
The Alpha's Bane

In a contemporary world where werewolves existed secretly with humans. Oden Wells the leader of the North Park in Florida cursed his son to be in pain because he thought his son was the reason why Eve didn't make it at childbirth. He cursed his son Klaus to be in pain at midnight with a sword stuck at his back till he finds his one true love who will accept him as he is and lift his curse. Klaus sets out to find his one true love amidst all difficulties at the end he finds her but she is a human who doesn't believe that werewolves mean any good. So she is faced with rejecting Klaus when she finds out his true form. Klaus is now faced with reconciling with his father, reconciling the two parks and the human race, and also lifting his curse.

Ebube_Darlington · Thành thị
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12 Chs

Chapter 5- The Alpha's Bane

"I wish Oden could see that it's not your fault that your mother died while trying to give birth to you". Linda continued with a sad voice as she started rocking Klaus to sleep. 

When she saw that the baby had fallen asleep again she gently put him in the crib again and quietly left the room. 

She hurried back to the kitchen to finish making her food as she was feeling very hungry by the time she finished feeding Klaus. "I can hear my stomach rumbling too"! She said with a light chuckle not wanting to wake the little one up. 

Clearing the plates from the dining table by the time she was done cooking she returned to cleaning up the remaining part of the house. She also took a look around as she couldn't do it earlier yesterday.

She saw that there was a nice car that was parked and locked in the garage so she immediately tried it. It has been her dream to drive or own a car since Eve helped her to obtain a driver's license. 

"I love this job. Thank you, Eve"! She steamed happily while test-driving the black-coloured Lamborghini around the villa. 

"It's a shame I can't take you out just yet until Klaus comes of age. But you are a gorgeous baby"! Linda said as she made one last turn around before reparking it into the garage to lock it. 

She made her way to a closed door that looked like a warehouse. So she tried opening it but couldn't. After several attempts to open the door, it all failed. So she decided to give up and go check other parts of the house while wondering what was inside the room that couldn't open. 

She saw a large pool and a playground as she was going to the back of the villa. 

"Humans and preparations. So sad you didn't make it even though you made sure to get things ready. Linda said to herself with a sad expression feeling bad for Eve's death. 

"I swear I tried saving you"! Linda continued lamenting, almost crying as tears started forming in her eyes. 

"But I want you to know that I will not let you down again. I will make sure to protect your son with my life" she said, hitting her chest with confidence. 

When she was done looking around the house she went back inside to know if Klaus had woken up. 

She peeped inside and saw that he was still sound asleep. Sitting on the sofa she puts on the television to watch the news to know what was happening in the outside world. 

"I need to know what's going on with the humans since I won't be going outside soon". Linda said making herself comfortable on the sofa.

While she was watching the news she saw an advert for a cream that says something about making the hair grow longer. 

"Oh, I wonder if it's going to work on my hair since I am not human". She said as she picked up her phone to order. 

She put in her details and gave them the address and ordered a lot. 

After waiting for an hour to get the package which didn't come around she became worried that she might have been scammed by the humans. 

Just as she was about to text the company to find out what was wrong and why her delivery was delayed. Her phone starts ringing at the same time she picks it up from the sofa. 

Seeing an unknown number calling she checked to see if it was the number that gave her the address but it was not so she put up her guard and answered the call. 

"Hello, who is on the line"? While listening carefully, pick the voice of the person if he or she answers. 

"Oh hello, nice to meet you. This is Hairy Cosmetics you ordered some hair products earlier but we are having a hard time locating the address you entered. Please check if that is the correct address and call us back thank you"! The young lady said and ended the call. 

"Silly me, that was the hair product people"! She exclaimed holding her chest. 

She hurriedly checked the address she gave them to find out what was wrong and why they couldn't see the place. She saw that everything was correct. 

"Then why couldn't they see the house?" Linda asked in disbelief.

"Let me go check," she said as she stood up and started walking towards the gate.

So when she was finally outside the gate she looked at the address on the wall. It was the same and the villa was standing right there in front of her. 

"Then what are those crazy creatures saying about not seeing the house". Linda said in anger as she started dialing the number that called her earlier. 

"Yea hello, this is Linda I am standing right outside my gate and I am waiting for my order. Hurry up"! Linda said and immediately hung up trying to suppress her anger. 

While she was fuming in anger she looked ahead of her and saw the delivery man looking around with a confused look almost about to turn back. So she starts running towards him screaming "I'm here" as loud as she can. 

Looking around to make sure no one was looking she used her wolf speed because the delivery man was almost getting away since he was on a bike. 

Right in front of him, this startled the human and he stopped immediately almost crashing down. 

"Oh, you scared me"! The delivery guy said as he picked up his helmet that had fallen. "And who if I may ask". He asked with a big smile. 

"I am the owner of the package and did you say you are not seeing that house over there"? Linda said with an angry face pointing at the end of the street. 

"I swear I don't see anything. It's like the address you are saying doesn't exist but the next house before the address is right here. You may have given me the wrong address. Please sign here". The guy politely extended the paper to her. 

"That's strange! The villa is right there". Linda murmured to herself in disbelief as she signed to claim her package. 

He hands her over the package and makes to leave but is stopped by Linda who asks him again "So you are saying you can't see the huge villa after this house right now? Really?"

"Yes I don't ma'am and if you don't mind I have somewhere else to be". he said as he zoomed off. 

"That's strange. Why can't he see the house that I am walking to right now?" Linda asked in a confused tone looking back and forth to know if she would stop seeing the house at one point. 

"Oden must have done something to the house but I can't ask him". She said as verified her fingerprint and walked in. 

"But if he did something to the house then it's a good thing. Then we are safe!. Oden may not want his son but he does care this much". Linder mutters to herself while giggling.