
The Ace of Fairy Tail

Summary:Ace was killed in the war of the best. In his way to the afterlife he is stop by whitebeard. Tells him he has a second chance of life. Ace will now go to the land of fiore, a land filled with magic. Ace will now go to a new adventure with fairy tail. I don't own fairy tail and one piece. Enjoy!

KaiserLox · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

Chapter 4 Fire Fist 3

"Yeah, we're free!" Yelled Ace at the top of his lungs.

The first one were free from Erigor wall of wind, it took the help of Lucy new celestial spirit to free them. As all of them got out of the hole.

They were now being blew by Erigor wall of wind.

"Man, this storm is really blowing..." Ace was yelling until, he saw something unexpected.

The maid celestial spirit was holding down Lucy skirt, but not her own, both he and Gray were seeing the panties of the maid.



"Ahh..ahhhh.." both Ace and Gray mumbling.

Erza then pounded Ace in the head for his shamefulness, " What the hell Erza". Erza then replies to the pirate, " How dare you look other panties, ...but my own".

"What do you mean, her skirt was flying up..., wait what was that last part?" Question Ace, but only saw Erza turn around to hide her blushing face.

Ace then look around and notice that something was missing, one annoying dragon slayer and blue flying cat. He then knew, what had happen.

In the air…

" Hurry up Happy we got to catch up to Erigor" Natsu commanded his blue flying cat.

They were racing toward Erigor, He knew if he didn't stop him he would kill the masters at the alliance meeting.


" I'll kill him when I get my hands on that pink hair idiot" scream Ace while driving the Magic power car, with the face of pure rage. Gray, Lucy and Erza were in the back listening to what their devil fruit user was saying.

"Man, Natsu going to get it when Ace gets his hands on him" whispered Gray, with sweat drops on his forehead.

"But, how will he find Natsu" asked Lucy with a face of confusion. Then, both Etza and Gray pull out a piece of paper, "vivri paper" they both answer.

"What's that?" Lucy asked not knowing what that is. Erza looks at the paper and smile.

"It's a special kind of paper that a person makes to help them find someone by following the piece of the paper." She reply

"Wow, that so cool"

"Indeed, everyone in the guild has one, so that Ace knows where they are"

Ace only smile, when he heard those words. They knew he would always find, when they were in trouble.

Then, Ace saw someone in distinct, slow the vehicle and check who it is. He saw a teen with pink hair and scarf, it was Natsu. Ace then jump off the car, grab Natsu and began to pounding him.

"Ace please stops!" Natsu scream, " Happy help" ,only to see the blue cat munching on a fish.

"The hell Natsu, you had me worried sick, don't do anything like that again" Ace commanded as he was scolding the dragon slayer.

Ace let go off Natsu and saw Erigor on the floor, he was shock in how he was burnt and beaten up.

"Whoa, Natsu did you do this to Erigor?" Ace asked his little brother, in which Natsu smiled widely. Happy told everyone in how Erigor was having the upper hand until.


"Give up you fly, you can't touch me in my gale armor" Erigor yelled with a smiled.

Natsu was struggling for dear life, " what can I do now?", whimper Natsu, he then remembers words of wisdom from Ace.

" Natsu, fire isn't only a weapon for destruction. It is weapon to light up the darkest of times. Nothing in this world can put out that kind of fire. Let it burn through so that you can fight any opponent."

Natsu then got to his feet and cover his entire body with fire, as he release the fire Ace was talking about, " Erigor," Erigor flinch when he heard those words, " I'm taking you down" and unleash a barrage of fists at Erigor.

Ace and everyone was surprise at the result of the battle and knew they had completed their mission.

Then all of sudden Kageyama use his shadow magic, to grab lullaby and hijack the car. Everyone was shocked of what had happen.


Then so everyone hurry to the alliance meeting, to catch Kageyama, before he use lullaby.

They arrive at the destination, and saw the master with Kage. They were about to approach him until, they were stop by master Goldmine and master Bob.

Kageyama was about to play, until "nothing will change" Kageyama soon stop, "weak will remain weak, we humans a weak beings and nothing in this world will change that, to tell you the truth it's better to be weak."

Kageyama couldn't play the flute, "I surrender", and drop the flute. Everyone soon ran to the master, in excitement.

"That was incredible, old man" yelled Ace as he pick up the master and throwing him in the air.

Makarov smile in his children's happiness.

"Yes, that speech brought tears to my eyes." Erza told the master with tears in her eyes.

But, it was too early to celebrate.

"Fine then I'll devour their souls on my own" they heard a voice, it came from lullaby.

It turn into a giant demon with 3 eyes, "I'll devour all of you".

Ace looks up and sigh, "Man guys looks like we got work to do.", and he tipped his hat and cover himself in flames.

Gray, Erza, and Natsu prepare themselves for battle, "right".


Gray was first, "ice maker lance" and unleashes icy lances toward the demon,

Erza then turns to her knight armor and began slicing the demon.

Natsu then toward the monster and yelled "Fire dragon iron fist", and smack right on the demon face.

