
the alpha's mate by barbarajo

avie is just a normal girl, who go'es to stay with her best friend for the summer, where she finds out that she has a mate, the alpha, of the lotus pack, but that's not all that unfolds, as avies learns about her self, she discovers that she is werewolf/witch, and a descendant of the moon-goddess.. can avie get her wolf back? will she learn to control her magic? will she be the next moon-goddess? ONLY TIME WILL TELL!!

bj_passions · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

CHAPTER twenty one



"Avie, I shouted, and rushed over to her to hug her, wrapping my arms tightly around her, "I missed you, I whispered in her ear, she giggled then said, "I missed you to.

" hey can we talk to for a minute? I asked, biting her bottom, she does that alot when shes nervous, she looked up at ember, he smiled, go on beautiful, he said and placed a kiss her cheek, "awe, I cood, "he gave me an evil, look before he walked over to landon,

"So what's up? Hows thing with brett? She asked,


"She raised her brows,

"Just good? Avie pushed,

"Really good I mean, I've never felt this way about anybody avie, it scares the shit out of me, I admitted..

"I know what you mean, she said.... we both giggled.

" avie?

"Yes, she said and met my gaze,

"Let's go on a double date tonight? You in ember me in Brett, it'll be fun, I explained.

"Okay and shopping to? Avie seemed to get excited,

"Sure why not? I said,

Okay, I'll go tell ember, she said as she walked away,......



"Hey beautiful, he greets.

"I blushed, " we are going on a double date tonight, I explained, and snaked my arms around his waist,

" he smirked, oh yeah with who?

"Lexi and brett,

"Do I get a say in this? He pouted,

"NO! Oh we are also going shopping! So get ready to shop till you drop, I laugh.

"You will be death of me, he laughs and kisses my lips..

GET A ROOM!! "Rudi shouted.

"SHUT UP! Ember shouted back,

"Laughing, I'm gonna go find lexi, I'll see you down stairs at 6? I said biting my lip,

"He sighed, yes, I'll be there, and with that I left, to find lexi,

"I found her by the pool with jenny and some other girl,

"Avie, hey lexi waves me over, I smiled.

"Luna, jenny greets, "oh yeah that's me,

Hey jenny, I replied,

Avie, this is Ariella, shes landons mate,

What? Landon has a mate now? Wow did I miss alot,

I extended my hand, hi I'm avie,

She shook my hand, "luna she bowed, "well if shes landons mate then shes a luna to now, "luna, I said back,

Everyone giggled,

Okay let's make this a date with all of us? I asked, everyone, got excited,

"But what can we can where? "Jenny asked

Girls shopping day? Lexi chimed in, but I knew ember wouldn't let me go with just girls.

"I cant!

"Avie why not? Lexi asks

"Embers not going to let me go with just us, he says it's to dangerous, I explained to them,

"Well there is a shop just about 6 miles down the road, we can go there we can make quick "ariella said,

"Fine but let's make it quick,

With that we left,

"Avie try this on? Jenny hands me a dress,

But my bodys not feeling so funny,

"Okay I smiled,

"Slipping in the small dressing room, I took of my clothes, and slipped on the dress, you can see my belly, but not that much, it's a loose fitted, V neck dress pink in color, taking a deep breath, I open the door.

The girls gasp,

"Is it bad?No they all shouted at once,

"Wow you guys look amazing, I said wide eyed they were all beautiful women, lexi had on a tight fitted dress blue in color, and it hung low in the back, jenny had on long black dress, that had v cut in the front and the sides of the dress was see through lace, ariella had short backless red dress strapless,

"We need shoes I explained to them,

Everyone picked out their shoes. I got pink flats giving that I'm pregnant, I dont want to trip, and this pup doesn't stop kicking,

"Guys we need to go this pup, is gonna kick my bladder one to many times, and it's already 4:00pm they boys will waiting for us at 6? And you all have to help me get ready,

"Okay let's go lexi said,

"When we arrived back at the house,

We headed up stairs to lexi room where everyone began getting ready, I jump in the shower, giving I waddle instead of walk I was the last one in, while the others got ready,

When the hot water ran down my skin, i didnt want to get out,

"Hurry up luna, lexi shouted sarcastically,

Rolling my eyes at her comment, I got out and wrapped the towel around, me,

Walking in the bedroom, they girls were done and waiting for me, with no time to waste I hurry up and got on my panties ,

"No bra, jenny says,

"Why not?

