
The Alpha's Bane

In a contemporary world where werewolves existed secretly with humans. Oden Wells the leader of the North Park in Florida cursed his son to be in pain because he thought his son was the reason why Eve didn't make it at childbirth. He cursed his son Klaus to be in pain at midnight with a sword stuck at his back till he finds his one true love who will accept him as he is and lift his curse. Klaus sets out to find his one true love amidst all difficulties at the end he finds her but she is a human who doesn't believe that werewolves mean any good. So she is faced with rejecting Klaus when she finds out his true form. Klaus is now faced with reconciling with his father, reconciling the two parks and the human race, and also lifting his curse.

Ebube_Darlington · Thành thị
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12 Chs

Chapter 2- The Alpha's Bane

"I think this is my fate," the nurse said calmly as she looked at the handsome little boy crying out in pain. 

She got up and walked outside the theater room with the crying baby in her hand. Everybody looked at the child in disgust as she walked past them. 

"I am only passing through this because of the promise I made to Eve your mother a few days ago". Linda whispered to the boy in her arms as she picked up the courage to walk past the whole pack looking at her in spite. 

Some of them even made to attack and kill the boy who is said to have killed his mother. 

"He remains Eve's son no matter what so don't kill him. That's not what Eve would want if she was here", Linda said to the angry wolves who were planning to launch an attack. 

Thinking about it they all calmed down and one of them spoke "As the director of this hospital I relieve you of your duties so that you can take care of the leader's son. You will be as though you are working for as long as you are with him. I heard he is caused by our leader, Oden, his father. Your new house will be soundproof to block the sound of the baby from the curious humans who may want to know what is wrong with the child. Everything you need to take care of him will be supplied as long as you ask. Now take him away before he comes to harm. I cannot guarantee his safety if he stays in our midst. Be safe Nurse Linda".

 Having said this, nurse Linda was given new keys to the soundproof house which only Oden knows of its whereabouts in New York City. 

"You will receive directions from Oden". The director added. 

Linda nodded her head with a smile holding back her tears as she thanked the director and grabbed the keys with shaky hands.

She made her way out of the hospital to her former house to pick up some of the belongings she would need in her new home. 

It was already noon by the time she came back from shopping for the baby. Klaus was still sleeping when she came back not wanting to wake him up she quietly kept on packing and arranging all the stuff she would be needing for their new home. 

Looking at the empty house and the baby lying down suckling his fingers Linda said to herself quietly " It's not going to be easy". 

Seeing that the baby had gotten up she fixed his meal and the baby hungrily gulped down the whole formula and went back to sleep. 

"You are lucky that I have been a nurse for so long which would make it easier for us," Linda said calmly as she gently picked up the baby and made her way to the bathroom to give him his first bath and clean him up.

 After she was done cleaning and dressing up little Klaus who was still sleeping soundly. 

Linda also went to clean herself up as she was still wearing the uniform that was now smelling from all the blood and mucus that had rubbed on it earlier. 

She was done bathing and while she was drying her hair she heard her phone beep. She knew it was the location of the new house where she would be staying with Klaus. 

"Though I feel bad for Eve's death, Oden should have accepted his son. I don't think this is what Eve would have wanted. It wasn't Klaus's fault that his mother died while giving birth to him. Poor thing! Linda said to herself sadly while reading the address. 

Calling the truck driver to know what was holding him. His phone rang twice but he didn't pick up. It was about getting dark and Linda was getting worried if they would make it out of Florida before midnight. 

"I have a lot of human neighbors who will come knocking at my door in the middle of the night if I decide to sleep in". Linda whispered in a low tone lifting the blinds to see if the truck was in sight. 

While she was thinking of what to do to avoid the situation. Immediately she sees the truck pulling up to her yard.

She jumped up in excitement and hurried to open the door. 

They were done packing and were ready to go, Linda looked back at her small home. 

"I will miss you a lot," she said as she turned to enter the Truck. It was 7 pm when they left for New York City. 

Woken up by the baby's cry, Linda opened her eyes to see that it was already dark but they were still on the road. 

"What's the time?" she panicked in fear as she asked the driver.

"It's 9 pm and in an hour we will be at the place you mentioned". The driver replied to Linda with a smile. 

"Oh! I must be very tired to have slept that much". Linda said as she took a sigh of relief. 

She immediately tended to the hungry child and he stopped crying. 

"That child is not even yours but feels so comfortable with you". the driver blurted out. 

Surprised Linda starts choking on the water she was drinking. 

"Sorry! I didn't mean to do that" he said with a chuckle to Linda while still keeping his eyes on the road. 

"How did you know that?" Linda asked immediately with wide eyes. 

So many thoughts came to her mind and she immediately put up her guard while heightening her senses to know if the old man was a werewolf sent to kill Klaus. 

"I have been a doctor for fifty years. Now I am retired and working as a truck driver. I know that child is not up to a day old and a day-old mum won't be able to pack all that no matter how strong she is, again you are not breastfeeding the child and lastly, he doesn't look like you in any way". He said calmly while keeping his eyes on the road.

Linda immediately knows he is human and relaxed. 

"I am impressed"! Linda replied to the old man in the most natural and calm state. Not try to end up in a police station as that would be a disaster if they were detained until midnight. 

"Then who's child is that?" The old man asked again. 

"Petty humans"! Linda cursed out in her head. 

"I am a newly hired nanny for the family where I would be relocating to so the family would be returning from the hospital in two weeks because the wife gave birth to this child through a c-section. So technically she can't take care of this baby right now so they hired me to do the job until she is okay" she replied to the old man hoping he would keep his mouth shut. 

"Oh, I understand! Poor child! Didn't even get his mother's love for a minute". The old man said as he took a glance at the sleeping child. 

"Yeah I feel bad for him," Linda replied to the old man with a sigh of relief. 

After ten more minutes, they arrived at the place.