
The Town

"Let's go, let's go, let's go we're gonna be late mommy" Talia exclaims impatiently.

"We're coming sweetie, don't worry, it's only 8 am" Georgia tells her while picking her up. "Your dad's waiting outside, do you need anything before we go?" Talia shakes her head no. "What about Morgana?" They look at the baby dragon on Talia's shoulder. "I'm okay" Morgana tells them.

They go outside. "Are all my girls ready?" Tim asks as soon as they get outside.

Talia smiles nodding excitedly. "let's go already" They get in the carriage with Timothy driving them.

"It's so pretty mommy" Talia looks around at all the people, stores and houses together.

"It is, Talia, now, me and your dad have different places we need to be, who do you wanna go with?"

Talia looks at them. 'What do you think Clover? dad's gonna be selling stuff and mom's gonna be buying them.'

[We both know you'll choose your mom]

'Yeah, but now you can say you were included in the decision'

"we'll go with mommy" She answers. "Okay sweetie, I'll see you three later then" Tim kisses the top of Talia's head, Georgia's cheek, and pets Morgana's head. "I'll meet you all in the square in two hours"

"Bye daddy" Talia waves. "Where are we going now Mommy?" She asks curiously.

"First we'll go buy the food and other things we need in the market square and when we meet back with your daddy in two hours we'll give you a proper tour, what do you think?"

"It's great mommy"

"Maybe if you're in your best behavior we could even visit a magic store while we're there" Georgia tells her as they make their way through town.

Talia nods enthusiastically. "I will mommy, I promise". 'Clover'

[Yes, Talia]

'Do they generalize all kinds of magic in this world'

[It's nice that you've notice, yes, they do. Since technically everyone can learn magic in here, with being just a question of how hard it can be for them to learn, all magic users and people born with powers are called witches in here, no matter the kind of power, or the person's gender]

'So, if there was a boy that was born with just super speed or something, still a witch'

[Still a witch]

'Huh, good to know'

They buy all the things they need in the market with Talia and Morgana looking around in awe at every little thing.

"Talia, how about one last store?" They stop in front of a small, dark store with colorful lights coming out of its window.

Talia grins. "It's that…?" Georgia nods. Talia runs to the door excited, but stops in front of it waiting for her mom. "C'mon, c'mon, c'moooon" She jumps in place from one foot to the other.

Georgia giggles at her daughter's antics. "Alright, I'm coming, don't worry"

Georgia opens the door and motions for Talia to go ahead and explore. "Go explore, I'll wait for you by the counter, if you find something you like that's not too expensive show me and maybe I'll get it for you, okay?"

Talia enters and looks around, the store seems bigger in the inside, it's divided in three parts, a small library in the center with potion ingredients on one side and magical artifacts on the other, which was what was causing the colorful lights by the window.

"Okay, mommy"

Talia goes straight to the artifacts first, she would rather get some books, but how would she be able to explain she can read all of a sudden to her parents?

Potion ingredients are out as well since she doesn't know any recipes or how everything even works.

And so 'artifacts it is', she looks at all the bright accessories, pretty rings, colorful cloaks and capes, shiny armor, little light glass bubbles floating around in utter awe, but the problem is

'I don't know what any of this is, or what I'll need, can you help Clover'

[I can try, most magical beings already have an intrinsic skill you haven't developed yet, that's why there's no descriptions with them and they're all over the place, the skill basically let's them know what the artifact does by analyzing it, you can try to trigger it by choosing something and inspecting it closely]

'That explains a lot, I've been seeing people just knowing what a lot of things are all day and was seriously starting to question all of my 9 points of intelligence'

[Well, that and the fact that they're used to it and know what most things are already, your secluded little life in that cabin in the woods with only your parents, Morgana and me have been making you ignorant of the rest of the world in afraid]

'Oh' Talia looks at a table by the couch that's under the window full of little lights on top of it and goes to check it out.

[The attention span of a goldfish]

'What?' Talia trips on her shoelaces and falls right in front of the couch "Ouch" she sees a little light being reflected by something under it, and tries to reach it, when that doesn't work, she makes the air around it bring it closer to her and takes the colorful little bracelet in her hands.

"Mommy, are you okay? " Morgana asks flying in the air where Talia's shoulder was just a minute ago.

"Yes sweetie, don't worry" Talia gets up analyzing the bracelet in her hands. "it's so pretty" the bracelet has colorful beads, every single one of them in a different color.


[Yes, Talia]

'It's not working, can you analyze it for me'

[I guess I can give you that as a skill through the system if you need me to, but it won't be able to level up or anything]

'Sure, as long as I can use it is fine'

[Okay, then it follows the same protocol as status, just say analyze and focus on what you want to analyze and it will show you its description]


[Elemental bracelet: If the wearer has an elemental affinity, it can help them to discover and establish control of compound elements, such as: lightning, metal, plants, mud, lava, sand and so on]

'It's perfect' Talia smiles showing Morgana the bracelet.

