
The Abyssal Cultivator

In the mystical underwater realm of Coralopolis, a world pulsating with the vibrant essence of the Dao, young Liam and his sister Hayley, heirs to the royal lineage, set off on their first gather-hunt, a tradition of the royal family for the past millennia, to save them from a creature that has been bothering them for centuries, the Leviathan. . The hunt takes an unforeseen turn when Liam is ensnared and his mind besieged by a malevolent spirit of a long-forgotten cultivator. In her desperate attempt to rescue him, Hayley is struck by a deadly poison. As despair looms, a dormant power within Liam awakens. His hundred water spirit body, hundred different creatures arose within Liam's mind. From mythical to ordinary and some no one has ever seen or heard before, but one thing was for sure, they all possess an incredible power. What will Liam choose, his only chance to save his dying sister, by abandoning his home in search for the world above. Or will he submit to the uncertainty and stay in Coralopolis. As Liam stands at the crossroads between his underwater haven and the vast, tumultuous world of cultivation, one wonders: Will he rise to unite the forces against a lurking greater evil, or will he find himself overwhelmed by the battles that rage above and below the sea? Will he ever find out about the enormous cultivation world above the water and the political battles that go on between the top powers

Jov_175 · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

04 Hundred water spirit body

Inside Liam's mind, a single island stood among a sea of wild waves that crashed along the coastline of the island. On the island a single figure could be seen, lying on the ground unconscious. The sand filled his curly brown hair, its hue was similar to that of a chestnut. Clear discomfort could be seen on his face, his brows furrowed and his pale lips in a slight frown. At the end of his slim arms, he clenched the sand, as the water from the waves touched his hands.

from the dark horizon, a figure could be seen. It was slowly walking towards the island. Seemingly undisturbed by the massive waves, it continued to walk on the water.

As it got closer, the straight black hairs could be seen under his hood. He opened his eyes to reveal a mesmerizing violet color. Under his crooked nose, that had a scar on it, going from bellow his right eye to the left side of his face, his dark lips had a slight smirk. The man was inwardly laughing at his luck.

"What luck, this kid has such a weak mind. I required less than 2 seconds to invade his sea of soul. Once I get to the island and kill his soul. His real body will be mine to control." The menacing voice could now be heard, coming from the hooded figure.

As soon as the figure stepped foot on the island. Quickly, what looked like a hundred different runes started appearing all over the island. They all flashed a blue light, and slowly, different creatures started to emerge from the ground, where the runes stood.

"What is this! Does this kid have a spirit body? No f**king way! The hooded man cursed, as he turned around and started to run towards the way he came from.

As soon as the creatures got out of the runes, they started to chase after the man. There were all kinds of creatures. Rabbits, elephants, squirrels, tigers, crocodiles. Mythological creatures like a dragon, griffin, wyvern. And even creatures that didn't necessarily have a name. For example, there was a monkey looking creature that had six arms and a scorpion's tail.

This collection of about a hundred, all different creatures started to chase down the hooded man.

"I can always wait for another body to come to me. But if my soul is destroyed, I won't be able to do anything. It will be over for me. Me, the sixth chairman of the shamans group."

As the man continued to run, he suddenly felt a hard object hitting him from the side, like a bat. The trunk of an elephant sent him flying right into a hippo's mouth, in which he was caught and couldn't move. His head and legs still visible from the sides of the hippo's mouth.

"No! Stop it. Those tickles." The man exclaimed. When a fox came and used it's furry tail to tickle the man's feet.

The monkey with the scorpion tail came and positioned it on his neck. Giving him a stern look, as if telling him. If he was to move, it will be the end of him.

So, the man endured the tickling until the dragon came in front of him and all the other animals calmed down.

"Heal the young master. NOW!" The dragons ancient voice boomed. The waves became even angrier and the whole world seemed to darken for the hooded man.

"What, you want me to expend my own soul to heal that kid. He will wake up in a few days, there is no need for me to risk permanently damaging my soul for that.

