

Alex is a very powerful man. He was being loved by all yet feared by people. He was popular as one of the most powerful CEO in the country. People only knew him as a powerful CEO who has companies in different parts of the world and also among the five richest men in the world. Only a few have seen his face and know the power in his hands. Many see him as a man of no romance. His presence brings and commands respect from the president of the country who knew the power he holds in the country. A bomber and powerful beyond human comprehension. Alex fears no one except one which was his father. What will happen when he is forced into a marriage arranged by his father? How will he feel when he comes to find out that it was the same girl that has held his heart for years and left him heartbreaking. ............... Elena is a very popular student who loves freedom. Due came from a very rich family but she behaves like none. Her dream was to become a designer after graduation but what will happen when she finds out that she has been arranged to get married to an unknown face formidable CEO. ........... Elena shrieked in fear of seeing her husband. The kind of aura that emulates from him was beyond her comprehension. He looks different from the man the was playing and laughing with her yesterday and this morning. Different from the man she has been in love with for years She looked around for a worker but all of them seems to have disappeared into the thin air. The atmosphere was tense. Elena took a step back as he approached her until her back touched the cold marble wall. He caged in between the wall and put her hands above her head. His brown eyes have turned blue. Elena was shaken in fear, for the first time she knew what fear means. He looked into her eyes with anger apparent in them. He seems to be holding back something " Why?" Elena looked everywhere without looking into his eyes. She swallowed hard at his question. He used his finger and lifted her face " Look at me Elena." he commanded. " Why do you remove nuts in tires? If not because of kind of per........." he stopped without completing the statement. "Answer me, Elena? why?" he roared " I'm sorry, " that was the only statement that managed to escape from her mouth. " Sorry, Elena do you say sorry?" He looked at her with intensity. Elena opened her mouth to speak but before she could talk. His lips came crushing on her. It was not gentle nor possessive. It was a punishment kiss. Elena hissed when he bit her lower lips. He wiped the blood with his middle finger. "No matter how strong a tigress is. She can never be stronger than a brutal dragon. ." with that statement he was gone. Join me as we find out the mysteries and secrets surrounding their lives. Will they be able to overcome their differences and obstacles and their love to conquer?

Johnson_Victoria · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

No dad I can't ( 2)

chapter six.

Elena stepped into the dining room with her blue baby pajamas and her hair tied up in a ponytail bun, after taking a long warm comfortable bath to calm her nervous heart.

Her heart leaped off her chest on seeing her dad comfortably sitting in the dining room looking at her with an unreadable expression. Her mom sat opposite him staring at her with a complicated and troubled expression on her face. She wondered was the meaning of this unknown expression was on their faces. She this unknown fear in guts but chose to ignore it.

" Good evening dad," she greeted calmy despite being nervous within her while taking a seat beside her mother.

"Good evening Elena, how was your day?" he asked with an unreadable expression and unlined meaning in his words.

" Fine, dad it was awesome," she replied with a smile pretending to be enthusiastic about it while concealing her burning rage.

" Hmm, since it was awesome. Let's dine first," he said nonchalantly, pretending not to see beyond her enthusiasm.

Mrs. Fredick looked at the father and daughter who used to have a good relationship before and shook her head while smiling bitterly.

They used to have one of the most amazing relationships ever even due he was one of the most strict fathers ever but everything became to change after Elena was entranced into the university.

Silence ensued in the whole dining room after that. Only the small sounds of the cutleries could be heard at the dining table.

Midway through the dinner. Mr. Fredick raised his left hand and two attendants appeared beside him. They bowed their head and waited for his order.

" Pour for me a glass of red wine," he commanded in a low tone.

" Yes sir," one of the attendants nervously with her head still down as she picked up a jug filled with red wine but before she could fill in the red wine inside the empty clean glass cup in front of him. Elena raised her hand and stopped the attendant from doing it."

" Hi, Margret you can step backward and let me do it," she said with a sly smile.

Elena stood up from her chair and dropped her cutleries in a mannered manner. She went towards magret and collected the jug of red wine as the maid stepped back and waited in a clear distance.

She slowly poured it carefully inside the empty glass cup after which she stepped back and kept the jug of wine back to its original place.

Me Fredrick looked at her daughter before picking up the cup of wine to take a sip.

Elena slowly dugle the edge of the dining chair her father was sitting on as she went back to her chair.

" Ah." Mr. Frederick made a low but angry groan when he felt his cloth drained with red wine after the stunt Elena pulled.

" What are have you done?" he looked at Elena with anger evident on his face.

" Ah, dad I'm sorry. It wasn't intentional," she said with a hint of panic evident on her face. Her voice was laced with worry' This is a lesson dad. You can't win everything.' she said inwardly and smirked.

The maids at the dining table kept their heads down and shifted further. They don't want to be involved in this kind of crisis and invoke the wrath of their boss. Only her daughter dare to do this and go scot-free.

" Elena!" he raised his hand to slap her but his hand was held before it could reach her chins.

Elena looked up and broke down in a cold sweat on seeing his dad hang his hand. For the first time in her life. Her father raised his hand to slap her.

" Brian please calm down." her mum pleaded before releasing his hands, she held to avoid him doing what he will regret afterward.

She encircled her hands across his waist and kept her head on his chest. " It wasn't intentional. Don't be angry."

Mr. Frederick looked at his beautiful wife and his rebellious daughter and closed his eyes to control his anger.

After some time, he reopened his eyes and gently removed his wife's hand from him before scrolling out.

After Mr. Frederick left, Helen turned to her daughter with anger " What was the meaning of that?" Helen scolded.

Elena being her has easily recovered from her acts. She bent her face downwards and smirk while insincerely apologizing " I'm sorry mum. It wasn't intentional."

Mrs. Frederick looked at her daughter and sighed before scrolling out of the dining room.

After both parents left with anger. Elena sat down and finished her food before leaving. She wasn't in any way feeling guilty for what she did.

She went to the third floor towards her dad's study room. " Good day, Mr butler.' she greeted the butler insincerely on seeing him standing in front of his study door.

The butler replied with a slight bow. Elena smiled mischievously and went closer to the butler whispering in a low voice" Is my dad, inside?" she asked.

He nodded before stepping backward afraid that he will be the next target for her mischievous attitude and violence.

Elena also stepped back with a smile on her face. She knocked twice before slowly opening the door of the study room.

Coming inside, she looked around the dim lightroom. " So boring and dull as usual," she murmured.

She looked up and saw her dad looking at her intently. She dropped her head downward " Dad, I'm sorry for what happened earlier." she apologized

Mr. Frederick looked at his daughter that he always loved and still loves so much and his anger died down instantly.

"It's okay, come and sit down. I have some things to discuss with you."

Me Frederick sat down on his black leather chair and motioned Elena to sit opposite him on the grey leather sofa.

Elena sat down in the chair and looked at his dad who busied himself with some business work after some minutes. He pulled a document and gave it to Elena.

Elena collected it with a confused expression " Dad what this?" she asked confused and curious.

Within her guts, she felt that she wasn't going to like the answer he was going to give to her and it might break her.

Mr. Fredrick looked at his daughter and closed his eyes before opening them again. This time with intent determination.

" Elena, you are going to be getting married in two months," he said without any emotions in his voice.

That was all it took for Elena to know that her instinct were right.

She looked at him as if she has heard the oldest joke but she knew he was joking with the look on his face.