
Back to traveling and Fae

After yule, I decided to go off again, this time towards Finland it was still winter so the snow sat across the ground and capped trees. Finland was a beautiful place even in winter but as spring started and the cold began to wane and the greenery begins to show was it most beautiful. The funny thing about spring around here, there was a month gap in the south, towards the North it was still winter.

As I was travelling around I met a group of people, they were extremely attractive with glossy skin and a peculiar allure about them. They practically lived with nature and seemed to thrive in it, they pranced around enthusiastically, happiness exudes from them, their magical aura was similar among them all, shades of green and yellows.

They were far or fairies, not the fairytale kind, no humanoid and powerful. They didn't speak much but I knew they were communicating telepathically. They seemed at peace with me, maybe because I was blessed by nature as well.

I got to know a couple who were the leaders of the tribe, the wife was Nissa and the husband Aelfric. They taught me some of their nature manipulations in the form of photokinesis the ability to channel nature to form a light, It could explode, create illusions and break them and reverse or remove spells, making a person unconscious or returning it, sealing/banishing, past reflection and a form of a natural fire. It was a handy power to have if you ask me.

My power paled in comparison to theirs probably because I wasn't a fae, but I could use it somewhat. I could charge a ball of light about the size of a fist, blast stuff away a distance, seal a person and small green flame but I couldn't create illusions, magic would make up for that, not that I'd need illusions but it could come in useful someday. I also couldn't use telepathy but legilimency would make up for that when I learned it in the future, I wasn't in a hurry to hear the thoughts of others anyway. My light was a different colour to the faes being a mix of black and white, like a battle of light and darkness.

After a few weeks staying with the fae I asked Aelfric for a sample of his blood he was reluctant at first but I told him about a prophecy id heard. "A creature of darkness feeds off of the blood of light", basically the vampires urge to feed on them. It wasn't a prophecy but it could help them in the future, I knew they'd get drained when a vampire crossed paths with them.

With the sample of blood, I could create tru blood a synthetic blood drink to save them. This would make vampires immune to sunlight for a short period of time, I could make a lot of money from the covens that would appear around the world. Even if they had daylight rings, far blood was like alcohol to them. This didn't help with the other blood types I'd need samples. I wanted to gather dragon blood and see the effect it had on them, maybe they'd become fire resist or just become more powerful physically and magically. But anyway it would take time and research to begin to develop it, I was a few years away from vampires being created so I had time.

After a while and some festivities to celebrate the coming of summer, I set off again around Scandinavia. I reached a cave that was glittering with light reflecting from the crystals growing in the walls and decided to collect some maybe make some rune stones from the multicoloured crystals. They had a beautiful glow to them that outshone the sun, a mystical sight if I ever saw one.

I didn't know when but Ratatoskr had stolen something weird, it was a bone that looked disfigured, bent, and twisted. I couldn't make out what sort of bone it was, or what it was from or where. He seemed to be adamant I kept it, so I did when I gave up trying to get rid of it, he was jumping up and down like he'd won a prize, confusing little thing he is sometimes.

Ratatoskr had even benefitted from the fae they fed him a unique berry I'd never seen before and his aura grew darker it was more a honey colour now. He seemed to blend with nature and camouflage himself whenever he wanted to steal something, I never tried to stop him he always brought interesting stuff. I'd eventually gone through all the things he'd collected and one was a drinking horn, carved with runes and inlaid with a reddish metal that pulsed with magic power. When I filled it up with a fruit juice I'd made of several berries it seemed to never empty, a bottomless glass or horn if you will. He'd also brought some useless rune it seemed magical but did nothing when it was supplied energy, I think he just liked stealing things.

Not much else had happened apart from my encounter with the fae, but I was just leisurely travelling around at the moment. I'd not seen any magical creatures yet, but my magic core had begun to solidify it was like mist now rather than gas. This sped up my casting speed and the amount needed for spells, my 'kljúfa' effect had increased as well they cleave was cleaner now, more like a smooth slash rather than a tear, and now had a red glow around my hand in the chopping motion. I'd also tried creating a gouging spell 'Hvittle' basically chisel and I somewhat made it, but my control wasn't good enough for runes. They were too deep at the moment and I'd crumbled enough stones/crystals for now.

just a short chap at the minute I'm thinking of a time skip but want to make it flow through the years slowly

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Elzikcreators' thoughts