
The Alpha's Bane

In a contemporary world where werewolves existed secretly with humans. Oden Wells the leader of the North Park in Florida cursed his son to be in pain because he thought his son was the reason why Eve didn't make it at childbirth. He cursed his son Klaus to be in pain at midnight with a sword stuck at his back till he finds his one true love who will accept him as he is and lift his curse. Klaus sets out to find his one true love amidst all difficulties at the end he finds her but she is a human who doesn't believe that werewolves mean any good. So she is faced with rejecting Klaus when she finds out his true form. Klaus is now faced with reconciling with his father, reconciling the two parks and the human race, and also lifting his curse.

Ebube_Darlington · Thành thị
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12 Chs

Chapter 9- The Alpha's Bane

"I swear I am fine you are being worried for nothing Jack! I just need to have a nice long sleep which you just disturbed in a minute!" see I'm fine. Emily said in an annoyed tone. 

"No! you are not fine I refuse to accept that. What is bothering you, Emily?" Jack asked with a concerned look on his face. 

Emily, seeing that she can't pull off this time, decides to open up to him after all he likes her. 

"You remember Eve? The one that resigned ten months earlier? Emily asked him while bringing out two soda cans from the fridge. 

"Yeah, I do. What about her? And that reminds me I haven't seen her in a long time" Jack said and sipped his drink. 

"The last time I saw her she was heavily pregnant and I've been texting her since then to know her whereabouts and to know if she had given birth to visit her but she wasn't replying. But suddenly today she texted out of nowhere saying that she is ok and that I should stop looking for her". Emily narrated to him.

"Don't you think it's suspicious? And ever since she met that suspicious young man what's his name again?"She asked as she tried remembering his name. 

"Oden! Yes, Oden!" Her voice echoed across the sitting room.

"My friend now keeps things away from me. Can you believe that I didn't know she was already pregnant and even due till I saw her at the mall? God! I don't even know where she lives because she turned off her location. She started being secretive the moment he met that weirdly handsome guy. I miss Eve a lot!" she screamed out these words in anger and finally broke down in tears. 

Jack immediately moved over to her seat and hugged her. "Everything will be ok relax and just take a deep breath". Jack tried consoling her while patting her back. 

"If she says she is ok then she is ok and besides she can't be outside just yet you know she just had a baby. So maybe that's the reason why you haven't seen her around so look at it from that angle. I'm sure Eve is fine". He added as he softly wiped her eyes with his finger. 

"What are you doing Jack?" Emily asked him and made to shift back a little bit. 

Jack couldn't resist wanting to plant a kiss on her lips as he leaned in while wiping her face. 

"Uhm! Sorry about that I will be taking my leave now it's getting late". Jack said immediately and stood up to leave. 

But Emily lightly grabbed the end of his shirt and shyly said while looking down "Stay for the night, Jack". 

"I really can't help it when you act like this," Jack said and immediately grabbed her waist and pulled her forward on his chest. 

"Can I tell you this Emily? Look at me, Emily. I have been loving you for a long time. Ever since the first day you started working in our office. But I didn't ask you out because I wasn't sure of your feelings yet. Please let me love you, Emily?" Jack said while looking at her hoping to not get turned down. 

Emily who had been waiting for this moment wasn't surprised but she was super excited. 

She wanted to say yes immediately but then she thought this through. First of all the mood was not right and then she would look cheap and easy for him. 

"What do I do? I have been wanting a grand proposal my whole life". Emily said in her heart while still looking at him. 

"Is that a yes?" Jack asked with a smile on his face.

Emily didn't realize that she had been keeping him waiting. 

"I have to think about it Jack. It's sudden and also I have to be in the right mood". Emily said faking a serious face to hide her excitement.

"What! Oh no! Please say yes Emily" he said while laughing. 

"No you have to give me time to think this through ok?" she said laughing along with him

Ok, I will give you time. For you I will wait" he replied with a sweet smile and planted a kiss on her forehead. 

"Do you want to eat? I'm really hungry!" he asked Emily and released his hold to go check out her kitchen. 

"Yeah I'm hungry" Emily answered him and followed him to the kitchen. 

"Go freshen up and get ready for dinner. I will be done in a minute".Jack said and lightly pushed her away from the kitchen. 

"Alright let's calm down". He said looking down at the bulge in his pants. It was getting really obvious. So he starts cooking trying his best to distract himself. 

Emily was done bathing and getting ready for the night. She put on her favorite perfume and put on her transparent-looking nightwear. It was a slightly loosed white top that went as low as her thighs. Then she put on a white lace panties and tied her hair up loosely.

Emily was looking like a sexy vixen waiting to be laid. But that's her usual routine and nightwear. Walking out of her room and looking through her phone she closed the room behind her. 

"Oh, you are done! Dinner is rea… " Jack did not finish his last words and the glass cup he was holding fell off his hand and broke to pieces grabbing Emily's attention. 

Looking at her exposed firm boobs sticking out behind that cloth with her white panties fitting nicely on her well-carved waist. Her smooth slender legs stared right at him. She could pass the position of a seductress. 

"Are you hurt? Let me get the vacuum cleaner don't touch it. Stay right there I would be back" Emily said and turned swiftly to go and get the machine. 

"This was a bad idea to stay back!" Jack groaned in his head as he watch Emily's we'll round butt dangling one after the other as she walks away. 

The tightening around his groin came back harder this time. He even felt his dick dripping already. 

"I can't survive this torture"! He says in his head while still looking at her while she comes back with the Vacuum. 

Emily has never dated since high school and even when she was dating they only went as far as holding hands and hugging each other. 

She didn't know that dressing like that could have any effect on a guy.