
The Age of gods

In a world of cultivation The age of genius is upon us again, where geniuses are as common as grass . Watch as a young boy from a low beginning and a mysterious family background strives against the geniuses of the world for supremacy Watch as Yun wei forges his own legacy, make new friends, companion, enemies and strives to reach the peak of cultivation This is a story of a legend in making, the dusk of a new era is upon us . The era of the gods

Akaflan · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
30 Chs

chapter 30

From afar sounds of giggling could be heard and two figures could be seen from a distance

A young boy of about the age of 13-14 years, silver hair with a fair skin, at his back a spear that is divided into two and strapped and tightly fastened could be seen, the young boy could be seen talking to his companion from afar

The second figure afar is a young lady with a veil to her face, a long black hair that has obviously been curled to the shape of a pony tail so as to not hinder her during battle alongside her fair and smooth skin could be seen from afar

Even though her face is veiled and she is young one could tell she would grow to be an empire toppling beauty in the future

Her laughters and gigglings are like music to hear pleasant to listen to and soothing to calm the mind

"Young master.. "

" You can also call me Yun wei " Yun wei interrupted

"Sorry for before let's write off all bad starts between us and start with a new slate.

I am Yun wei nice to meet you" said Yun wei has he stretches his hand for an handshake meanwhile he could hear the old gramps screaming inwardly

Damn you are so much better than me in these, fuck even Yun li needs to learn your pickup style

What nosense about not ready for relationship see how you are acting when you have not even seen her face, how should I call it love at second sight

What happened to I need to focus wholeheartedly on martial cultivation

Bai yi smiles charmingly only the full beauty of that is hidden by the veil on her face, she stretches her hand and shakes Yun wei's hand

"I am Bai yi, younger sister of Bai lin, I presume you already know her, nice to meet you"

Yun wei heard her words but was mostly captivated by her hands in his palms

So soft..

Yun wei could swear that that is the softest hands he have ever touched in his life

Yun wei thought inwardly she trains with the sword and fights like a master in it, so how can her hand be these soft

What Yun wei does not know is that because female practitioners are at the end females and they care a lot about there beauty that's why some ointments or medicine have been made to bring out such effects

All his thoughts happened instaneously and he withdraws his hands from Bai yi trying to keep up his gentleman appearance and he said


Bai yi upon hearing these was first stunned because of her beauty she has always being veiled and since she has been determined to be a rare genius she has been receiving full care from the bai clan and the word friends is a kind of distant word

But not withstanding she smiles again as she said


"You are so beautiful when you smile" Yun wei follows up

Before she could answer the bai clan elder couldn't take it anymore and jumped out to make an appearance ruining the mood at the moment

With suprise Bai yi focused on the elder Then said

"Elder Bai che, what are you doing here"

"Oh that's right what am I doing here" replied Elder bai che while glaring straight at the eyes of Yun wei almost repeating the same question

Yun wei upon seeing these laughs embarrassingly before giving out his greetings politely

"Greetings elder Bai che"

"Ehn what are you doing here uncle" asked

Bai yi again in the bid to take away his attention from Yun wei

She was really suprised to see her uncle around during this event as she was still thinking about these, another elder could be seen arriving

It was elder Yun qing

Even though the old gramps have told Yun wei that someone was responsible for his safety from afar, he was still suprised to find out that it was the elder that saved him from the Lin clan that came these time

"Greetings uncle"

The elder from the bai clan answered Bai yi

"The commotion from the fight that just took place was to much and the clan tasked me to be responsible for your safety"

"OK so that's what happened but am not in danger now uncle why did you reveal yourself" asked Bai yi in a questioning tone

"Little miss I came so that you won't be distracted by anyone, you know you will soon be entering a big sect and you should focus on cultivation wholeheartedly, I just didn't want you to be deceived by anyone, that's why i revealed my self

"Hmmmphhh who is deceiving who Bai che don't spout nosense" said Yun qing from the side clearly displeased with what he said

Yun wei was quiet and he didn't say a word at all in defence while Bai che clearly disregarded Yun qing words, because Yun qing is used to saying whatever that it is in his mind and also domineering at it, that's why he is usually sent to settle clan's matter outside the clan that requires action

"He helped me in the fight and I was just offering my thanks to him and becoming friends what's so bad or deceiving about it" asked Bai yi innocently with a naive expression

"I hope it is just like you said" said Bai che before turning around to face Yun wei giving him a threatening glance which invokes an indifferent expression from Yun wei

"As expected from the mad asura, you really are a dragon among men" said bai che before going

"Be careful" replied Yun qing before also moving

Both of them left leaving an awkward and tense atmosphere behind