The dragon squinted its eyes, and the monkey's scorpion tail penetrated his skin.

"Fine! I'll do it. Just let me live." The hooded man pleaded, as he reluctantly started to expend his soul to quickly heal Liam's own soul.

The man was then put in a weak looking cage, made of wood, that was sitting on the island next to Liam. As the creatures began to sink into the ground, their runes appearing again. Just before they completely disappeared, the dragon said a few last words.

"Comply with the young master's orders, or we'll be back."

"Jeez, fine fine." The man blurted out. "Don't think that I don't know the amount of energy it takes for you guys to come out. You won't come if it's not that important. He also won't know I'm here if I don't make my presence known to him."

"Wha, where am I? What happened?" Liam started to say as he regained his conciseness. "Arghh!"

"What was that? I, I can see something, someone. A man? Liam continued.

"What is he saying? I can't see clearly, it's all a blur." "And these? Ghost's? Was what grandma saying true?"

"That after someone dies, they become half transparent white forms of their previous self that no one can see. But these ones are blue, and why are so many ghosts of weird creatures chasing after that man?" Liam said, as he started to recall what happened a short while ago, inside his head.

"Damit! I can't see anything after that, I have no idea what happened, I mean. What even was that? A dream?" Liam pondered, unaware of his unconscious sister hanging by the leg from the vines in the ceiling.

"And? What is this new strength I feel? Is it due to this herb in front of me? I feel a slight connection to it. Now that I look closer, the lights inside this thing are completely dark, and they give of a dark purple hue." Liam said as he entered his trance yet again. " I guess I should at least collect it."

As Liam proceeded to pick up the herb and put it in his pocket, a single drop of some dark and murky water appeared inside his sea of soul.

"The dark lights inside this thing aren't like anything I've seen before. Wait, are some of the lights headed towards me? Not only from that herb, but the dark blue lights from the water around us is trying to come towards me, but they are being stopped by the bubble. And the bubble is now rapidly losing its strength due to me collecting the herb. Soon we won't have protection against the water outside." Liam said as he noticed that his sister was missing.

"We? Hayley!" Liam said as he turned behind, just to see her hanging from the ceiling. " No! There are strange purple lights inside her body and they are slowly spreading. They have almost completely covered her. I have to get her back to Coralopolis." Liam said as he remembered what had happened at the end of the hunt that happened when he was 11.

"I remember one of the royal family members returned and his body was also plagued by the same purple lights. Grandfather said that he cannot be saved as the poison has already reached his heart." Liam recalled what he could remember.

"Luckily I can only see the lights at her stomach. I still have time to bring her back and save her.

While this was all happening a small blob, equal to 5 drops of that dark murky dew water had formed in Liam's Sea of soul.

"That kid really managed to break through to the fourth human realm. And I don't know what these drops are, but the amount of dark qi I can feel from them. It even scares me a bit. How can a lowly fourth human realm poses this much qi?" The Hooded man silently pondered, as he was locked in his cage.

Liam took the ancestors knife from Hayley's pocket and slashed at the vines, instantly cutting through them.

"That was so easy, this knife is so good." Little did Liam know. It was actually his new strength from reaching the fourth human realm that allowed him to slash those vines so easily.

"I don't know if my aura can last for the two of us. Until I get back to Coralopolis, as I am quite low on energy, but I have to try." Liam said as he picked up Hayley and started concentrating to form an aura big enough to protect both of them.

"Okay, let's go!" Liam motivated himself, before slashing at the vines, that had already regenerated and headed outside the cave and into the deep waters again.

As soon as Liam exited the bubble, all of the dark blue lights that had gathered outside, rushed towards him. Instantly another 5 drops worth of now dark blue liquid had formed inside his sea of soul. The two blobs tried to merge, but like oil and water, they remained separate.

"This kid. Is his spirit root aligned with two elements? Darkness and water. Only one in a thousand have that ability. It's certainly impressive but not so much. There are tons of more talented cultivators in this vast world. His hundred water spirit body and two element spirit roots are nothing.