." Fallon said and I could not agree with her more. The sea of different faces, all colors shapes and sizes all adorn in black for their late alpha.

"Thank you all for coming," Finn started causing everyone to grow quiet to listen "As some of you may already know my father our late alpha has passed. Although it is sad, he died protecting this pack against threats unknown." he paused as the crowd let out a low murmur everyone realizing exactly what had happened. A long howl was let out at the back of the crowd causing everyone in wolf form to sing a sad song. "With that being said today we honor him and the peaceful years he has provided us with." he finished and the crowd erupted in cheers for him.

I looked over to Serena who had tears rolling down her face it looked almost like she was on the verge of passing out. I went over to her picking up James on one side and holding her up with the other. She gave me a small smile in thanks, I gave her a small reassuring smile letting her know its okay and I have her. Finn carried on speaking of the festivities and how thing will commence. He finished by announcing his intention to take over as the alpha.

"I am also proud to announce that we will also have a new luna.. My mate Daliah Flora." he turned to me motioning for me to come to him. Serena took James and nudged me towards him. When I joined him he wrapped me under his arm proudly. The crowd was silent for a moment, this made me so nervous.

"WAHOO that's my girl!" a loud applause came from the side of the gazebo, I could see Val and the others cheering for me.

With that the crowd burst into cheers, filling me with excitement where the nerves had been residing. I quickly linked her thanking her for that, she just nodded and smiled brightly. Finn gave me a quick hug before being pulled away by the beta and omegas, it looks like it was almost time for the patrol meeting. I walked back over to Serena who looked like she was having mixed feelings about this. Although how could you blame her.

"How are you holding up?" I asked sincerely making sure to soften my voice so no one else will hear us.

"About as good as I can be. I just seems so surreal but we will get through this." she looked down at James who was now rolling a small truck along the base of the gazebo. "I'm just glad he doesn't quite grasp this." she sighed looking back up at me.

"Do you want me to take him around so you can rest?" I eyed her aura which was normally as colorful as a rainbow but now was a deep set blue.

"Its okay, its almost his nap time any way. Thank you though Dali. I couldn't ask for a better daughter." she said letting one small tear escape. I wanted to help but she wiped it away and picked up James. "Just make sure to take care of him, he doesn't seem like it but he's torn up inside." she said looking in the direction Finn had gone.

"Of course Luna, I'd do anything to protect him." I said unintentionally fierce. She let out a small laugh and nodded.

"Oh and Dali, that mark.... Your mate mark.. Ask your mother about it." she said throwing a small glance at my mark. My face grew bright red at the realization she knew, this caused her to laugh even harder. "Auras from mated wolves is different from unmated. You'll see eventually young luna." she waved and headed towards the pack house.

"That was awesome!" Val squeaked as she ran up to me. "I should have started a chant." I laughed at the thought. Dustin, Ash, Emma, and Sam all in tow behind her.

"Thank you again for that I was about to start sweating." I laughed at the thought.

"I'd never let that happen!" she said swinging her arm over my shoulder. "Now ladies, lets have some fun but I want to get back soon to get dressed. Dali your mom already dropped off your outfit to my place." she said, her excitement as always was contagious even Emma looked excited.

"Alright then lets have some fun!" I said looping my arm around her waist and heading towards the different stalls there.

After a few games Val decided it was time to go and get ready. I quickly sent Mel a text letting her know we would be on our way to her in a few hours. I let Val do my make up again, except this time she did my hair in waves that cascaded down my back. When she was finished she moved on to Emma, except she left her long pale blond hair stay straight and finally she worked on herself.

"Your honestly a miracle worker!" Emma said admiring herself in the mirror.

"I know its a gift." she laughed, "lets put on our dresses, Dustin said they will be here soon." she finished walking back into the closest only to return shortly with all three of our outfits. We all took them and got dressed, I opted for the bathroom.

The dress fit perfectly just as Mel said it would, that girl is honestly is an amazing designer. I looked at myself, the last time I had stared into this mirror dressed up like this it was my birthday. Looking into it now I felt strong and beautiful two things I never really associated with myself.

"We are both." Fallon agreed taking in the change in both of us.

"Come on the boys are here!" Val called from the other side of the door. With that I left the bathroom and we headed down stairs.