"That is enough I will destroy you all" lullaby was sucking the life out of trees and grass. They knew lullaby was about to play the song, but Ace didn't worry.

When the monster release its music nothing came out, "what but how" lullaby question.

"I went and carve you some new holes on you when you were a flute", Ace answer, "so that you couldn't play your music".

Everyone was amazed by Ace's plan, "now then it's my turn to have fun as well, Dai enkei". Fire, large amount of it, surrounded Ace, the heat of fire was relentless.

Goldmine was amazed by Ace's power, "so that's why he was nominated to be a wizard saint".

Erza, Gray, Natsu and the master knew that, he was releasing his strongest attack.

"Entei", Ace then use the fire to create a large fireball, "now then let's see if a demon can survive the power of the sun", Ace whispered.

Lullaby was frightened by the man's power, "you, you're a monster".

Ace then smile, "yeah, I'm the fire devil who lives with fairies", and then release the attack on Lullaby, it cause a large fiery explosion and engulfed the entire area.

Lullaby burn to a crisp, Lucy and Happy cheered, Ace had defeated the demon. Natsu went jump on Ace and gave him a big hug, "you did it, you did it Ace".

Ace smiled, Gray gave a thumb up, and Erza surprisingly went and kisses Ace on the cheek. It causes the fire man to blush in embarrassment.

"My what a lively youngsters" master Bob commented.

"Yeah lively, but..." master Goldmine went and pointed at the building were the conference was being held. It was nothing, but a crater.

Ace went and rubbed the back of his head, " I should have hold back huh?".

Master Makarov was shock and then his spirit came out of.

"Master were sorry!", Erza pooling to the master as she chase the master spirit.


Ace and everyone soon ran away from the mob for destroying the building.

"Poor, Maki" Goldmine whispered as he saw his old friend and along with his children running.

"I might have to agree with their master Goldmine" reply as voice forms the shadows.

Goldmine turns and saw a man. His blonde wavy hair, a red hat, tattoos on his face on his mouth and left eye, cigarette in his mouth and wearing rune wizard uniform with a black fur coat over.

"Huh, it's been awhile, Donquixote Corazon." Master Goldmine reply to the man in front of him.

Corazon was one of the generals of the rune wizards, and the member of the wizard council.

"Fairy tail has causing a lot of trouble lately" Corazon told Goldmine.

"Yup, there one crazy bunch right" the guild master reply.

Corazon only nodded and headed off to meet with his troops. He was only thinking of one person in mind, Portagus D. Ace.

"We have another person who has the will of D in this world"


At fairy tail guild

Ace was being scolded by Makarov.

"You complete idiot Ace, how could you destroy that building, do you know how much will that cost me?"

Ace simply ignored the old man and continue drinking his mug of beer.

"Master please takes it easy on Ace" Mirajane asked her master.

Makarov look at the young lady and sigh, "Fine, but for now on whatever Ace does now will greatly effect us from now on".

Ace turn to the old man in confusion, "what you do mean by that master?".

Makarov look at Ace with a concern look. The master soon went on the stage, everyone in the guild looked at the old man, knowing he would make an announcement.

"Everyone, I have received news about the wizard council actions", everyone in the guild were beginning to tense up, " the council had decide on making one our members, one of the ten wizard saints".

Everyone in the guild was shock at the news, who in the world would they choose.

"One they choose is our beloved fire devil, PORTUGUS D. ACE".

Everyone turn around to the ex-pirate, they hope to see a surprised face on his face, but... he was fast asleep.

Everyone fell for their sits.

Makarov went and grew one of his hands and slammed it on Ace.

Ace was awoken and was complaining, "What was that for?".

"Didn't you hear me, you idiot one are going to become one of the wizard saints".

Ace was shock on what he heard, him becoming a wizard saint. Ezra, Gray, Lucy and Natsu were shocked in how Ace was now one of the wizard saints.


Ace left the guild and went on to his way to his house. He had a lot on his mind, but then felt someone walking behind him. He turns and saw Lucy who was looking down on the ground.

"Hey, Lucy how it's going?"

Lucy looks up and saw Ace, "oh, hey Ace, do you take this path as well?".

Ace nodded, both walk the same path together.

Lucy then look at Ace, "So I heard from some of the guild members, that you're from another world is that true?"

Ace then turn to the blonde and smiled, "yeah it's true, I did come from another world,", and then took of his hat and grab something from inside it.

It was a piece of paper, he torn a piece and gave it to Lucy, "this come from my world it's called vivre card, like Ezra told you about. You should have a piece, since your apart of our guild now.".

Lucy gladly accepted it and put in her bag, "thanks Ace I'll treasure it".

"Thanks Lucy, I'll see you tomorrow okay"

Lucy and Ace both wave goodbye. Lucy then went up to her apartment and look at a piece of paper, "another world, hey maybe I can write a book about this".


Okay readers what you think of the chapter huh, you didn't suspect Corazon.

I also gave something about Ace and Ezra relationship, I want you to tell me which relationship growth you want to see next Cana or Mirajane.

Yes, there are also other people from one piece in the earth land and I won't tell who.