
The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

Marcus had never believed that he would receive the Truck-Kun Treatment. In the end, he did not, but he instead met his end at the hand of Plane-Kun. A plane fell on his house killing him without him even knowing what did him in. That is where he met a goddess who gave him three wishes. Not knowing where he would be sent he picked what he thought would serve him forever. He chose well when he got sent into DC with unlimited potential at his finger tips.

A_Real_Werewolf234 · Tranh châm biếm
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53 Chs

Completed Ascension.

(There will be some sexy time between Justinian and his Mate(Remnosh). It is not needed for the story, but it is fun.)

Justinian held Remonosh's hands tightly as he felt the overflowing power flow through them. Unlike when they used the original spear's powers, Justinian fused it with his Guardian Spear bound to his soul. 

As such, the overwhelming Divine Power of the Spear of Destiny surged through his body and soul like an ocean. It was so much energy that even his Dragon Soul and evolved Custodes body were tearing at the seams. 

Even Ddraig and Albion, who were helping him keep his soul steady, had their fair share of struggles. 

[Justinian, I don't mean to be a downer, but WE ARE DROWNING IN DIVINE ENERGY HERE! We are absorbing part of it, but how much energy was in that spear? It is too much.]

{I agree; our Principles are continuously growing in power, and we are doing our best to absorb to reduce the strain on you, but even for you and us, something will break. Probably us, rather than you, and I don't want to explode.}

'I know, damn it. Let me focus on her first.' 

[She looks in pain. Like we aren't.]

Ddraig said that sarcasm as absorbing this much Divine Energy, which was even more pure than any god in their original verse, had pained them. But, by enduring, their strength was rising as a payoff. 

{Be more considerate; suddenly evolving forcefully is bound to hurt. You are feeling it.}

'Enough, focus on gaining power from this.'



With a shaking arm, he pulled Remnosh closer as he could feel how much pain she was in. He could endure this pain somewhat, but once all the restrictions placed on her genetics and mind were burned away, her DNA began eating itself and the energy to enable the evolution. 

It started from her mind since the energy entered through their Psychic Bond. This then flowed into her armor, weapons, and body, which, in a way, what she faced was more bearable than Justinian.

He was facing the ocean of power with his soul, and even that was starting to struggle. Using his Psyker abilities, he began to surge more power into his Shadow Stalker Armor and body. 

He closed his eyes and used his powers of Biomancy to heal his body and allow the energy to fuse with him. While he did this, he kept some of his focus on Remnosh, who was probably the most important person to him. 

She mattered to him, and he didn't care what she was. Ddraig and Albion, he considered them his brothers, and they knew it. As such, the four of them endured the agonizing forced evolution together over 12 hours. 

For most, Justinian focused on himself as Ddraig and Albion could handle themselves. However, the three of them worked together overall, and with one wrong move, they would all die since Justinian's body was the vessel for the three of their mighty souls. 

If their souls became too powerful, his body would begin to break down, but he fixed that issue by succeeding in evolving as he wanted. He became a Perpetual, which would make killing him exceptionally hard.

Ddraig and Albion even helped him enhance his Custodes heart to the next level and create a Proper mix of Custodes and Dragon. This caused the heart to use not just Mana but Psychic Energy for him to use. 

As a result, his Psyker Level increased several times once the evolved Guardian Spear finished its energy wave. His Shadow Stalker Armor, with which the Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing were fused, also reduced an evolution because of Ddraig and Albion. 

After turning himself into a Perpetual, his body could handle its further enhancements without his efforts. Instead, he synchronized his efforts with Ddraig and Albion as the two Dragons who took in as much power as possible by using their Principles as sponges.

Through the sheer amount of Divine Energy, they succeeded in causing those stolen Principles to ascend. When that happened, the two 'Heavenly Dragons' became the Divine Dragons, also known as Dragon Gods. 

