
The Accursed One (A Dark Souls x Tensura Crossover)

The Bearer of the Curse, a man whose journey has reached a total halt because of the lack of further adventures to take, is engulfed in desperation, and in his desperation, he is granted his wish to enter a new world to be able to search for higher power to cure his curse. The curse of hollowing. Now in the Cardinal World, the Bearer of the Curse must meet old, current and new foes to get closer to achieving his desires. He must kill, fight, die and kill more to ever hope to come closer to his desires. Disclaimer: The MC is The Bearer of the Curse, who is the Dark Souls 2 MC, Rimuru Tempest will play a major role as the second main character, but it will always be the DS2 MC as the story's center. The first 10 chapters are all introductions for the characters, as the roster of the Dark Souls series is large, I made a group of characters that will be in the Cardinal World based on their importance to the lore. After the first 10 chapters, we will start to see more action between both worlds.

Iudex_Banshoman · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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25 Chs


Gwyn and Luminas were just staring at each other silently, heavy breaths were all that reverberated throughout the area. Their glares had slowly turned into soft stares as time went on.

Gwyn set down his sword, Gwyndolin calmed down and ceased any further magic. As for Luminas, she kept her sword up, though it didn't seem like she was planning to attack any longer.

-"Father.. Have you calmed yourself so that I may explain the situation to you fully?"

Gwyndolin spoke in a worried tone, but to Luminas, it sounded like an angel in distress.

Luminas looked around and was slightly relieved that the vicinity had been completely evacuated, but she couldn't help feeling the rage sparking up inside of her a little bit as she remembered the city was in shambles still due to their fight and Gwyn's breach.

She quelled any urge to just rip this man to shreds then and there, took a deep sigh and looked at the two expecting answers.

"You, you are called Luminas yes?"

Gwyndolin's voice directed at Luminas caused her heart to flutter a little bit but she maintained her attitude on the surface.

-"Yes, I am the Goddess of this city and the western part of the continent as a whole.

You are in the Holy Lubelian Kingdom.

And as I thought, you are Otherworlders."

Gwyndolin nodded in agreement, turning to Gwyn.

-"Father, there is much to explain regarding Lordran and what happened after your death.. But for now, let's focus on the matter at hand.."

Gwyndolin took in a deep breath, gawking the carnage her father had wrought in mere minutes.. It brought.. Unpleasant memories.

Memories of the dawn of the Age of Gods.. When the greatest battle history had recorded took place.

It only reminded Gwyndolin of how powerful her father was, once ailing and then shortly after killed by a Brave Someone, now back to well above his prime..

"That woman here is the idol of worship in this area, as she had said.

We are no longer in Lordran - Meaning that we have been sent her either by the will of the flame or through the magic of the Abyss."

Gwyn agreed with her, this was either a really good or a really bad thing.

Pride was being restored to his voice once more, though it was now mixed with a tiny bit of humility after he had finally realized his unforgivable mistakes.

-"I am leaning more towards all of this being the Flame's will.

I have means to prove my theories that make me believe so."

Luminas stared at the two confused by the 'Flame' and 'The Abyss'.

"But if we were brought here, does that mean..?"

Gwyndolin nodded.

-"Most likely, yes.

There could be more like us, villains and heroes of the past.

If we are lucky, we might see 'The Abysswalker', or if unlucky... 'The Pontiff'..."

Gwyn tilted his head slightly, he had calmed down when she mentioned his old and most loyal knight's title, but the way she had said 'The Pontiff' made him slightly concerned as he never heard of such a person.

Then Gwyndolin, remembering the fact that her father died way before she did, immediately patched the situation up, deciding to leave that information for later.

"Though we might be even luckier and see the First Flame reborn here, who knows?"

One thing she know: Her father would never not smile genuinely and pridefully when the First Flame was mentioned.

She had used this trick multiple times to diver this attention from things, and it still worked as his mouth curled up slightly.

Luminas, still confused, raised her hand to ask a question like a student would to a teacher.

Gwyndolin didn't respond to her hand raising so she asked the question regardless.

-"Okay I get it that it's a wholesome reunion, but what now? What of my city? What of what you did to my people, the rivers of blood that are under your foot?"

Ope, there goes gravity, they were immediately snapped back to reality as their entire beings just paled slightly from this realization.

Gwyn especially felt horrible, a rare feeling he should've felt far too long ago.

Luminas sighed exasperatedly, putting a hand on her face.

"Second time.. First that damned... damned lizard.. now you..


Gwyndolin slowly made her way over to Luminas, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Luminas' eyes widened, her heart skipping a beat from the proximity of the two.

She had always been one for a good woman.. Her old friend, Choronoa, Her faithful knight, Hinata, and now it seems like she's soon going to add an extra member to her har-, er, her 'Close female friends'.

-"I speak for us two when I say that I know no manner of apologizing can compensate.. We are willing to do whatever you want us to do, if you wish us to die, so be it.

But please, consider our situations.

I, the Moon Lord Gwyndolin, not as a God, but as another person who's suffered destruction and pain, beg of you to."

Gwyndolin was either making the best sob-story on the spot or was saying genuine stuff, Gwyn thought.

He had always considered himself a good father, giving Gwyndolin whatever she wanted.

Returning to the two dangerously close females..

Luminas looked at Gwyndolin wide eyed, she was about to reach for her face to cup her cheeks or something romantic but she was put back to reality by the weight of the situation.

Luminas slowly nodded.. But something had her confused.

Now, when people speak informally it wouldn't be an issue since it's a gender neutral term.. But when people of obviously high status like the two spoke.. It had meaning.

-"Why did she call herself a 'God'..?"

Was what Luminas thought..

Silly as it may have been to ask that question, she did so anyways.

-"Erm.. Weird question before we go further.. Why did you call yourself a God? Did you have worshipers?"

She tried to mask the question.

And Gwyndolin answered.

-"Well, I am called the Moon Lord, revered and praised as the son of Lord Gwyn."


Luminas' world came crashing as she wanted to smash the ground with her fist in frustration, Gwyndolin was a trap all along!!

-"Wait what, you aren't supposed to say that! No one knows you're a ma-"

Ensue family argument whilst Luminas silently cries to herself.