
Chapter 11

In reference to the book that I created on royalroad.com en titled as "I am the son of a goddess and a gamer. S6.Ch3. Civilisation who treat humans like dogs".

The young one then went out for a lieasure and he start to walk on the nearby city. When all of a sudden he was insulted inside his head. Like an abnormal guy, a voice inside his head did resounded trying to insult him. The guy could only grip his hands strong enough for his nails to dig even more deeper causing to leave its mark on his palm. Then he said "THIS is why I hated the cuyno familia. They all are personality who treat humans like dogs.". So with a burning heart he starts to walk slowly and he look for something which is green. The insult keeps on talking inside his head and he was already used to it, so he could only curse them in silence. So he go for the nearby park trying to calm his nerves. Hovering vehicles are coming in and out on the street. Lots of flying drones sending deliveries are present mid air.

On them are boxes ready to be sent on the buyers recorded address. Lots of walking civilians wearing smart eye glasses are enjoying the so called Mix Reality technology. A slow poke feet is trying his best to enjoy his day at the very least since he is being insulted by the voices inside his head. "Cuyno familia, Loon, Allen, Trasmonte, Declaro, Guingguing and Polizon. They all are human who love to treat humans like dogs.". He looked on his left and there he saw a restaurant. There are lots of robots serving their customers carrying plates serving it to the table. Then he said "The civilized nation are not this rude. Inserting something on a human body for them to check one's life. I support the prime minister of Japan. This is a clear human trafficking case resulting to multiple cases of homicide. This familia should be disposed." Said by him as he walk along the path.

In reference to the book I created en titled as "I am the son of a goddess and a gamer. S6.Ch6. Insult Works".

The guy then could only look for an untimely breather. He then checked his smart watch and he did checked his blood pressure. It says normal. Then he look above him and there he say a clear blue sky. Then he tried to compose his own self. "This is life afterall. Just accept it, it's normal.". Then the voice inside his head keeps on talking like normal.

Hovering technology, instead of vehicle which runs with the use of diesel, the civilization did finally create a thruster that would lift a vehicle mid air, making it float mid air. With the modern constitution created and with the laws and mandate on it. Such city did finally exist. It was all thanks to the research and development mandate. The study of science and tech was prioritize and well executed. The city is no longer working on a city created on medieval times. Beneath the city, there lies and underground tunnel which contains several electric circuits and array providing enough power source to the city. The electric circuit was inserted beneath the ground to avoid any casualty if there is an earthquake. Not far from the city is a so called hydrokinetic power plant. Such powerplant store energy with the use of 24/7 nonstop motion of the ocean wave. Just like a windmill that generated electricity with the use of unstoppable wind, the power plant is always producing electricity for their citizen.

A man being insulted with the use of telepathy is still trying to calm his nerves. Then he said "I am terribly poor, yes it is. Those family are indeed rich, yet they all are involve in syndicates. Look at them cursing me with the use of tech. I hope someone would place them on the right place. Philippines is indeed a terrible country to live. A country who treat human like dogs.". Then he sat on a ground and he tried to calm his nerves watching the lake.