Anyone else would have exploded from the surge of Conceptual Energy flowing through their body and soul. However, Justinian's body did not die, as he was effectively immortal. He would never age and could heal from almost any injury through his body's natural immortality. 

Any wound he couldn't heal, he could just force to heal through Biomancy. The boon was that Perpetual could survive dismemberment, suffocation, decapitation, and even complete disintegration. With the ascensions of his brothers, Justinian gained access to two powerful concepts at all times, and that energy fused into his soul and tissues. 

The Concept of Domination and Supremacy went perfectly with the powers the spear granted him. Reality and the forces of Reality were his to do with as he pleased, meaning that as he was now, he could probably take on some of the heavy hitters of Earth. 

He wouldn't say he could defeat all beings in DC because he certainly could not. However, his unique abilities made him a threat that could not be ignored because, compared to most beings in DC, he kept growing stronger at an alarming rate. 

As for Remnosh, once he finished his evolution, he focused on her. He used his new Conceptual Powers to speed up the evolution and turn her into a Proper Burning Martian. However, he made a few edits to her DNA as he removed her ability to reproduce Asexually by feeding on Negative Emotions. 

This way, she gained all the benefits of being the true Martian Race with none of the downsides. He even helped her bind her Power Armor and Nemesis Psymagic Blades to her Soul like he had. 

This way, the armor could shift its shape along with her. However, she reverted to her Primarch form when her evolution finished and fell unconscious. Justinian fell on his back with a massive bang. 

He took a deep breath before sending his entire armor into his soul. Even with his immortal Perpetual body, he had so many energies in his body that things were changing. The Custodes Dragon Heart he had was beginning to draw Conceptual Energy to produce that rather than Mana. 

His Psychic Energy was trying to become a stronger energy that didn't exist. His state of mind had ascended, and his thoughts were becoming more complicated than he understood. 

He was so overwhelmed that a million times, he preferred just to be naked right now. 

[This is a bad time to say it, but I feel like absolute shit. I don't think I want to fight at all. And what the hell happened to your pets.] 

{What did happen to the Predakons?} 

"They got some energy, but unlike Remnosh, who was directly linked to me, their bond with me is on a lower level. They slept through their evolutions." 

[Lucky bastarts. I want to sleep.] 

{No one is stopping you; that is what I will do. For a month.}

[Agreed. Justinian, keep your head down. We are going to be recovering.] 

"Me too, but I will stay awake. I got a planet to conquer." '

Ddraign and Albion didn't say much more as they passed out into sleep. By sleeping, they could stabilize their new Concepts as their souls finished settling with their new powers. 

Justinian felt he needed that, so he picked himself up and, with some energy, conjured some underwear and shorts. Nothing more than that, but he wanted a bath more than anything. He glanced down at Remnosh and placed his hand on the chestplate of her armor. 

With some power, he sent it and her weapons into her soul. She would have a headache later, so he picked her up and looked around. 

"This is a good chance to try some of these Reality Warping Powers." 

With a thought, he used some Conceptual and his stronger Psychic Energy to create a Bounded Field. It was more like he created a small pocket dimension because it was truly small. He just created a hot spring lake where he could relax. 

He nodded to himself because this was a very convenient power to use. 

'Too bad Reality Warping can be dangerous. Oh well.' 

He looked down at Remnosh, who was snoring away, in his arms. 

"Well, I am her mate, so I guess this is fine." 

As he stepped into the lake, he banished his new shorts and boxers before replacing them with a towel. He did the same for Remnosh but removed her clothes because he had made those for her. 

He also wrapped her up in a towel as he sat in the lake with her beside him. Once both were chest-deep in water, he took a deep breath of the warm water. Though he called it warm, it was boiling, but they wouldn't feel it if it was warm. 

"This is my first real bath in almost a year. Have I been wearing my Power Armor that entire time?"

He reached up to touch his head with his left hand as his right held Remnosh above water. She sighed happily as she rested her head on his shoulder. 