"Just do what I say, jenny said and got out the blow dryer, "fine I said and slipped on my dress, jenny blowed dried my hair, lexi did my make up and ariella curled my hair,

"Have a look see,

Walking to the mirror, I gasp when I saw my self , I actually looked, well not ugly I draped my hair over my shoulders to cover my boobs,

"Its time let's go, they all said, "taking a deep breath, I walked out the door.

" when, we reached the stair case, the boys were waiting,

"Embers eye's met mine, and I watched as he swallowed hard, my stomach turn, I'm actually really nervous, once I reached the bottom, ember held his hand out for me take, "I did, ignoring the shocks from our touch, "he smiled widely,

"You look beautiful,



"You look beautiful,

I inhaled a deep breath,  and smiled,  "he looked at me so hungrily, his eyes filled with lust and want,  shaking my head at my self,  "nows not the time to think dirty thoughts avie" 


Yes, I smiled and took embers hand that he had held out for me,   we  all walked outside, and piled in the black SUV,     where to ladys?  Brett, said from the drivers seat,  

Road house of course!  Jenny, said from the middle seats where her and rudi sit and ariella and landon also,  me in ember sit in the very back row,

Yes that sounds great, ariella chimed in,

Road house it is, brett, smiled through the rear view mirror,

Sliding down in the seat, to help make my self comfortable,  when the pup decided it wanted to do kick boxing,  with my ribs. I softly stroke my belly,

"Are you okay?

Taking my eyes off my belly, and turn to face ember, I could feel, how worried he was . So I grasp his hand, and placed it on my tummy,  when the pup kicked again, he inhaled sharply, 

I'm fine, the pup is just, moving that's all, I assured him,He smiled, when the pup kicked his hand off my belly,   "guess it only likes it when you touch huh? He said with sad eyes

Shaking my head I said,  "No it does it to me as well, i think it may be running out room, I dont think my stomach could stretch much more, I laughed, 

"Ember chuckled, 

Hey are we still going shopping after right? Lexi asked from the passenger seat with her head turn towards the rest of us,

I looked up at ember,  he smiled.

Yes the mall after, he said, and grasp my hand, his touch sent tingles through my body, 

Hey let's go to the dance hall, we can eat there, and have some fun first, ember yelled to brett, 

"Good idea man, he says back,  we are actually right around the corner from it, he added.

Why do you want to go there? Landon asked,

Well we got these beautiful women, all dressed up might as well eat and dance with them huh? Ember winked at Landon,   landon smirked,  "true, brett chimed in and held Lexi's hand,

When the car came to a stop, we all climb out, and walked into the dance hall, it had a dance floor, bar, and a sit in restaurant to left side of the building,    we all go to the restaurant  and take our seats  everyone ordered,  steaks and baked potatoes,  and sweet tea, except me I ordered a water with a lemon,

"How you been feeling avie? Said landon,

Um, good I just feel like a whale, I giggled, the girls joined me in my laughter,

"That's not true love, you look beautiful,  landon smiled and said, that earned him a growl from ember and ariella,  Me and landon looked at each other, then laughed,

"Ember and ariella, calm down landon doesn't mean no harm when he says that, arching my brow at landon right? 

Of course not! 

"As we ate everyone talked, 

"So avie who's your mom and dad?  Asked landon,

" why is landon all of sudden interest in my parents?  "Shut up avie, they are just wanting to get to know you! Pushing the thought, to the back of mind,

"Well. My father, richard Baker, passed away, and I didnt know my mom she left us when I was 2 months old, but I believe that my dad said her name was rosemary evergreen,  I said , at least I hope that's right, I really cant remember,   I was pulled out of my thoughts by brett and ariella choaking,

"Ember grasp my face,  are you sure? He asked,

What's with you guys?   Because honestly they were making me nervous,

"Your her?, ariella said, in disbelief,


"The girl we all heard stories about we thought it was just a myth, said ariella,

"What stories? Getting frustrated, by now.

