
The adventures of a savage

Abandoned since he was a baby in the cold Siberian forest, condemned to survive as best he can and adapt to all kinds of hardships. A man who lived among animals and managed to create his own territory. A man who despite everything he overcame, died foolishly in a way he did not understand, but when it seemed that it was going to be the end of his story, he managed to surprise the right entity. Come and enjoy the life of a wild man through the multiverse. [Warning: The main character doesn't know how to speak or anything about human behavior, it will take a few chapters to adapt him until he can have a proper conversation. Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Eroos #Gore #Multiverse #Anime

Eroos · Tranh châm biếm
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69 Chs


Staring silently at the man on the ground, no one dared to move or make a sound, no one except a woman afraid of nothing.

"Little wolf, you can't sleep like that!" With a scolding expression, Shizuka approached the wolf and began to move it "Look at you, you're all dirty!"


"Don't growl at me, I won't let you sleep like this" Taking off his helmet with ease, Shizuka looked at the wolf with puffy cheeks as she grabbed him by the ear "Just look at you, you're a mess!"

"Grrr-" As he was about to start complaining, Shizuka grabbed him by the ear as she scolded him, causing him to lose all his strength as his instincts overpowered him, instantly remembering when the Beta of the pack scolded him.

Lying limp on the ground, the man looked vacantly into nothingness, causing everyone in the place to look quizzically at the blonde woman wiping his face right now.

"I see..." Looking at the man, Saeko murmured with understanding.

"What did you understand?" looking at Saeko suspiciously, Saya asks.

"He really is a wolf..." Looking curious, Saeko continued "I don't know much about these animals, but I know that their packs are commanded by Alphas and Betas... when someone wants to take power, they have to fight with the strongest wolf and once you take the other wolf's ear or neck, you prove that you dominate... But not only in power fights, but the wolves that lead, show their dominance over others that way, it's routine for them"

"Are you saying he bit Shidou and the other blond fool to prove his dominance?"

"I don't know, I don't remember hearing that they kill the losers, I don't know much about these animals" Lowering her wooden katana, Saeko yawned and spoke "Better sleep, nothing will happen now and tomorrow we have a lot to do."



Looking at each other with discomfort and even fear, they all went to sit down silently, but without taking their eyes off Shizuka who was still scolding the man on the ground.


The night passed relatively quietly after that tense event, no one spoke to chase the wolf away anymore, nor did anyone shout for fear of angering him.

"I don't see anyone."

Looking out the window towards the tent in front of them, Saeko spoke.

"We have those things nearby though."

Sitting on the ground while being hugged from behind by a busty blonde, the man just stared dazedly at the ceiling, not understanding this strange forest at all.


Startled by the sound, the man lifts his head and looks at Shizuka, then looks down at his stomach and growls lightly "Grrr..."

Standing up, the man picks up his helmet and puts it on, then walks to the window and jumps out under everyone's gaze.

Picking up his katana, the wolf looks at the two zombies next to him and smoothly slices him, then grabs an arm and walks back to the bus.

Approaching Shizuka, the wolf sits down in front of her and lays his arm across her legs "Grrr..."

"..." Looking at the arm that seems to be rotting in front of her, Shizuka pouts and speaks "I can't eat that."

Not understanding, the wolf pulls the arm closer to the woman, as everyone looks at it with strangeness and interest.

"But it smells bad..." Looking at the piece of arm in front of her, Shizuka holds her nose and speaks.

"Grrr..." Looking at Shizuka's nose, the wolf growled curiously and brought his bloody hand towards her, then gently squeezed her nose.

"..." Bringing his other hand to his face, the wolf touched his nose and fell silent.

*Sniff* *Sniff*.

Bringing his face closer to Shizuka, the wolf sniffed her lightly, then looked down to see the arm in front of him.

Taking the piece of arm with his hand, the man sniffs it and growls lightly, then brings it to his mouth and takes a bite.

"No!" Rushing over, Saeko snatches the arm away in panic "You'll get infected!"

Taking off his helmet, Shizuka looks at him chewing calmly and her expression turns worried for the first time "Little wolf, spit it out!"


Swallowing the meat, the man looks at them in confusion.


"Oh no..."

"Shizuka-sensei, move away quickly!" Approaching with the bat in his hands, Takashi exclaimed.

"But the little wolf..." Looking at the man with concern, Shizuka muttered.

"Sensei, let's move away for now, it should get infected in a few seconds" Grabbing Shizuka's arm, Takashi drags her back as her friends grab their 'weapons' to defend themselves.

Frowning slightly, the man blinked repeatedly and looked down at his hands as all his veins began to mark and turn black rapidly.

"Grrr!" Grunting as he gritted his teeth, the man gasped at the terrible pain that overcame him.

Burying his fingernails into his skin, the man began to growl loudly as his eyes rapidly reddened, his veins swelled in a terrifying manner and all began to turn a dark color.

"Busujima-senpai, we have to kill him now before he transforms!" Firmly gripping his bat, Takashi exclaimed.

"No!" Standing in front of the wolf, Shizuka shouted with reddened eyes "Don't harm the little wolf!"

"Sensei-" Frowning as he tried to explain the situation, Takashi suddenly fell silent as he saw the man's changes.

"Ugh!" Opening his mouth the man growled in pain as suddenly his fangs began to visibly grow.

"He's transforming!"

Frowning deeply, the man gritted his teeth and whispered haltingly, "Beast breath: blood purification..."

Inhaling the air deeply, the man fills his lungs and instinctively guides everything that causes him pain to a certain part of his body, then exhaling deeply creating a large amount of steam through his mouth.

