
Chapter 7: Council

I lay in my bed that night, unable to sleep. All I could think about were Cherry's eyes, full of hurt and anger, as she confronted me about my 'infidelity'.

A mate being cheated on is like a fever. To them, it feels like your heart is being ripped out and their bodies were burning with rage. The pain can be so intense that it was like being stabbed in the heart over and over again. No matter how hard they tried they couldn't shift into their wolf form, making them vulnerable to attack. If the pain was too much and extended for long periods of time, they would pass out from pure exhaustion.

I also knew she could sense I had been with someone else because of our mate bond, but how she knew it was Caitlin was still a mystery to me. It's not like we were in a relationship but all I could do was sit and think of the mistake I had made. I felt like I was in a never-ending cycle of guilt, regret and self-loathing. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize it when the sun started to rise.

In the heart of the city, I arrived at a skyscraper owned by the grand council. The council were there to ensure our secret was kept hidden from humans as well as deal with problematic rogues.

At this rate, Cherry was about to make it on their hit list. After all, she was already on their watch list.

I had scheduled a meeting with Aiden Davis, he was a member of the council and I had come to him for answers about my mate, Cherry.

Miles insisted he came to the meeting he wanted to know the ins and out of my mate just as I was but I knew his intentions weren't pure. If he thinks he'll be joining the meeting it's not going to happen. This is a delicate matter and there could be things about my mate that I want to be left private.

Sure enough, it doesn't take long for him to express his concerns.

"You should have said something. You need to find this girl's name, and reject her so we can deal with her appropriately."

"Did I ask for your input?" I said rolling my eyes I honestly wanted to get away from the conversation. I knew this was going to irritate Kane and then I would be the one stuck with the never-ending debate with him in my head. Trying to convince me not to reject the girl.

"It sucks that's she a rogue. And I know how much you wanted your mate to be your Luna but there are other worthy candidates. Why don't you consider Caitlin as a chosen mate? She's quite smitten with you."

No. Our mate is perfect for us. Don't listen to him. He doesn't understand and won't until he meets his own mate.

Yup, the debate has started. Yippee.

"I am not discussing my mate with you."

"Why not? Both of our fathers would have said the same thing."

"It's none of your business what happens between my mate and I."

"You know if the roles were reversed you would be saying the same thing."

He just wants to know our mate's weakness and use it against her. Kane says.

I know. I'm not an idiot.

Are you sure? You follow his advice more than anyone else and just seems to backfire.

His my beta, who else am I going to seek advice from. Besides, I'm the alpha what I say goes.

Rightio. Kane snickers a little, and I know his mocking me.

Before Miles could breathe out another world the receptionist called out to me, "Mr Davis is ready to see you now. This way."

I stood up as did Miles.


"I need to know."

"You'll be told what I want you to know."

He sits down and huffs like a child.

Real mature.

I follow the receptionist inside. Aiden motions for me to take a seat on the couch he has in the middle of his office. The receptionist returns a moment later with a tray of glasses and some chilled water before leaving us for our meeting.

"Is that what she goes by now?"

"Cherry isn't her name?"

"No. Her reputation gave it to her. That trick she does with the cherries. Her birth name is Annebelle Alpin."

The last name sounded familiar but I couldn't quite place it.

Aiden begins to explain that Annebelle is the last remaining survivor of the Dayton pack massacre that happened 13 years ago. The Luna went on a rampage and killed the entire pack including her mate. By the time council knew of what had happened Annebelle was gone, believed that she was mauled by her Luna beyond recognition. The chances of finding her body were unlikely since there were many bodies torn apart.

Obviously, that wasn't the case, she must have left the area, terrified I can't even imagine what was going through her mind when all of this happened. It made Kane whimper hearing this and it brought deep sadness. Her pack, and her family were gone in one day. Yet it was a miracle she survived.

"Why haven't you intervened? You must be aware of her activities."

I didn't want to say too much just in case they didn't know about the silver but considering she had attacked multiple packs across multiple regions there was no way they would sit idly by. She was the definition of a problematic rogue.

"Orders by the royal council. I guess she has friends in high places."

"What happened to the Luna?"

