

"Go to my breeding tent," He tells his soon-to-be new wife, and she obeys with a bow.

All the brothers have speared their new wives. I know because I heard all their screams last night. Everyone but DaThoren of course.

"So Pet do you like to sleep outside?" He asks me. His brother shakes his head and takes his leave as does my old master. My eyes glide to him, honestly sleeping outside is all I have ever known.

"You can stay on the floor if you wish but you will sleep inside from now on, I would not want the wolves to eat you."

Somehow I don't think he means actual wolves; I gulp for either case.

"Go and make you a nest in my tent on the floor."

I nod and stand and start to make my way to the dark brown tent; it's the tent that holds the whores this much I know.

"Pet," He calls, and I stop and look back,

"Wrong tent."

I lift an eyebrow and then turn to look at the white tent, the one that holds his two wives. Perhaps he wants me to tend to them as I had with the daughter of Nim. I began to move that way.

"Pet," He says again, and I huff and turn with a glare. I know he is going to beat me for that, but I can't worry about that now. But to my shock, he grins wide. Who knew that a brute could be handsome? He has a strong jaw and a little hair on it and dark hair to match on top of his head.

I snort as to put out my own fire of sass at his smug grin. I don't see why he finds me so amusing.

The people of Nim hardly even notice me other than to yell at me or to kick me. He points, "That way little Pet." My eyes follow and I know right away it is HIS tent. Can he do that?

"You will be my guard; you will watch over the woman I cast into my tent."

Well, that makes more sense I guess, but still. I nod and slowly make my way inside. Inside is basic but plentiful, and he has a lot of pelts and furs. Moments later the one known as Jeromy steps inside "These are for you to use" He hands me long cloths known as blankets. My eyes settle on a dark one with many dark colors. It's slightly thicker than the rest. I pull it from him and take it to an empty spot on the floor on the wall furthest from his bed. I lay it down, and then I do what any dog does, I sit down and wait.

I wait for an hour before Clarain the new wife comes to get me. "I want to bathe, and Lord husband has said you must go with me for protection." I want to roll my eyes because last time I checked she technically had not been made his wife.

But I follow her command because he did say I was to watch over them. She bathes and hums her sweet songs it is the one thing I like about her. I sit alert. What most of the men here do not know is I carry two daggers bound to each thigh. Not to harm anyone with but to protect with. It was part of my duty coming here, to protect the daughters of Nim. His second wife comes to join, her hair is red, straight, and long and she keeps to herself and does not speak to me or Clarian. She is far prettier than Clarian.

Suddenly I hear a crunch.

I stand and pull the daggers out. This person is not coming from our camp.

Clarain gasped and I growl low a warning.

But I hear the chuckle of a man and I know I'm probably no match. I quickly look back at both women and lift my chin, telling them to go. Clarian grabs her clothes and does just that while the other wife takes her time.

Suddenly the unknown man steps forward, and I bring up my daggers.

"What this?" He booms, "You think to harm me with those tiny things, foolish mutt."

He smiles, and I can see his canines. He is a Red Wolf, and I am screwed.

"Be a good dog and submit to me."

Fucking really, does everyone really see me like a fucking dog? Granted I do have sharp canines like him I am pretty sure I am neither a dog nor a wolf.

I growl all the same.

He lunges for me, and I slice. He gurgles, and a tingle goes up my spine.

"Pet!" I hear DaThoren call me and I look away which is stupid.

The blade the wolf has that I did not see comes up and slices my forearm. I screamed and fall to the ground.

DaThoren jumps over me and takes the wolf by the jaw, and I can hear the bones crunch and the quiet whimper of death he brings to the shapeshifter wolf.

He drops him to the ground, and I wail again, it fucking hurt.

He turns and crouches and brings my arm up to look at it, "Damn," He said, and I couldn't agree more.

I'm damaged now, even if I am a pet or dog or whatever. He picks me up which shocks me because now I am bleeding on him.

We make it back to camp, and he barks orders in his tongue that I can not understand but many of his men go flying off, I assume to be sure no other wolves are around.

An old woman comes out, where the hell did she come from?

"She will need stitching," He says, and I tense. No. 

He walks into what I assume is her tent. She must be a medicine woman. He sits, then he turns me in his lap and puts my legs down till I am straddling him which is hard because he is broad and I am small, 110 wet maybe. I shiver, I have never been this close to a man and he is a married one, and I am nothing more than the dog.

He wraps my arms around his neck and holds them "Do it."

My fear almost makes me forget my place. I am a dog and I have no place to speak up or refuse. I am powerless under his strong hold.

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