
The Age of Lords: A Scholar's Journey

In a world on the brink of collapse, Ethan is thrust into the "Age of Lords," where survival is dictated by mastering territories and harnessing magic. With only basic skills and minimal advantages, he must navigate this perilous new reality to secure his place and thrive. Ethan's exceptional learning ability becomes his greatest asset in this challenging environment. As he adapts and acquires crucial knowledge, he begins to turn the tide in his favor, striving to build a strong foundation for success in the demanding "Age of Lords."

Infinity_Snake · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Post-Dungeon Discoveries: Resources, Rewards, and Strategic Choices

After securing a crushing victory within the dungeon known as the Skeleton Training Ground, Ethan reviewed the results of his efforts. The notifications came swiftly:

[A crushing victory, you gain experience 544.5]

[You searched and got it]

[Common resources: 45 units of wood, 45 units of minerals, 45 units of grain]

[Special resources: 5 units of mercury, 5 units of sulfur, 5 units of gems, 5 units of crystal]

[Gold Coin×330]

[Architectural Drawing: Training Ground]

[Primary Treasure: Bone Helmet]

[You completed the dungeon task and gained 1650 experience points]

[Your level has been increased to LV3]

Ethan surveyed the training ground, now littered with the remnants of skeletons. He had hoped for something more, perhaps an artifact or a rare item, but the rewards were still substantial.

He had accumulated enough experience to level up, and now he faced a familiar choice—selecting a new skill.

The system presented three options:

[1. Intermediate academics (affected by wisdom, allowing mutual learning of 1-3 magic)]

[2. Primary logistics (increase land mobility by 10%)]

[3. Primary Navigation (increase 50% maritime mobility)]

Ethan weighed his options carefully. While increased mobility on land or sea could prove useful, especially the navigation boost, he knew that his current situation required a focus on knowledge and learning.

He was deep inland, with no immediate need for maritime capabilities, and his role as a lord in the Age of Lords emphasized the importance of research and magic.

Thus, he chose intermediate academics, knowing it would bolster his ability to learn and teach new magic, which could be invaluable in the future.

Having made his choice, Ethan turned his attention to the spoils of war. The Bone Helmet, while not a game-changing item, offered a modest boost to defense, and he quickly passed it to his champion spirit.

"Here, this should keep you a bit safer," he said, handing the helmet over.

The spirit nodded, accepting the gift with a toothy grin. Ethan knew he didn't have the physical prowess to charge into battle himself, so equipping his minions was the next best thing. As a lord, his strength lay in strategy and the ability to command, not in brute force.

With the dungeon cleared, Ethan decided it was time to leave. He had spent enough time in the eerie training ground, and there were other tasks waiting for him.

His journey back was uneventful but productive; the experience points from the dungeon had pushed him to level 3, a notable achievement this early in the game.

As he exited the dungeon, Ethan's thoughts turned to his next steps. The resources he had gathered were considerable, but they were still far from sufficient to repair his Mage Tower. The tower was the heart of his domain, the center of his power, and restoring it was a top priority.

However, he knew that completing the Wisdom Tree's quest and establishing several spirit workshops would also be crucial. His goal was clear: to build a force of over a thousand monsters under his command, a formidable army that could defend his territory and expand his influence.

Ethan examined the architectural drawing for the training ground that he had acquired. The building had the potential to evolve ordinary troops into elite units, a significant advantage.

However, he knew that reaching championship level would require much more. The thought of having an army of champion-level units was enticing, but it was a distant dream for now. Still, the training ground would be a valuable addition to his growing domain.

With his champion spirit by his side, Ethan set off to find the Wisdom Tree. The tree was a key part of his strategy, offering both knowledge and rewards. As they traveled, Ethan continued to study the spell he had been working on: the Eye of Magic. It was a challenging spell, one that required careful focus and precision, but Ethan was determined to master it.

His progress was steady, though the spell's complexity, particularly its reliance on the eyes, made it a difficult one to learn.

The return journey was faster than the trip out. On the way to the Skeleton Training Ground, Ethan had taken his time, allowing his champion spirit to clear out any wild monsters they encountered and collecting materials along the way.