'I got to stop thinking. Ddraig and Albion are asleep, meaning I am alone with my thoughts.' 

He leaned forward and sunk further into the lake until he was chin-deep. He closed his eyes while still making sure that Remnosh stayed above water. Even if she was 2 feet shorter than him, she was still 10 feet tall, which was pretty easy. 

As he closed his eyes and fell asleep, Remnosh next to him opened her new blue eyes. They were almost neon blue, but otherwise, she looked the same. At first, her vision was blurry, but it cleared up fairly quickly. 

She began to move her hands through the water, as this was a new experience for her. As a White Martian, she had never seen a lake before meeting Justinian, and this was a special lake. She could feel the water wasn't ordinary, and it invigorated her. 

She reached up and touched her head as it was hurting. It cleared up quickly, but when she looked to her left, she saw her mate asleep, chin deep in water. Justinian was snoozing so profoundly as he was genuinely exhausted. 

She couldn't even hear a thought or dream, as he couldn't dream. She wasn't focused on that as she looked down at herself. 

'He stripped me naked.' 

Other than the towel she was wearing, she was fully nude, but other than holding her by the waist to keep her above water, he hadn't done anything else. She frowned as she looked at Justinian. 

She leaned closer to his face, seeing that he was out cold. After being Psychicly linked to Justinian for months, she knew a few different human practices in bed. Compared to Martians, they were more fun because intercourse was never for pleasure. 

She smiled as she gently removed his hold on her waist. Once she was free, she took off her towel to show off the body Justinian picked for her. However, she focused on her chest, hips, and rear, making them a little fuller. 

She knew that Justinian preferred them big, so she even made her short hair long. Once those few modifications, which she would remove later, were done, she reached under the water and removed his towel. 

Once he was naked too, she took a deep breath because White Martians only ever took one mate. To her, that was Justinian, so she was a newbie at anything relating to intercourse. She was born on Earth in 1796, making her 206 years old. She was only 30(10) when her people slaughtered the Green Martians. 

Her Father and Mother took her out, and she had slaughtered her fair share, but she never took a mate. She was a virgin, and what she knew was from the internet and what she got out of Justinian through their Psychic Link. 

'I can do this; how hard can it be? What do I start with?'

She tilted her head before she got an idea. She dived under the water and used her powers to make her able to breathe in water. She gave her lungs the ability to process water like air. 

Once she was under, she took a deep breath of water before she did what she saw in a porn video. Something she thought Justinian might like. She opened her mouth and sucked his flaccid member in her mouth. 

Justinian instantly woke up when Remnosh's emotions got wild. Startled but not deterred, she began to blow him quite terribly. 

'I hear human women do this for their lovers. It is supposed to rejuvenate them. Do I stop?'

He leaned back and reached down to grab the back of her head. 

'No, keep going.' 


She rested her breasts on his lap as her mouth pleasured him. They had been mated for months, but the most they had done was cuddle with her on his lap. They were both so severe, and they were so busy that sex never crossed their minds. 

Until now, when they could relax, they could enjoy the intimate act between lovers. 

'Want to know how to get better at this?' 

'Yes, it is kinda fun, and you taste good. Your dick is getting bigger, much bigger.' 

Her face flushed as she took it down to the base without issue. Quite easy when she removed her gag reflex, making him grit his teeth. 

'Ok, as you go up and down, use your tongue. If you want, make it longer to wrap around it. Use as much saliva as you need and keep sucking.' 

He continued to coach her on how to blow him better psychically, enjoying this quite a bit. It's a good thing his Dragon instincts replaced his Custodes' lack of a sex drive. He fore sure would not give up sex, especially when he had a bombshell of his desire like Remnosh, who he modeled after his tastes. 

(For those curious, he is 16 inches long and 12 inches in girth. I based this on someone else math for Magnus who is 13 feet.)