
The Alpha and The Hunter

Theo is an Alpha in his wolf pack. For some reason, he had to move to Canada and live there. One day a member of his wolf pack told him that one of them had died because someone shot him. He immediately returned to his home country to find the killer and protect his members. But after being there, his heart told him that he should become a student at one of the schools in the town. Because a girl who became his mate went to that school. On his first day of school, he accidentally bumps into a girl. And he was very sure, that the girl was his mate. Unbeknownst to him, the girl was a "Hunter". She had shot one of the members of his wolf pack. Then what if Theo finds out that his mate is the one who killed one of his members?

Nelabluemoon · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs


"I'm a Hunter" Grace replied, making Danica frown. "And I'm used to hunting wild animals in the forest. Then I heard that your boyfriend died from being attacked by an animal, and I was curious as to what animal attacked him. That's why I came here. Because I want to know more information about that," she explained, lowering her head. "But if you don't want to tell me then that's fine. I won't force you" she continued, turning her head towards the girl.

Danica sighed. "It started when Turner took me into the woods. I don't understand why he took me there because he said earlier that we wanted to date" she said, averting her eyes. "I asked him, and he said that he wanted us to go on a date there. I was so scared and worried when I heard his answer. Because I was afraid if there were wild animals there. But he told me that the forest was safe, and there was no wild animal. Because he had come there before. We continued our steps and explored the forest. And suddenly we heard a howling sound. We immediately turned around and intended to leave from there, but we saw a brown wolf standing in front of us and staring at us showing a row of sharp teeth. Then Turner told me to run separately so that the animal wouldn't chase us and he hoped that the wolf would chase him"

"But did the animal catch you?" Grace asked, looking at the girl and frowning.

"No." Danica shook her head. "I looked back a few times and didn't see the wolf chasing me. And it turned out he was after Turner."

"Then what's the next story?" Grace asked, looking curious.

"I immediately stopped when I heard a scream far back there. Because I'm sure it was Turner's scream. Then I immediately turned and ran in the direction he was running. And I saw him lying helpless on the ground with terrible injuries to his shoulders and stomach. I realized that I was too late because the animal had managed to attack him" explained Danica looking straight ahead.

"I'm sorry for what happened to your boyfriend," Grace said without taking her eyes off Danica. "But you shouldn't go into that forest. Because it's so dangerous there"

"Thank you." Danica nodded. "And I admit it was our fault. If we hadn't gone there then it would never have happened to him," she said, without turning to look at Grace.

"It's okay, it happened. And you don't have to keep blaming yourself." Grace smiled and rubbed the girl's shoulder.


"Honestly I'm not sure if it's the Werewolf, because yesterday wasn't a full moon. But I have to make sure" Grace mumbled, walking slowly and looking around the very quiet and dark surroundings holding a gun.

Out of curiosity, she decided to go to the forest and find out about the wolf that killed the man. And she wanted to make sure it was a werewolf or not.

She also continued to walk very carefully, so that her steps did not make a sound that could disturb the animals in the forest. While her eyes were busy looking around.

A few moments later, she had been walking and exploring the forest for a long time but everything seemed to be fine. She didn't even hear or see anything suspicious.

Bzzt! Bzzt!

She stopped when she felt her phone vibrate. She immediately reached into her trouser pocket and took out the thing which she put in there.

"Caitlin?" she said, frowning when she saw a call from her best friend's number. "Why is she calling me at night like this?"

Then she answered the call and put the phone to her ear.

"Hi, Grace"

"Hi, Cait. What's wrong?" she said, averting her eyes and looking around.

"Are you busy?"

"No" she lied. "Why did you call me?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to chat with you because I can't sleep. And I'm bored" Caitlin answered across the line and Grace nodded. "It's okay, right? You don't mind? Or am I interrupting your time?"

"No, that's fine." Grace shook her head. "You don't bother me at all."

"Okay. By the way, what are you doing? Don't tell me you're reading a book or drawing"

Grace chuckled. "You seem to have memorized what I usually do," she said, continuing to look around.

"Of course, because we weren't just friends for a day or two. No wonder I memorized out what you used to do" Caitlin said and Grace just chuckled. "So what are you doing? Was my guess right?"

"Sorry, Caitlin, but this time you guessed wrong" Grace replied with a smile etched on her face. "Because I'm not drawing or reading a book, but I'm enjoying the night in my room," she said, deliberately lying to her friend.

Yes, she had never told Caitlin or Kaylee about the side jobs she had been working on. She didn't even tell Cam, even though she trusted him so much. Because she knows, they don't believe her and will think she's weird if they find out. So she decided to hide the secret from them and those closest to her, including her parents.

"Okay, I lost." Caitlin sighed. "I almost forgot," she said, causing Grace to raise an eyebrow. "If I may ask, where did you go this afternoon? And why do you look in such a hurry? It's like you have something to do quickly"

"My guess is right that she would ask," Grace said to herself. Then she sighed. "I went to the grill because my cousin just came here and he was waiting there. That's why I was in a hurry because I didn't want to keep him waiting"

"Your cousin? You mean Mason?"

"Yes," Grace nodded and continued to look around the forest.

"Why didn't you tell me he was coming here? Oh, Grace, you know how much I adore your cousin," Caitlin said across the line. "Okay, then tomorrow I will pick you up and we will go to school together. And I make sure that I won't be late"

"No need!" Grace replied shaking her head. "I can go to school by myself"

"No! I'll still pick you up. And I don't accept any excuses. So see you tomorrow"

Grace sighed, pushing the phone away from her ear when she heard the sound of a connection being disconnected.

"What am I supposed to tell her if she doesn't find Mason at my house?" she muttered, staring at her phone screen. Then she sighed, put it in her trouser pocket, and continued on her way.