
The Adventures of Hadrian Black

A soul called Hadrian gets a chance to reincarnate. How will he fare in a world of wizards, gods, demi-gods, and superheroes? ------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own Harry Potter, Marvel, or Percy Jackson. The cover image I found on the internet.

Mettid · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
12 Chs


[Welcome, player.]

What? Hadrian thought as he opened his eyes.

White. That was all Hadrian could see, white everywhere. There was nothing to see in the seemingly endless space, or perhaps it wasn't endless but just an optical illusion.

Hadrian also couldn't quite remember what he was doing before waking up in this place. Actually, he couldn't remember much of his life besides his name.

[Welcome, player.]

The screen in front of Hadrian's eyes blinked once again.

'Perhaps he had died and this was reincarnation like in those novels?' he thought.

"Who are you?"

[Would you like to create your character?]

'It seems it won't answer me,' Hadrian thought.

"Yes," he answered.

[Please chose your name.]

"Hadrian Black."

[Chose your race:


Mutant (Branch of Humanity)

Wizard (Branch of Humanity)




Attention: If chose a race other than human your mindset will be adjusted.]

This seems like a game character sheet, Hadrian thought.

The human race was easy enough to understand, you gain no perks but also have no restrictions.

The mutant race description gave a full explanation about how humans were constantly evolving and some have the opportunity of awakening their X-gene, giving them different powers. The restrictions were being shunned by mundane humans and the weakness of their own powers.

The wizard race was a branch of humans gifted with a magical core by Lady Magic. They had diverse powers and lived longer than mundane humans. However, due to being hunted down they now lived in isolation and were behind their non-magical counterparts in many areas.

The demi-god race was the offspring of gods and mortals. They were physically more powerful than normal humans, gained different abilities depending on their god relative, and could manipulate magic to a small extent. On the other side, they were constantly hunted down by monsters and most don't live to their adulthood.

The god race was the most powerful, their abilities limited by the domain they hold. If you were God of the Sky, for example, anything to with the sky fell under your ability. Flight, Air, Lightning. However, they were also the most restricted. The gods cannot interfere with the mortal world directly (if they did, their powers were restricted to a level where normal humans could defeat them if they were smart about it), they cannot invade another god's home, they cannot interfere with their children (if they had any).

The custom option was to create your own race, however, you couldn't just say that you were omnipotent, for example. No, your race had to have clear advantages and disadvantages.

Hadrian was not stupid. After reading through all the races he had noticed that they were pretty close to the descriptions from some fiction books he used to read. Therefore, if he was right then there was only one option.

"I chose custom creation," Hadrian said.

[Custom option selected. Please chose your advantages. Be warned that immortality, as in being beyond the concept of death, cannot be chosen. Omnipotent, Omniscience, and Omnipresence are also not available. Creation from nothing, the resurrection of those long departed also not available.]

The advantages Hadrian asked for were being ageless; super strength, agility, and speed; and finally a magical core like wizard.

The system then created disadvantages based on his advantages, mainly weakness under the sun (can ignored with age), hunger for blood, Child of the Moon (under the effects of the full moon you're more powerful but also can lose control to your bloodthirsty).

[As you are creating a new race please write it's and your background.]

That stumped Hadrian. He couldn't just write anything, he didn't know what effects it would have. If he went with the assumption that anything he wrote here would be real to wherever he was being sent to, then he needed to be careful.

What would happen if he wrote that he killed Merlin and a bunch of wizards came after him? he really didn't want that.

So Hadrian wrote. He wrote about his race which he called Dead Apostle - in honour of the great troll Zelretch - and because he didn't want to deal with a bunch of overpowered vampires, he wrote he was the only one and ancestor of the normal vampires.

After that, it was time for his own background. Here Hadrian went crazy. He wrote himself participating in major historical events, from ancient Rome to modern times. He didn't write the specifics, just that he participated or witness different events.

By the time he finished, his background could be published as a small biography.

[Are you sure about your background? Be warned that fake memories will be created and your personality may be affected.]

'What personality? I can't even remember who I am,' Hadrian thought.

"Yes, I'm sure," he said.

[Good luck with your new life, Hadrian Black - True Ancestor of Vampires.]

That was the last thing Hadrian heard before everything went dark.