"Did you find anythin, baby?" Georgia asks coming to check on Talia.

"Look mommy, it's perfect for me" She shows the bracelet to Georgia, which then analyzes it.

"Oh wow, it really is, and not very expensive either" she says checking the tag. "Come, we'll buy it and go to meet your father or we'll be late"

They buy the bracelet and make their way to the town square to meet back with Tim.

"Soooo, did you girls had fun" Tim says as soon as they get there.

"Look daddy!" Talia shows him the bracelet already on her wrist.

"So pretty" He analyzes it "An elemental bracelet, that was a lucky find, huh. There aren't many of them around"

"Yeah, the clerk didn't even realize they had one for sale, Talia said she found it under a couch"

"And what were you doing under a couch?" he asks Talia.

"I fell in front of it and saw the bracelet under it" they both look at her a little surprised at the new information.

"Did you get hurt?" Georgia asks.


"Well, that was really lucky of you, little one" Tim says already used to how clumsy his daughter is.

"How about we start our little tour then? She already saw the market place while we were buying things for the house, where do you think we should go first?" Georgia asks Tim.

"We can start at the park, visit the lake and end in the restaurant where we can have lunch before going home, what do you think"

"Sounds like a plan" Talia watches them not really knowing much about the town to have an opinion either way.



'Didn't you say this world had engineers, and advance technology or something'

[Not exactly, but it does, you're just kind of in the middle of nowhere sweetie]

'Things like this makes me wonder how lucky I truly am'

[You live by the elements now, which is perfect for your growth as an elemental witch, at least until you reach an advanced level and are able to create your own element to use]

'I guess so, at least there's electricity, hot water and stuff'

[Exactly, your preferred commodities and nature, perfect for you]

'I wonder if we'll ever move when I grow up a little. I hope so, don't get me wrong, you, Morgana and my parents are great, but living in exile like this is messing up how I see this world'

[I agree, you'll also need to move away for some of your missions, luckily the first one isn't all that far, but some of them are]

'Agreed, we should start on our plan for it, now that is getting closer and we have a good estimate of what my abilities will be by then'

[Maybe once you're back home. I'm pretty sure your parents have been talking to you this while time]

"And that's how the park got its name" Tim finishes.

'Shit, I really gotta work on that' Talia looks around the park with no memory of being carried there.

"The lake is right at the center of it, so we'll find a bench there where your mom and I can watch you play for a bit"

Talia nods thinking of all the water she'll have to play with.

They get to the lake and find a bench, Talia runs straight to the edge of the water.

"Be careful" Her mom warns running after her. "Don't get too close okay, you don't know how to swim yet, maybe I should just stay here with you" Georgia says worried.

"It's okay mommy, here" she takes five steps back "I won't get closer than this, promise"

"Not a step further?" Georgia confirms.

"I promise" Talia answers.

"Okay then, I'll be right there with your dad watching you, if you need anything just ask, got it?" Georgia says pointing at the bench, still a little worried but trusting her daughter's word.

"Got it" Talia assures her and she finally goes back to the bench.

'Alright now, let's practice with some water'

Two hours of moving the water around just having fun with it and forgetting about the whole practice later.

"Come Talia, time for lunch" Tim calls.

"What? But we just got here" Talia asks.

"It's been two hours sweetie" Georgia tells her.

"What?" 'I was having so much fun I didn't even noticed, it's the first time I got to play with so much water'

[I know, don't worry, you can practice later, there won't be as much water, but it works anyway]

'I guess…'

"Don't be upset, we can come back once a week if you behave, how about every Saturday?" Tim asks.

"REALLY!?!?" Talia asks excitedly.

"Really" Georgia answers her and she hugs them both really tight.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!"

"How about we go eat now?" Tim asks grinning at his daughter.

Talia nods ecstatic that she won't be living in exile anymore.

They walk to the restaurant and find a table inside.

"Good afternoon, I'm Claire and I'll be your waitress today, is there anything I can get you or do you need to see the menu first?" the waitress, Claire asks them.

"Anything you recommend?" Georgia asks.

"Today's special is lasagna, and is one of the chef's best dishes" Claire answers.

"We'll take one for each of us then" Georgia answers.

"One for the little lizard as well?" She asks smiling at Talia.

"I'm not a wizard" Morgana answers her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize" Claire starts to apologize, but Georgia stops her.

"It's okay, she eats with Talia so no need for an order for her, though if you could bring her a plate, we would appreciate it" Georgia explains.

Talia pets Morgana's head. "You're the best dragon in the world, don't mind her, Okay?"

"Okay, mommy"

They eat in peace while Talia thinks about the event she and Clover will be planning for as soon as they're back home.