The story follows a young man, who had the pleasure of being granted a a second chance at life. Follow him on his adventure as he gathers the strongest crew to ever sail the seas. Mc will have Sinbad’s from Magi talents, - Flow of the sea, you and the sea are one, there is no sea that you can’t sail. - Lady killer, your Charisma is off the charts. Cavendish has nothing on you. - Chosen one, you’re blessed by the gods when it comes to raw talent.
"What are you doing on my ship?" Mihawk, asked with his usual expressionless face.
"Hehehe" I laughed awkwardly as I didn't have a clue of what I should do in this situation.
I knew how strong he was, while he didn't know a single thing about me.
If it was any other canon fodder I would simply toss him in the water and move on with my life. But I knew damn well that if I were to fight Mihawk it would be a long and though fight. Something I couldn't afford in my current situation.
Just as I was about to come up with some bullshit, mainly shouting 'Communism!' at him and taking off with his ship.
A groupe of marines that were running around trying to stop as many wanna be pirates as possible spotted me in the distance.
"Isn't that the brat that wants to be Pirate king?" Marine grunt #1 shouted.
"Yeah! He's definitely that Sinbad!" Marine grunt #2 confirmed.
This in return turned the attention of the whole crowd toward the small boat.
And in the blink of an eye, various marines started running in our direction. With some of them taking the time to call for reinforcements.
The marines soldiers quickly formed a line, with half of them taking a knee with their guns drawn and the rest taking aim behind them.
"Aim!" Their captain shouted.
"We'll we better get going!" I exclaimed hurriedly as I ignored Mihawk emotionless stare and raised the sails.
"Fire!" Shouted the captain.
*pow* *pow* *pow*
As the barrage of bullet headed towards us, I focused on sailing. I generated a large gust of wind from my palm and aimed it at the ship's sail. The small boat practically flew out of the harbour as the wind pushed it with such force the sail almost snapped.
"Hahahaha!" I started laughing in amusement as the ships picked up speed. I finally had a fully functioning ship.
Mihawk, simply stood near the mast still observing me without moving.
Just as I thought the coast was clear.
*Boom* *phweeee* *Splash*
A cannon ball barely missed the small sailing boat.
Looking in the direction of the shot, I spotted a V formation of 10 marine battles ships. Coming toward our small boat.
It didn't take long before a barrage of cannon balls filled the sky.
3rd person
Every man watching from the Harbor, every marine on those battle ships and even Mihawk himself all thought it would be over for the small boat. As even he couldn't defend the ship against the 100+ cannon balls all perfectly aimed at the small ship. As he was wondering if he should jump in the water. He looked inquisitively at Sinbad.
He expected the young drunkard to be panicking, but all Sinbad did was smile as if pleased by the challenge. And with flawless expertise Sinbad did the impossible. He single handedly sailed his way through such a seemingly impossible dilemma. By pulling the sails left and right, and raising and dropping them countless times. He managed to scurry his way out of the cannon balls rain.
For the first time in his life, Mihawk expression changed from uninterested to genuinely impressed.
Sinbad POV
I kept sailing through the endless rain of cannon balls with relative ease, by either using the wind from my weather fruit to change direction abruptly or using the impact generated by the canon balls when they hit the water surface and ride the small waves generated by them.
The barrage lasted for a long 30 minutes, where I had to constantly dodge every shot aimed at me. I didn't have time to stop and fight back as the small vessel wouldn't survive a single shot. Suddenly the seemingly unending barrage stopped.
Looking behind me inquisitively at the chasing battleships I had left in the dust. I realized the reason they had stopped shooting.
"Why did you stop shooting?!" One of the captains of the battleships shouted at one of his trembling subordinates.
"We don't have any ammunition's left, Sir!" The marine grunt responded professionally.
"*Tsk* Keep chase, even without our cannons we will uphold Justice!" The captain shouted at his crew.
"Hai!" The rest of the marine grunts shouted with a salute before they scattered around the ship to keep chase after me.
Seeing as the stolen ship was in no immediate danger, I turned around and slowly walked to the back of the ship. Walking around the unmoving Mihawk, who was now comfortably seated at the foot of the mast.
" I guess I should put and end to this." I said with a small grin on my face.
Finally reaching the back of the ship, I crouched toward the sea and touched it's surface with my finger tips.
*Creek* *Crack* *Crack*
In an instant, a large portion of the sea behind us was completely frozen. Forcing all the marine battle ships to a complete stop while our small boat simply sailed away.
Every marine who witnessed such a scene was baffled at the notion, they were all from the blues. So to them Devil Fruits are but a myth.
But seeing someone freeze the endless sea, with a simple touch, this can only be the work of a devil.
Once the marine fleet was dealt with, I turned around to finally face the elephant in the room.
Mihawk who was staring at me clear curiosity in his hawk like eyes.
"What can I help you with?" I asked as I took a seat in-front of him. With my back resting on the side of the ship.
"Who are you?" He asked this time around.
Popping the barrel next to me open, I filled two cups with the booze inside. Taking a look at the red liquid, I realized the barrel was filled with wine and not beer.
'Mhm, guess it does fit Mihawk' I thought before tossing him a cup of wine.
"Me?" I asked, as I took a sip from the red liquid. "I'm Sinbad!"