
I'm Not Cut Out For This

When I finished reading the message I felt exhausted. A wave of nausea hit me, I fell to my knees. I looked around to find my desk to pull myself back up. My vision was blurry, I was getting dizzy. As I looked around a second time I could make out what seemed like black mist. More and more appeared until I was encased in mist. Though surprisingly I wasn't frightened, instead I felt calm and relaxed. I felt a warm pulse from my stomach. My body felt tired, I couldn't move a muscle. Before my mind drifts into unconsciousness I heard the muffled cries of my mother, crying "Martin."

My nap didn't last long, I woke up to see a strange symbol on a stone surface that I felt a connection to. The symbol represented four living creatures. A blue Phoenix, a white Lion, a gold Dragon, and finally a black Swan. Surrounding the symbols were the words Conquest, War, Famine, and Death. The word Death seemed to glow and radiate heat. Though I brushed it off. I heard loud whispers, I managed to catch a few words, "Prophecy" "Horsemen" "Demon" "Valca" "Death" I pushed against the cold, stony, ground. I scanned around me and noticed immediately that I was surrounded by people.

When I got up they were still chatting amongst each other, I counted eight people, all wearing blue robes lined with gold. I observed my surroundings and saw that I was sitting in a chalk drawn circle. Inside the circle was a pentagram with a symbol that looked like the combination of the letter "v" and "n" The whispers have died down and the robed people noticed me. "Our savior has awaken!" yelled one of the robe men. Then all of the robed men began to chant in unison, "Save us." A loud knock broke their chant. A wooden door that was hiding behind the robed men who have recently moved now creaked open.

Three people came in, a large man who was heavily armored carrying the largest sword I've ever seen (I've never actually seen a sword in person.), a old wrinkly woman with gray eyes, and last but not least a young lady that looked about my age wielding a stick. "So, this is the child that shall bring us peace." I looked to see who was speaking, the old woman looked at me intently. I took a deep breath and yelled "WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE!" My voice echoed throughout the large room. No one seemed surprised by what I said.

"You are still young so you may not understand yet but you possess powers that we could only dream of. Child, you were part of the Great Prophecy, a prophecy that for told peace and love across all nations. Young Martin, you can save our dying world, you are a hero." Those words sounded crazy but at the same time, total sense. "I think you got the wrong guy, I'm no hero, I killed two people, I'm terrified I.. I..." "YOUNG MARTIN, YOU ARE A HERO, YOU POSSESS POWERS THAT WILL SAVE US, YOU ARE A HERO!" The room shook, small pieces of rubble fell from the ceiling, the large armoured man smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

"But..... " The large man faced towards the lady and said "Show him." The lady tapped the tip of her stick on the hard stone surface. A small light was emitted from the tip and grew exponentially until it blinded everything. The light began to fade and I was in a field of grass. The sun shined brightly, a cool breeze swept across my face. I heard footsteps, they were getting louder and more rapid. On my left was an army of knights running towards the other army. Both armies clashed, they didn't seem to notice me. I heard horrible screams, the knights stepped over their fallen comrades. Their faces were covered in blood. An injured knight crawled towards me, begging for water. I just stood their, frozen in fear as the knight die right in front of my eyes.

The vision ended and I was back in the stone room. Tears ran down my cheek. No one said a word. After what seemed like hours I stopped crying. The large man spoke "Young Martin I am sorry you had to see that, but you need to understand. Without you war will continue, countless lives will be lost. But you... you can prevent war, you can save lives, Martin do you know what I'm saying? You are our only hope left." "Alright, but how, how can I save people, I'm just a kid." "You may be a kid, but you're no ordinary kid Martin no, you possess the complete power over the mind. Your thinking, processing, is like no other, with training you can control objects and bend reality. Follow me."

I took a step forward, a chill runs down my spine, super powers? I must be dreaming, none of this is real, I'm just going to wake up any moment now. Nothing happened, my body started sweating, fear follows. "Hurry up, the world isn't going to save itself." I swallowed, then followed the large man. At first I thought, wtf? We left the stone room and went outside, right in front of me was a tree. I couldn't really walk pass it because if I did I would fall off the cloud (don't ask) plus, the large guy was on my right and the lady and old woman was on my leftI bumped into the tree, feeling a little dazed I went behind the large guy and continued walking. But before I escape the tree looked at me (do tree's look? I mean, they don't have eyes.) and yelled with great offense "HEY I'M WALKING HERE!"

That scared the jeepers out of me. I ran as quickly as I could keeping a mental note not to disturb trees. "We're here." I stopped, but because I hit another tree. I expected some yelling and shouting but instead the tree spoke a foreign language, probably Vietnamese. The large man threw his sword in directly in front of him. Luckily no one was killed but the sword did get dissolved into dust. The dust glowed yellow. It formed a circle in the air and began to glow even brighter. The large man jumped in the circle and disappeared. I, however, fainted and fell in the circle.

This is a sample of what I'm working on. I still won't be posting chapters daily since I'm still working on the story and cause of my person life. So, I decided to tease you further :) I'll most likely post daily around December or January. -Euphour

Euphourcreators' thoughts