
The Alpha's Bane

In a contemporary world where werewolves existed secretly with humans. Oden Wells the leader of the North Park in Florida cursed his son to be in pain because he thought his son was the reason why Eve didn't make it at childbirth. He cursed his son Klaus to be in pain at midnight with a sword stuck at his back till he finds his one true love who will accept him as he is and lift his curse. Klaus sets out to find his one true love amidst all difficulties at the end he finds her but she is a human who doesn't believe that werewolves mean any good. So she is faced with rejecting Klaus when she finds out his true form. Klaus is now faced with reconciling with his father, reconciling the two parks and the human race, and also lifting his curse.

Ebube_Darlington · Thành thị
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12 Chs

Chapter 8- The Alpha's Bane

The werewolf, seeing that she grabbed a silver-made knife, spoke up and said "You might wanna drop that I don't want to hurt you human!". 

Emily did not let it say another word and she immediately slashed its fur-covered leg and it started bleeding. The only thing that could pierce the skin of werewolves was anything made of silver and their fellow werewolves' claws and teeth bites. 

"I have read and heard so many stories about you guys so don't play with me and come any closer or I will stick these blades deep into your heart". Emily threatened the wounded beast as she kept pointing at the beast with the knife in her hand. 

The beast roared in anger and one swipe destroyed the kitchen cabinet, grabbed the human, and tossed her on the wall. 

Emily fell hard on the wall and broke her ribs. 

She cried out in pain as she started looking around to see if she could see the knife she had dropped when the beast threw her away. 

"You caused this to yourself!" the beast said while fuming in anger. 

Slowly it starts approaching her where she was still lying hopelessly on the floor when she saw that the knife was out of her reach. 

The beast slashed her face and one of her eyeballs fell out and she started bleeding profusely. 

"Since you don't want to see your friend stop asking for her"! He said and finally turned and started breaking things as he left. 

Emily is left to bleed to death with one of her eyeballs on the floor, starts struggling to get her phone to call for help, and then wakes up. 

Her mind came back after thinking of everything that happened in the dream. 

Her phone buzzed and she shuddered in fear. Looking to see what the message was about. 

In her disbelief, she saw Eve's text saying that she was okay and that she should stop trying to reach her. 

This made her skin crawl and all her body hair stood up in fright. 

Could this mean that the dream is coming to pass? So fast? I have to report this to the cops. What if a werewolf appears in my house and starts attacking me?" Emily was pondering the questions in her head when her left eye saw the time by mistake. 

"Oh my God! I am late for work". She said as she jumped out of her bed and immediately rushed into the bathroom and hurried her bath. 

She skipped her breakfast and dashed out of her house to the bus stand.

Arrived at the office and sneaked in as she didn't want her boss to catch her lacking. 

She successfully made it to her desk and immediately started her work. She tried to keep her cool the best she could. 

When it was lunch time she went down to the cafeteria looking disturbed in her facial expression. One of her colleagues came and walked up to her desk and offered to sit and eat next to her. 

"At this rate y, you will surely be caught lacking Emily. What's been your mood recently? The bags under your eyes look great I must say". He said with a slight chuckle intending to brighten up the mood. 

Emily immediately comported herself and fixed a smile on her face. 

"Are you sick? Did something happen?" Jack continued questioning her in a concerned tone. 

"I am fine. Do I look stressed? Emily replied to me with a sweet convincing smile hoping to get him to stop asking. 

She obviously can't talk to him about werewolves. Nobody believes in that these days. She would be considered for a psychiatric test. She barely ate her food though she missed breakfast earlier. 

"Oh great so I lose my appetite too". Emily murmured in a sad tone with a deep sigh. 

"Did you say something to me?" asked Jack who had been watching Emily the whole time she barely touched her food. 

"I mean if you say you are fine it's ok. I mightn't bother you but please know that lunch is olunchtimeght want to get back to work". He said to Emily and got up to go and drop his empty food tray. 

Emily nodded her head with a smile and stood up after he left. 

She ponders on whether to stop by the police station to report her dream and her missing friend. 

But on second thought, she waved off the,e Idea because she knew she could end up in the psychiatric hospital if the police held her story beside her friend she was saying was missing and finally texted her. 

"Besides, werewolves don't exist anymore so why more of one?" Emily asked herself in a sarcastic tone and forced a fake smile on her lips. 

So she went back and finished working for the day trying as much as possible to not think about anything. 

Back from work she opened her apartment and walked inside making sure she locked the door behind her. 

She immediately tossed her bag on the bed and fell on the bed flat on her back. 

"I am so tired right now!". She said and closed her eyes to take a small nap. 

She was about to drift off when she heard the knock on the door. 

Her heart skipped a beat and she immediately sat up on the bed thinking who could be on about the boat. 

Fear gripped her but she picked up the courage to go to the door as the person kept on knocking. 

"Who is it? She asked, trying to recognize the voice.

"It's me, Emily," the voice answered.

"Oh, Jack is it?". Emily said in a relieved tone trying to make sure. 

"Yes it's Jack, can you please open the door for me, ma'am," Jack said in a sarcastic tone trying to ease her mind.

 Emily opened the door immediately and let Jack in. 

"What are you doing here? It's dark already! You should be resting in your house Jack", Emily said with a suspicious look. 

Emily knew that Jack had eyes for her but she had been ignoring and acting like she did not see the signs. 

I mean if you are interested in me why not ask me out on a date and propose like a real man rather than act like a teenager who is feeling the girl sitting at the end of the class? Cleaning? her desk when she is not around, writing love letters and putting them in a locker, and all other tiny gestures. 

That's not the kind of man Emily wants really so she has been trying to avoid showing him any sign of likeness till he asks her out. 

"I decided to check up on you because you seemed to be in a bad mood and besides you haven't been looking great these days". Jack spoke up in a sad tone.