Now, with no need to fight or gather resources, they moved quickly, covering the distance in half the time it had taken before.

As they approached the Wisdom Tree, Ethan felt a sense of anticipation. The tree's knowledge was vast, and he was eager to learn what it had to offer. The tree's clone had been waiting for him, and its reaction upon seeing Ethan return so quickly was one of mild surprise. The clone, though not the true Wisdom Tree, was still a powerful entity, and Ethan could sense its curiosity.

"I didn't expect you to be so fast, little mage," the tree's clone said, its voice devoid of emotion. "Here is the reward I promised you."

The system notification confirmed the tree's words:

[You have completed the settlement task and obtained a soldier transfer certificate, 1650 experience points]

Ethan checked his inventory and found the transfer certificate, a document that would allow him to upgrade one of his units. It looked like a simple manual, but Ethan knew its value was far greater than its appearance suggested.

"Why don't you use it immediately?" the Wisdom Tree's clone asked, its figure flickering slightly as it spoke.

Ethan paused, studying the clone carefully. Something about the situation didn't feel right. The Wisdom Tree was a powerful entity, likely a hero unit, and yet this clone seemed to be restrained, its true power limited.

Ethan realized that this was not the real Wisdom Tree, but a mere shadow of its true self, bound by the rules of the Age of Lords.

"It seems you're not the wise entity I thought you were," Ethan said, his tone filled with a hint of regret. "You're just a clone, aren't you?"

The Wisdom Tree's clone didn't respond, its expression unreadable. But Ethan knew he was right. If this had been the true Wisdom Tree, he might have considered trying to bring it back to his domain, perhaps even planting it near his Mage Tower. But a clone, restricted by the game's mechanics, was of limited use.

Despite his disappointment, Ethan knew the Wisdom Tree had its own agenda. The tree had been testing him, just as he had been testing it.

The clone had wanted to see how Ethan, a lord chosen by the gods, would handle the challenges before him. And while Ethan had passed the test, he could sense that the tree had hoped for more.

"Let's go," Ethan said, turning away from the tree. "We need to get back to the Mage Tower."

As he walked away, Ethan couldn't help but wonder what the true Wisdom Tree might be like, and whether he would ever have the chance to meet it. The clone watched him go, its form slowly fading away until it disappeared completely.

Ethan's mind was already on the next task. The day was getting late, and while he still had a few days of invincibility left in the novice period, he knew that the real challenges were just beginning.

Once the protection period ended, he would have to defend his territory not just from wild monsters, but from other lords and the native inhabitants of this world.

The Age of Lords was a harsh and unforgiving time, and Ethan knew he couldn't rely on anyone but himself and his monsters.

The local inhabitants might seem benign now, but he was certain they would prove to be as dangerous as any wild beast. He had four days left of the seven-day invincibility, and after that, he would have to rely on his own strength to survive.

As they made their way back to the Mage Tower, Ethan reflected on the situation. The thousand lords who had been brought to this world were all potential allies, but without a way to communicate—no chat channels, no trade markets, no forums—they were isolated, each fighting their own battles.

Ethan knew that they were all in the same boat, but the lack of communication meant that cooperation was nearly impossible. It was a lonely and dangerous existence.

Along the way, Ethan finally completed the Eye of Magic spell:

[You have learned level 1 source magic: magic eye]

[Level 1 Magic]

[Origin Magic]

[Eye of Magic: Vision +1 for 10 minutes, Consumption: 1 Magic Point]

Ethan smiled in satisfaction. The spell had taken longer than he had hoped, but it was worth the effort. The cost was low, just one magic point for ten minutes of enhanced vision, but the benefits could be significant in the right situation.

Unfortunately, the spell could only be taught to hero units, not champions, which limited its immediate utility. But Ethan knew that as his forces grew, this spell would become increasingly valuable.

"It finally succeeded," Ethan murmured to himself as they approached the Mage Tower. "This is just the beginning."

The night was falling, and the Mage Tower loomed ahead, a beacon of power in the growing darkness. Ethan knew that the days ahead would be filled with challenges, but he felt confident.

He had his champion spirit by his side, the knowledge he had gained, and the growing strength of his domain. The Age of Lords was just beginning, and Ethan was determined to rise above the rest.