
The Alpha's Fatal Mark

I was shaken with fear, taking a step back away from him. "Who are you?" I whispered. "Have you forgotten me so soon?' He smirked, stepping towards me out of the trees and he was the most handsome man I have ever seen in my life and his scent was soothing and relaxing. How could an Alpha smell so good? "What are you talking about?" I panted. "I don't know who you are." "My mark is on you, you can't hide away from me, no matter how hard you try." He vanished and appeared in a flash in front of me. I was stunned. A hybrid. "I can't wait to ravish your body and turn you into mine, mate." "Get away from me." "Make me,' he whispered and kissed me on my lips, my heart melted. Hayley is an eighteen years old, a high-school nerd who loves to be alone, lived a peaceful life, dreamt of meeting her mate someday and get married, however life doesn't always go the way we want it, does it? After getting abandoned in a club, having a one night stand with the Alpha, a playboy who gets into any pants he comes across, named Raven, the athletic handsome dude in high school, her life turns upside in shambles.

Celine_Marshall · Thanh xuân
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12 Chs


I snorted, turning towards the alarm on my nightstand that kept ringing nonstop, stretched out my hand and forcefully switched it off.

Man, the stupid stuff should be quiet, disturbing my peaceful sleep. I shifted my body on the bed, avoiding the reflection of the sun, penetrating through my room, fixing my fluffy pillow to lay down on my bed when I noticed my door burst open.

What the heck?

"Hey, Raven. Rise and shine, sleepy head,' my sister announced, snatching the blanket away from my body. I frowned, still closing my eyes and whirled away from her, so I could get my beauty sleep and by the way, my name is not fucking Remus but Raven, whoever made such a name for me at school was delusional.

"Raven." She called again, guess, I was wrong, she would stop calling me.

"Really, Raven,' she said and turned my body towards her, that's when I snapped.

"Can you leave me the fuck alone, Camellia. I'm not in the mood." I said and went back to sleep, I noticed she wasn't saying anything for a while, glad she got the message. I smiled when I caught a glimpse of what was happening and screamed at the chilly, piercing stones falling on my body as I jumped out of bed and knew they were ice cubes.

"What the fuck was that for, Cameilla?" I glared.

"That's for not waking up, when I told you to, don't play with me and I'm not one of your whores you mutter those words to, "I'm not in the mood" this is our mansion and not your hotel. Mind your language." She taunted and folded her arms across her chest. "This is 10:00 in the morning, Father wants everyone to be downstairs, don't glare at me as if you can beat me because you can't."

"I never said I can beat you, if you want to wake someone, wake up the person in a respectful way, not pouring ice cubes on my body, you know I hate the cold.' I stated, well, it wasn't my intention to talk to her that way, it was just not in me and I feel so weary and exhausted, I just needed more sleep and I can't believe that time had run out that fast.

She is such a bossy at times, I wish she was not my elder sister and an Alpha for that matter.

"Well, if you hate the cold that bad, wake up when you are told to, not the other way round." She winked at me.

"It's not funny," I muttered and took a small towel beside my bed and began to clean myself up.

"Oh, really. Are you tired because you've been having sex with all those girls in your school because I can smell an Omega's pheromones on you, and it's very strong too? What a nice smell."

If only she knew, it was some dumbo and some nerd who got into my bed last night, what was her name again.

And, yeah, I knew she would smell that. Camellia is my elder sister, an Alpha and a tall woman who doesn't condone absurdity. She was almost six feet tall, had red hair, a slim figure, a bit athletic, a pointed nose, red lips, an oval expression, and had a white set of teeth and bright features that we almost looked alike, I think. Even though she was quite bossy and annoying at times, she was a good sister anyone could count on and would want to have, but I can't tell her that regardless, she will feel so full of herself and I don't want that and end up regretting my words later.

"It's none of your business, who I sleep with,'' I said and walked past her when she said.

"Really, but the scent on you is strong why don't you put on a strong cologne to cover the smell, if dad sniffs that on you, he will go bunkers and tear the mansion down."

"Whatever.' I said, I didn't want to admit it, that I was going to do as she says.

"And, mind the way you are sleeping with Omegas, if care is not taken, you could impregnate one of them or more." She laughed.

"I'm being careful,' I yawned. "I always use protection." Anyone that gets pregnant without my consent will face the consequences, because Omegas intentionally gets close to the Alphas so they give birth to their pups and take over their responsibility.

What a load of crap!

"Yeah, be extra careful. You know most Omegas are so fertile, their heat cycle, that a one-time thing could cause…"

"Quit lecturing me, you are not my mama," I whined.

"I'm your second mama and your elder sister." She chuckled and I just rolled my eyes and began walking.

"Come downstairs for dinner and we are having an important discussion, we need to talk about it, okay." Without a word, I left my room as soon as the maid came in to clean up my room.

Walking down the hallway barefooted in my nightwear, I paused as I remembered what happened between that Omega and me, at the nightclub two days ago.

Fuck! She was tremendous, that was the best night I had ever had in my entire life. Man, her pheromones were so thick, I had to cum a couple of things while I banged her and even masturbated when I got home, got weary before going to sleep that night.

Glad, Lucas saved my butt. I don't know how I would have left that place.

I want her again, damn.

I didn't even know she was going to be there, that was my private room at the club, Diego's club. I always go there whenever I want to get away from my father, his anger and problems. Who could have thought I would end up bumping into her and sleeping with her. How did she come to the room that night anyway, how did she know that I was there?

No, she didn't know I was there. The surprised look on her face when she puked on the sink, tells that she wasn't aware that I was there, she was so innocent and in heat.