
The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter

“Why do you have scars?” All of sudden, Iris changed the topic, as she looked at Cane in the eyes. She was still clutching to his sleeves. “Your father gave me,” Cane replied. He thought, Iris wouldn’t remember this conversation when she woke up. “That must be so painful.” “They are.” “Will the scars heal?” “I don’t think so.” The night indeed made you vulnerable and let you said something that you would never admit when it was bright. The obscurity softened your heart. “Too bad. You have a warm soul.” Iris frowned slightly. “I no longer have a soul.” He had sold his soul for the freedom of his people. There was nothing left of him right now. “Yes, you have, but you are in so much pain.” Iris blinked her eyes. “Your beast is in pain. You have so many scars.” “The only scars that I have is on my face.” Iris shook her head meekly. “I am not talking about your face. I am talking about your soul. Too bad, you are in so much pain… what my father and brother had done to you must be painful…” And after that, Iris closed her eyes and fell asleep. ====================== She is the daughter of an alpha who has killed his family, razed his pack and has also made his people slaves. Now, he has achieved revenge after ten years of being treated as a slave and was living a life that no one would ever imagine. Life akin to hell. And ten years later, Alpha Cane manages to take over and kill the alpha who has made the lives of his people worse than death. It was time for him to make the children of the alpha pay for what their father had done. Only… Iris was a runt and she was very different from her father.

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"There is something wrong with her," said one of the guards, who was patrolling in the dungeon, as they walked past Iris's cell.

"I think she is sick again," replied his fellow guard.

Both of them stopped in front of Iris's cell, as they looked through the iron bars and found Iris's body trembling, as she hugged herself.

"She was born as a runt, it is unfortunate for her to be born that way. I think she will not last for another week."

"Hm. She has been sick twice this week."

"Yes. She will not last long enough. I hope the alpha will kill her immediately, so she doesn't need to suffer."

The guards were from the Howling Wolf pack, they suffered throughout the past ten years after their pack fell.

However, during those years, it was Iris's father and brother, who actively tortured them, making their lives a living hell, but not even once they ever saw Iris.

Therefore, a quick death would be enough to punish her.

After all, they could still torture her brother. It would be fair.

"Right, she will not last long with that body." He nudged his fellow guard and both of them walked away from there.

They took pity on her, but it was not enough to erase their hard time during Iris's father's reign.

She could die in that shabby cell for all they care. In that case, probably it would be a mercy for her, instead of being tortured by the alpha.


"Fuck you! BASTARD!" Mason cursed loudly when they stabbed him with a knife. "I will kill you! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU ALL! ARGH!"

They intentionally missed his vitals parts, so it wouldn't kill him. They would take turns to torture him, but were careful enough not to kill him.

They would let his wounds heal before they started it all over again.

Mason was the son of the alpha of the Blue Moon pack, he was next in line for the title, but unfortunately for him, his pack had fallen and he was here to pay for all of his crimes, even though it would never be enough to atone for his sins.

He was a copy of his father, cruel and greedy for power. He and his alpha used the former members of the Howling Wolf pack as their slaves, killed them without batting an eye and raped the women.

"Is it okay if I cut his manhood? After all, he won't need it anymore. This will be a big favor for women. Can I do that, gamma Ethan?"

Ethan grinned. He showed his canines, liking the idea.

"He will not die. I am sure he will heal in a few hours."

Ethan was tasked to look after Mason, before the alpha could decide what he would do to him and during that time, he was allowed to do anything to him, as long as he didn't die or kill himself.

"FUCK YOU, ETHAN!" Mason roared, the wound from being stabbed earlier had started to heal. His skin was littered with wounds, but there was nothing fatal that could cause his death, yet it didn't mean he was immune to pain. "I should have asked those savages to cut you off!"

Ethan's brown eyes turned a few shades darker when Mason reminded him of the darkest moment when he was defiled by those savages. He was only a young boy when that happened and he couldn't fight even one of them, not to mention there were ten men that ravaged him at that time.

"What?" Mason laughed out loud when he managed to wipe out the grin from Ethan's face. "Did you recall your sweet moment? I can still remember how you screamed in delight."

No. Ethan was screaming bloody murder at that time. He even tried to kill himself.

However, Mason should be wise enough to realise that he no longer held the power and it was him that would scream.

"Chop it off."

The three men there were so eager to do exactly what the gamma ordered them to do. They had been waiting for this moment.

"After that, give it to the wild dog and force him to watch," Ethan spoke icily, enjoying the horror in Mason's eyes.


"It was her brother…" Hanna said. "He will whip her. Miss Iris's body is different from other shifters, she can't heal like us, thus the wounds have never healed. It left scars on her back." Hanna was crying right now.

Reiterating what happened to Iris hurt her, because she needed to remember what kind of cruel treatment that Iris had to suffer at the hands of her brother and father.

"Her father will lock her in the attic and starve her if she stepped out of her bedroom and someone saw her."

From outside, it seemed like the alpha protected his daughter because she was having a sickly body, but the truth was, Iris was treated no better than a slave.

"Please, Alpha Cane, that child knows nothing. She suffered at the hands of her father, just like you and your people…" Hanna pleaded with Cane.

"Just like me and my people?" Cane scoffed, he found that ridiculous. "Leave."

"Yes?" Hanna blinked her eyes, as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Leave this room."

"Alpha Cane, can you please let me see her? She has been sleeping in that cold cell in the dungeon. She must be scared. I will not ask for anything, but just let me see her and tend to her." Hanna didn't have any other family and because she watched Iris grow up, she was very fond of her. "Please, let me accompany her in her cell."

Cane narrowed his eyes.

This change of power didn't really affect people like Hanna, since Cane's target was not them. But, she was willing to give up the comfort of her bed to stay in the dungeon with Iris?

"Please, Alpha Cane, show some mercy on Miss Iris. She has suffered enough…"

Edited by: Anshu_Bangaram

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