"*Cough*" Eliminating all the air from his lungs, the man coughed up a large amount of black blood in front of him "*Cough* *cough*"

Coughing up blood in front of him for a few seconds, the man finally collapsed on the ground while breathing shakily as his body quickly returned to normal.

"He... just spoke?"

"Little wolf, are you okay!?" Quickly approaching, Shizuka grabs his head and starts checking his body.

"Sensei!" Quickly approaching the woman, Takashi cautiously raised his bat and looked at the man who was breathing heavily.

Grabbing the end of the bat, Saeko easily took it from him and threw it away, then approached Shizuka and muttered, "He resisted it..."

"Saeko-senpai, what are you doing!?" Quickly picking up his bat, Takashi shouted in disbelief "He got infected, we all saw it!"

"He didn't" Shaking her head, Rei walked over and stared at the man on the ground "We all saw how those things act when they get infected, everything changed in them and the man here obviously didn't transform."

"But look at his fangs, he's obviously not human anymore!"


"But the little wolf is a wolf... it's normal for it to have fangs" Tilting her head while putting a finger to her lips, Shizuka commented.


"Does anyone know what was that steam coming out of his mouth?" looking at the man cautiously, Kohta asked "He looked like an anime protagonist."

"Already started the otaku" Rolling her eyes, Saya frowned slightly and spoke "He said something about a beast breathing, maybe it's another one of his otaku games."

"But I'm otaku and I don't throw steam out of my mouth..."

"He fell asleep" Looking at the man on the ground, Saeko sighed and spoke.



"Enough" Getting up, Saeko takes her wooden katana and speaks "It's obvious he didn't get infected, but we have something else to solve, the food."

Turning her gaze to the tent in front of them, Saeko points and speaks "In this store we have everything we need, clothes, hygiene products, food and plenty of liquids to drink, after that we have to look for a house to take shelter"

"I know where there is one" Quickly raising her hand with excitement, Shizuka spoke "My friend left me in charge of her apartment to clean it while she's gone, it's near this place"

"Being in a familiar house is the best" Nodding, Saeko looked towards the students in the back who were just watching and spoke "You'll all help, if you don't like it, get out"




"Since I hear no resistance, we'll do the following" Opening the door of the bus, Saeko looked at the zombies beside her and spoke "We'll take care of clearing the area and you'll go in and take everything useful out of the place, be as quiet as possible and only take out what you need"

Getting off the bus, Saeko spoke "Let's go."


Sitting down while intently reading a magazine in her hand, Saeko muttered "Wolves are territorial animals, they have different ways of communicating, growling, whimpering, howling or with their body..."

"You'll really learn about wolves from him?" looking at Saeko with interest, Rei asked.

"It's obvious that he acts like one, we have to know everything about them to avoid angering or upsetting him" Turning the next page, Saeko continued "Wolves don't allow the other males to mate in the pack, only the Alpha's have that benefit and it's usually with the Beta wolf, but they also usually mate with the other females in their pack."

"So the other males can only die of envy?" Opening his eyes a little wider, Kohta turns and speaks in disbelief.

"No, it says here that they usually go to look for mates in other packs" Looking at the next sheet, Saeko continued "Alpha wolves are usually dominant in the pack, but there is also the opposite possibility... according to this magazine, there are several studies to wolves where they managed to see a quite different attitude... the alpha expects the whole pack to eat and then he eats, plays with the pups and something that was shown lately is that most of the time it is the Beta wolf who dominates the pack under the aggressiveness of the Alpha"

"So we got an aggressive Alpha? He killed two people in his 'pack'"

"Not necessarily" Reading quickly, Saeko spoke "Alphas have to respond to any sign of aggression from the males in their pack, if he sees someone wanting to take his position,are pitted against each other, the male that loses usually ends up being banished."

"So he throw them out of the window as a sign of banishment... how scary" Shrinking back in his seat, Kohta muttered "I don't want to be an alpha wolf..."

"When the wolf lies on the ground, it shows that it is open to interacting with the other wolves and is accepting their company, sometimes they roll on the ground or just lie there"

"Does that mean he likes us?"

"Maybe" Shrugging, Saeko continued "It says here that when a wolf feels threatened or gets angry, it shows easily in their body, they open their eyes wider, become upright and maintain a distinctly dominant attitude, we need to keep an eye on this"


Looking at the last few sheets, Saeko murmured "This is the important thing."

"Wolves' non-verbal communications are simple... if one wolf gently bites another's mouth or nuzzles its mouth with another's, it is implying that it is hungry, once that happens, the Alpha goes hunting with the stronger wolves"


"When the wolves rub their body against each other, it is because they are expressing their affection, it is something similar to hugging... when the wolves start to gently bite each other's neck, they indicate that they want to play, in this case, it is like a little play fight... when they fight and the wolf lies down with its paws up while they kick gently, it is because they indicate that they want to continue playing"

"I don't plan on biting it, I wouldn't want to experience a fight with that guy, even if it's a play fight" Muttering to himself, Kohta made sure to learn all that was said to avoid dying.

"The Alpha is in charge of leading and protecting the pack, but there is another rank to keep in mind which is the Omega, this wolf is believed to be the weakest but that is not always the case, the point is that the Omega wolf is the wolf that is the first to jump into the fight, they are also usually the first to die"

"When they walk, the Alpha wolf goes behind... if we say there are 30 wolves, where 10 are old or sick, there are 10 strong wolves and the other 10 are pregnant females or puppies... the 10 old wolves would go leading the way so that no one is left behind, 5 strong wolves will be behind them to take care of them in case of attack, then come the pregnant females or weak wolves, after them come the other 5 strong wolves and finally at the tail comes the Alpha, always attentive to act at every moment"


Edited by: YASH_MATHU

Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq

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