
The Adventures of Nora and her Manager in the Universe's Harshest

Nora is the star of her own adventure TV show that is aimed for children but the show is popular amongst all ages because of the good action scenes and the dark story. The show is about the adventures of Nora in different parts of the universe and her battle against her mortal enemy Sifer the trickster fairy. Little did the audience know that the adventures that Nora experienced in her show is actually real and dangerous and the footage have been edited and filtered to make it look like a kids show by her manager/director/cameraman/companion named Manager who is an AI in a body of a round bot that follows Nora around and films her and manages her social media accounts and schedule as well as comment on her behavior and directs her actions. Join Nora in her adventures and struggle for survival in the wilderness of the universe full of dangerous creatures, criminals, deranged people, killer bots and mother nature. Will Nora have what it takes to survive the harsh reality and the greediness of the intergalactic TV station that she works for? Let us find out! Note: This story is part of The Silver Wing Academy Universe. If you are interested with my other work, The Silver Wing Academy, here is the link to it. https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-silver-wing-academy_22036515806146905

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My name is Nora and my dream is to become an intergalactic idol just like Luna.

I want to make people happy with my singing and dancing just like how Luna makes me happy with hers.

Luna is so beautiful, kind, and she has an amazing voice. I just want to be like her.

I hope I get to meet her one day, and I hope I get accepted at the auditions.

I really work hard for it.

I have practiced my singing and dancing every day after school.

My friends and my family even help me with my practice.

I love my friends and my family.

They are always there for me.

All of a sudden, a lady who is wearing office clothes and glasses calls out a number.

"Calling number 214! Calling number 214! It's your turn to audition."

Oh! Looks like its my turn to audition.

I got up from my seat and approach the lady who called out my number.

As I was close to the lady, she didn't say anything to me and guides me towards the room on where I will be auditioning.

While I was on front of the door that leads towards the audition room I took a big breathe and whisper to myself with full of determination.

"Mom, dad, Elena and Stewart! I'll do my best!"

(Illustration here.)

After I had whispered to myself, I entered the audition room.

As I entered the audition room, I was greeted by a plain white room with three people who are seated on a table on front of me.

These three people is an old woman that looks like a mean step mother from a fairytale, a kind looking old man with white hair and a white long beard which makes him looks like the principal from an old movie about a school for witchcraft and sorcery and lastly a young handsome man who looks like a member of a male idol group VGX that I am really into.

Wait a minute! He is a member of VGX.

He is Jammin!

Oh my god!

My heart is raising right now!

I can't believe Jammin is here!


While I was fawning over Jammin, the old lady that looks like a mean step mother from a fairytale speaks to me.

"Introduce yourself!"


I answered nervously and introduce myself.

"My name is Nora Rimor, and I am 12 years old."

"Are you a student?"

The kind looking oldman asked.

"Yes I am! I am currently a first-year student in Libra Space City Public Middle School."

"You do know that if you get accepted in the auditions, you would have to quit school."

The kind looking old man said to me.

I answer him.

"Yes! I-I am fully aware!"

The kind looking oldman asks me another question.

"Aren't you going to miss your friends if you get accepted and start working as an idol?"

I answer him.

"I will definitely miss them, and I already talk to them about this."

"And what did your friends say?"

The kind old man asked.

"They told me that no matter what happens, we will be friends forever."

Jammin suddenly speaks to me which made my heart raise to the point that it feels like its about to explode.

"Your friends are really precious. You should treasure them."

"Y-yes! I will!"

I answered nervously.

Jammin is so handsome and kind! OMG!

"That is enough chit chat! Show us what you got!"

The old lady that looks like a mean step mother said sternly which got me really nervous.


I responded and took a deep breathe.

After I took a deep breathe, I told them what I'm going to sing.

"I will be singing Milky Milky Love by Luna."

After that, music starts playing, and I sing Milky Milky Love by Luna while giving it my all.


I have finished singing, the judges told me to go back to the waiting room while they talk amongst themselves.


Inside the audition stage, the judges are talking amongst themselves.

"Her singing and dancing is average."

The old lady bluntly said.

The old man agrees with her.

"Average indeed."

"She is really cute though."

Jammin stated with his charming smile.

"That is what you have said with all the contestants so far."

The Old lady refuted Jammin.

"But you can't deny that she is really cute right?" (Jammin)

The Old lady agrees with Jammin's statement.

"Well, she is..."

The old man agrees as well.


"So what is the verdict you two?"

Jammin ask his colleagues.