He proceeds to explain that the Luna was mentally unstable and was executed for her crimes. Mental illness is rare in werewolves and when it does happen nine times out of ten they can be rehabilitated and released. Unfortunately for Annebelle's Luna, that wasn't the case. She was considered too much of a threat.

"Do you know why she is attacking the packs?

"My guess would be is what happened to her pack. Her Luna betrayed everyone. And from what I have been told by other alphas she's made it very clear she despises mates and alphas. Basically, everything we stand for."

"And what do you suggest I do with Annebelle?"

"Grit and bear it. She doesn't stay in one area for too long."

That's his advice? I wonder who is protecting her because this is strange. If packs were unable to contain her and dispose of her then the royal guards would get involved.

I thanked Aiden for his help and he wished me luck with Annebelle. Definitely going to need it.

Now we know, we can tame our little mate of ours. She's in pain and needs our comfort.

I cannot deny but feel conflicted. With the bond, I have an insatiable desire to help her cope with her grief, and protect her at all costs however; her trauma may be beyond my help or any professional help. Her behaviour is borderline feral.

Feral rogues are known to have lost all humanity. Driven by only their primitive instincts that cannot be tamed, bargained or reasoned with. They simply hunt, fuck and cause destruction in their path. Maybe it might be wise to reject her.

YOU WILL NOT REJECT OUR MATE! Kane roared and it was deafening that I had to sit down to compose myself.

"You okay?" Miles asks. "Should I get some water?"

"It's just Kane." I sighed leaning back in the chair trying to take deep breaths to try and soothe the angry beast from within me. "Her name is Annebelle Alpin."

"Alpin? Shit." Miles sighs heavily taking a seat beside me. He recognises the name. He was a little shocked judging by his reaction.

That's probably why she changed her name to Cherry. Didn't want to be known as the girl whose pack got wiped out by a crazy Luna.

"I don't want to upset you Calen..." Miles pauses a slight tinge of concern running over his facial features. I know what he's going to say next. "I'll always have your back, but for the sake of the pack but you can't make Annebelle your Luna. That kind of trauma, you can't heal from, she will go feral."

As I stared at the ground listening to Miles' reasons, I know deep down that he was right. For the sake of the pack's future, it would be wise of me to reject her and move on.

Please Calen you can't. She needs us you can't abandon our mate. Give her a chance.

My heart ached as it felt like it was being pulled in all different directions. I thought about my obligation, and how I was raised. I couldn't make the decision now. I told Miles to get the car and we drove back to the pack house in silence. For once Miles allowed me to deal without his judgemental opinions. I think he knew I was hurting and just needed to be left alone.

As I strolled into the pack house, I avoided every pack member that walked passed me and headed upstairs to my room, locking myself in there for the rest of the day. Miles took charge and tended to the pack's needs whilst I spent the next few days pottering around in my room trying to figure out what I wanted to do with Annebelle.

Kane was not happy. He was whimpering and whining in the background and I did my best to shut him out. He was worried I might reject our mate. Because of this, it made me feel extremely restless. All I needed was time to think.

Sometime in the evening, I decided to write up a pros and cons list. Figured it might help. As I sat at my desk I jotted down points, I heard a knock at my door. I called out to whoever was on the other side of the door to enter.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw it was Ashley walking over to me with a plate of food.

"I thought you might be hungry," she says setting the plate on the desk and sitting on the chair nearby. "You wanna talk about it?" she asks.

"I accept her I may have doomed this pack's future and lose any respect or dignity from my pack."

"Some people who have suffered terrible losses don't know how to ask for help. Their only coping mechanism is to act out and they will push away the people who care about them. Deep down they want to heal but are terrified they will have to face the demons they have buried a long time ago.

"You think I should accept her?"

"I am saying you should follow your heart."

How could I, when I am so conflicted? But, sometimes the heart doesn't know what's best. The cons outweigh the pros. I scrunched up the piece of paper and tossed it into the trash can underneath my desk.

"Thanks for tor the advice Ashely."

"Glad I could help."

I know what you are thinking, if you reject her there will be consequences.

This isn't about her, it's about my pack and our survival. I can't have a rogue tear everything my father has built.

So be it.

Those were the last words Kane said to me before going silent. No whining. Nothing, he just disappeared.