It doesn't matter, dance with me? Ember, said and stood to his feet, and reached out a hand for me to take,

I nodded my head,  and ember lead us to the dance floor,

"George straights, maybe your baby, started playing, 

Ember pulled me close, to him, we swayed back in forth, to the music,

I whispered in his ear,  "what were they talking about?   "They were just fucking around, about some human that fell in love with a wolf, and they had a daughter,  her mother was alpha, of her pack, and it was said that her daughter was to be the strongest female, alpha to ever lead a pack,,  but when the mother was killed by rogues, it was said that her father the human gave the newborn, wolfs-ban and it killed her wolf , and she will forever remain human, 

"That cant be me I'm human and so was parents,  but I felt sorry, for the poor girl, and her family,

"Ember it's not me I know both my parents were human, I whispered softly in his ear, as I bit his lobe,  he growled lowly,  and that made me smirk,



I'll be right back go sit down in wait, ember said ,

Why? I said confused"Thanks to you, I gotta take care of somthing,  he gestured with his head,

Following his gesture,  I noticed the bulge in his Jean's,   I giggled and kissed his cheek, and went to sit down, 

While ember was in the rest room, I watched as everyone, danced,   they looked so happy, and that made me happy,

I felt a hand on my shoulder,  and I knew it was ember, because I felt no tingles,  turning quickly to see who it was,  and I shocked,

It was young man about 6 years old,

"Hey beautiful,  wanna dance? He smiled wide, and reached out his hand,   I couldn't help but smile,   "sure I'd love to, I took his little hand,  and we walked to the dance floor,

We started dancing,  his little smile was from ear to ear,

"Your the most beautiful girl, I've ever seen, the young fella said,

"Well thank you, sweetheart, what's your name?

"Anthony,  what's yours angel? He said and winked,

I couldn't help but laugh at him,  shaking my head,   "no I'm avie,

"Well avie do you got a boyfriend?  "He is to cute I thought to my self, 

"Yes I do actually,  he standing over there watching us, I pointed towards ember who was standing against the pole, smiling, 

"Well, I figured, someone as beautiful as an angel, would be taking,  his little face fell,

I started at him in awe,

When the song was over, I kissed his little cheek,  he he'll his cheek and smiled widely,  thanks for the dance sugar, and ran off,  I chuckled,  and walked over to ember,

" hey, I smiled,

"Hey, I'm gone 10 minutes and someone already scooped you up? He chuckled,

"Hes adorable,  I said ,and kissed his cheek,

"One more dance?  Said ember,

I nodded,

We walked back to the dance floor,

And danced,  we held each other tight, and embers hand, rubbed up in down my back, sending cold chills down my spine,

"Ready to go shopping? I asked as we walked back to the table,

"Yeah, let's go,

As we all walked back to the SUV,  ember drove this time, and i sat in the passenger seat,  thank god, because I dont think I could fit in the back,

"It took us 30 minutes to get to the mall, everyone, went there separate ways,  first me and ember, shopped for the pup, we got a bed and clothes, changing table, diapers, and ember paid extra, to have all the baby things sent to the house,  " now to find you clothes?  "Ugh" you mean fat pregnant clothes then yeah, I rolled my eyes , we went into the store, and ember, brought me literally,  two of every outfit they had, he said he dont like carrying bags so he paid to have the clothes sent to the house, by tomorrow, 

"Well, off to vs? I raised my brow at ember,

"Uh what's vs?  He asked,

  I laughed, 

Uh, Victoria secert, 

"Mmm, he hummed


" nothing, let's go,

He lead me into the store, i got stuff for me now and after, I have the pup. Maybe I should get clothes as well while I'm here?  And with that thought , I picked up some outfits for after the pup is born,After two hours of shopping,  we all finally made it home, ember, carried me into the house, because my feet were swollen,  from walking so much,  being with ember, and learning about him, made me fall in love with him even more,   once we go up stairs,  ember stopped,

What's wrong?

"Can i take you to my room? His voice was soft,but husky,

" i nodded,

He walked into his room and placed me on feet,  he unzipped my dress, and let it fall to the floor,  i sit on the bed, and he removed my shoes, once, I was done, getting undressed, I climbed into bed, ember climbed in beside me, I cuddled up, to him, laying my head on his chest,  he kissed me on the forehead, 

"I LOVE YOU, he whispered, 

"I LOVE YOU TO , I whispered as i listened to the steady beat of his heart, and I drifted off to sleep