The old lady answers him.

"I say that she is really cute, and she will definitely make it to showbiz with her cuteness but as for being an idol, she doesn't have what it takes."

"But isn't being cute what an idol is all about?"

Jammin argued.

"Well that is true until Luna debuted and set the bar so high to the point that being cute is not enough to be an idol."

The old lady answered Jammin in a calm manner.

The old man agrees with the old lady.

"Indeed... Because of Luna, being an idol is not about being cute anymore. Being idol means you have to be charismatic, talented in both singing and dancing, a pleasing personality, beautiful like a perfectly crafted jewelry and an inspiration to everyone. In other words, you have to be someone that deserves to be idolized, and I'm sorry to say that the candidate 214 doesn't have any of that. All she has is her cuteness."

Jammin tries to argue with the old man.

"But isn't that what the training is for? No one is perfect in the get go. With training, I'm pretty sure she can at least reach at a level bellow Luna!"

The old woman refutes Jammin.

"That is the thing! We do not want someone to be at a level just bellow Luna. We want someone who can rival her or even exceed her."

"Not everyone can be Luna you know!"

Jammin argued.

The old lady tries to reason with Jammin.

"That is true, but we want someone that could reach her level. Let's say we passed her and gave her training and she had her debut, the masses will just think of her as a generic idol or a wanna be Luna and will soon be forgotten just like the idols that have debuted after Luna. We do not want to waste money and time on someone that is doom to fail after all."

Jammin does not give in to the reasoning and continues to argue with the old lady.

"That doesn't mean we should not give her a chance! Who knows, she might actually pull it off and exceed Luna."

"I do not want to spend the company's assets with mights and chances."

The old lady argued.

Jammin, who have nothing else to say, tells her off.

"You are so harsh you know!"

"That's just reality!"

The old lady refuted.

Jammin feels that he couldn't argue with the old lady anymore and turn towards the old man who has been silent all the time reading Nora's profile on his tablet while rubbing his long beard.

"How about you old man? What do you say?"

The old man looks at Jammin and gives his answer.

"I agree with Madam Glamarous, candidate 214 doesn't have what it takes to be an idol."

Jammin express his disbelief.

"You too old man??"

"But that doesn't mean we shouldn't hire her."

The oldman's statement dumbfounded the two which made them ask him at the same time.

"What do you mean?"

The old man explains himself.

"What I mean is that we should hire her not as an idol but for our upcoming project."

"Upcoming project? We got dozens of that! Which one are you referring to?"

The old lady asked for clarity.

"The Explorer project."

The old man answered.

"The Explorer project? Are you being serious? We need someone athletic, and who could use brainwaves for that project."

The old lady refuted.

The old man answers her calmly.

"We can make her athletic through training. Give her one, no six months of special military training, she can be athletic enough for the project. She is a growing kid after all. As for being able to use brainwaves part..."

The old man places his tablet that shows Nora's profile on the table for the two to see.

"She is a brainwave user."

The old man said calmy the two.

The two look at Nora's profile and saw that Nora is indeed a brainwave user.

While the two are looking at the profile, the old man continues to speak.

"Not to mention, she is really cute and would look good on TV."

The old woman agrees with the old man.

"You are right... She will look good on TV."

The old man continues talking.

"And don't you think Nora the Explorer is a really catchy name for a show?"

The old lady agrees with the old man.

"Yes! You are right! Nora the Explorer is really catchy!"

Jammin, who have been silent all the time, speaks up.

"You know what? I absolutely have no idea what you two are talking about. I am just guest judge here and its pretty late. I have a flight to catch tomorrow at 8 am sharp so can you just get on with it and give the final verdict?"

After hearing what Jammin have to say, they both look at their phones to see the time and found out that it is already 10:00 pm universal time.

After checking current time, the old man shouts.


All of a sudden, the door opens, and a woman who looks like an office lady wearing glasses enters the room.

"Yes Mr. Rumblecore?"

The woman asked.

"Bring in candidate 214."

The old man ordered the woman.

"Will do Mr. Rumblecore!"

The woman responded and exits the room.

After few minutes, the woman returns with Nora who looks anxious.

The oldman speaks to her.

"Do you want to star in your own TV show?"

The question confused Nora.

"I'm sorry but I do not understand."

Nora said meekly.

The old lady repeats what the old man said sternly and pressures her.

"Do you want to star in your own TV show? Yes or no? Answer quickly."

Nora, who is confused and frightened answers out of pressure.


(Illustration here.)