
The Accursed One (A Dark Souls x Tensura Crossover)

The Bearer of the Curse, a man whose journey has reached a total halt because of the lack of further adventures to take, is engulfed in desperation, and in his desperation, he is granted his wish to enter a new world to be able to search for higher power to cure his curse. The curse of hollowing. Now in the Cardinal World, the Bearer of the Curse must meet old, current and new foes to get closer to achieving his desires. He must kill, fight, die and kill more to ever hope to come closer to his desires. Disclaimer: The MC is The Bearer of the Curse, who is the Dark Souls 2 MC, Rimuru Tempest will play a major role as the second main character, but it will always be the DS2 MC as the story's center. The first 10 chapters are all introductions for the characters, as the roster of the Dark Souls series is large, I made a group of characters that will be in the Cardinal World based on their importance to the lore. After the first 10 chapters, we will start to see more action between both worlds.

Iudex_Banshoman · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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25 Chs

Flattened Hopes (1/2)

-"Oi... Check that armored dude out.."

-"Damn, is he the son of a noble or something? I bet that armor costs a fortune."

Walking through the streets of Ingrassia, Faraam got all the stares and looks he did not want at all.

Though, he didn't mind.

But, he could feel it.


It seems to be a work of magic of sorts.. Maybe something was compelling these people?

Did he already have a bounty on his head?

Once more, these questions fade from his mind.

But, what he could not erase from his mind, is how similar this city was in atmosphere to Drangleic...

You walk through, and people drag behind you...

You are the enemy, the villain, and you must be slain.

This is what Faraam changed, though for a moment..

All the hollows he killed, all the knights of Drangleic he murdered..

These.. These were the memories Faraam wanted to remember forever..

-"...Good days.."

For him, these were truly good days, in the full sense of the word.

He missed them, and he only hoped he can reclaim any form of glory similar to these days throughout this journey.


You there, can I have a minute?"

A voice called out, but Faraam didn't pay it mind, thinking they're talking to someone else.

Then, a hand was placed on Faraam's shoulder.

Faraam's mind stopped thinking of the past, and his senses activated.

"Pardon me, I couldn't help but feel an intense attraction to you, are you by any chance an adventurer of sorts?"

The area went silent.

For the man talking to Faraam..

Was the Grandmaster of the Free Guild, Yuuki Kagurazaka.

Faraam turned around to face this man, who was relatively shorter than him.

The scene looked terrifying.

Yuuki was not called "Guild Grandmaster" for nothing, his battle experience was immense, yet..

Faraam might just be a perfect match.


-"Oh? What a shame..

Would you be interested in joining one?"

It was obvious.

Yuuki knew how strong of an addition Faraam would make.

And so, he went on himself, after hearing complaints from some people about an armored individual that would go on to kill loads of monsters that fell under Free Guild jurisdiction.

Naturally, Yuuki didn't care about such trivial things, because, one person as promising as Faraam, who potentially could rank as an A-Plus, is invaluable to Yuuki.

Yuuki was sure one as lustful for bloodshed as Faraam would not refuse.


Yuuki's eyebrows twitched in surprise, he really was just refused like this?

-"Uhm.. A-Are y-"

Faraam walked off, his word was final.

Yuuki's jaw almost detached, but he composed himself.

"AHEM, do not worry, all of you, this is just a friendly conversation, you can resume your work!"

Yuuki hurried after Faraam.

"Please, pardon my rudeness if I have offended you, at least hear my offer out!"

Faraam continued to ignore him.

Yuuki was getting extremely frustrated on the inside.

Who the fuck is this guy!? Why isn't he even listening!? No one just ignores me..

This hurts my ego!

At one point, they reached a large church faced by a massive building..

Yuuki placed his hand on Faraam's shoulder again, but he ended up pulling the fur by accident, pulling Faraam back a little..

And a large slamming sound was all that was audible.

Faraam had smashed Yuuki's body into the ground, his reflexes were that hardened.

Yuuki's mind could not follow up.. No matter how experienced he was..

This person in front of him... Was way out of his league.

He didn't even need skills.. Which Yuuki countered..

Faraam walked off after doing that, and Yuuki was helped up by a blonde haired individual..

"...That knight..

What is he? He had something inside him...

It's so resemblant of a Hero's Egg holder...

But it's twisted...

Perhaps he also is selfish.. And greedy?"

Yuuki wiped the dust off himself, and walked inside, with the blonde hair staring for a second at Faraam before going inside.

Faraam walked through the town, and decided it's time for a temporary change of pace.

Faraam began speed-walking to the gates, and in the shadows, people followed.

He could tell danger would follow no matter what, but he strode forward.

He eventually left Lura all together, but battle followed.

Entering a forest on purpose, Faraam moved slower.

Fighting in the open is risky, and so, he needed as many covers as he could get.

A massive body went flying past him and crushed some trees, and another wide area swing made him stand his ground.

-"Hey hey! Footman! You almost killed him!"

A cheerful girl's voice rung through Faraam's ears, and the other party in question, Footman, responded.

-"Teare, you fool, that's the goal!

He flattened Yuuki! I'm so angry right now!

How rude do you have to be to do that?!"

The now introduced individuals stand on both sides of Faraam, two clowns, one is a tall and fat clown, the other is small and slim.

-"Ah, you're right, but, Footman,

y'know you're being rude yourself calling me a fool!"

-"I know, Teare, it's just so frustrating seeing someone do something as rude as that!"

-"Oh well, it's fine, let's get this done with!"

They began attacking Faraam left and right, they had extremely fast attacks, but Faraam managed.

One attacked with a scythe, Teare, which Faraam could keep at bay with his swords, and the other attacked with his body by launching himself around at speeds much higher than the other clown.

"Damn, this guy really knows his combat!"

-"It's like he's used to dealing with multiple enemies! Raghh! He's making me so angry!"

Faraam faked an attack at Teare, causing Footman to launch at him, but, Faraam moved, and when he did, he pulled Teare, he did it in such a way that he and Teare basically switched places.

It was like watching a boulder crash into someone, both of them went flying into a tree.

-"Footman!! Why did you hit me!"

-"I'm sorry Teare! I thought I was going for him!"

Teare held up her weapon.

She held up her weapon.

She.. held up her weapon..?


Faraam had taken Teare's scythe and ran off with it.

They gave chase immediately, but, to their dismay, they lost him.

...Until Footman got smashed in the stomach by a fist and got sent flying three trees away.


You absolute monster! Why would you hit him where it hurts!?"

It was truly a clown's fest, ruckus all over the place.

Faraam held the scythe in both hands, his two Murakumos sheathed, and he prepared himself for any kind of attack.

Teare moved with her high speeds and Footman fixed himself and started shifting his body into a ball-like form, and he launched as well.

Terrific speeds from both of them, but not to Faraam's worry.

Experience wins, everytime.

Speed meant force, yes, but when the man you're facing is practically living armor..

You get the point.

It was not a task to be accomplished by anybody, Teare and Footman did not seem to understand that.

They were still taking this very lightly, and, in doing so, Faraam had his fill of analyzing them, so much so, he knew what they were going to do next.

It was obvious to be honest, but, they were going to attack him.

Surprise, Faraam started moving first.

He rushed forward with the scythe, and, the second they were near range, Faraam slashed the scythe in front of him...