
The Abyssal Cultivator

In the mystical underwater realm of Coralopolis, a world pulsating with the vibrant essence of the Dao, young Liam and his sister Hayley, heirs to the royal lineage, set off on their first gather-hunt, a tradition of the royal family for the past millennia, to save them from a creature that has been bothering them for centuries, the Leviathan. . The hunt takes an unforeseen turn when Liam is ensnared and his mind besieged by a malevolent spirit of a long-forgotten cultivator. In her desperate attempt to rescue him, Hayley is struck by a deadly poison. As despair looms, a dormant power within Liam awakens. His hundred water spirit body, hundred different creatures arose within Liam's mind. From mythical to ordinary and some no one has ever seen or heard before, but one thing was for sure, they all possess an incredible power. What will Liam choose, his only chance to save his dying sister, by abandoning his home in search for the world above. Or will he submit to the uncertainty and stay in Coralopolis. As Liam stands at the crossroads between his underwater haven and the vast, tumultuous world of cultivation, one wonders: Will he rise to unite the forces against a lurking greater evil, or will he find himself overwhelmed by the battles that rage above and below the sea? Will he ever find out about the enormous cultivation world above the water and the political battles that go on between the top powers

Jov_175 · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

020 Golden eagles and Market

After the fight Liam went with Ralph and Aria to their new accommodation. It was a lot higher up the mountain. With every step they went up towards the peak, the qi density was higher and higher. But before they could rest in their new and improved home, which was now a whole villa, several people stopped them.

"The girl can go; we have no further interest in a third human realm cultivator." Riley said.

"Liam, stay calm. Remember the mission they gave us." Ralph said to Liam, before anything even happened. He knew Liam was prone to react. He could see that Liam was used to do whatever he wanted, not thinking much about the aftermath that he would cause. Those like Liam were often rich spoiled kids, but even The Cursed faction had found nothing on him. If he was from some rich family he would have known.

"If they don't get unreasonable.

"Don't put on such a sour expression. We have good news for you. You are now within the top 5000 outer court disciples and I invite you to join our faction." Riley said.

"What if we refuse?" Liam said.

"Liam!" Ralph shouted at him through his teeth and slightly stomped on his foot. This changed Ralph's prospective of Liam. It reminded him more of someone who just wanted to go against the rule and control from above, the behavior of someone who could not be controlled.

"If you refuse, that means you will join another faction and you are an enemy." Ralph said. With a clap of his hands, him and the five around him surrounded Liam and Ralph.

"He was just asking, don't worry, we will gladly join you." Ralph tried to remedy the situation.

"You seem a lot smarter than your friend. He must behave, an untrained dog never listens to its master." Riley said as he laughed. "Brad, teach this peasant the difference between us and their peasant scum. We don't want to show off too much before the commoners, do we now?"

Liam saw that the one that slowly walked towards him was also at the fourth human realm. "Finally, if they can't overpower me, I can win. I have been waiting for this moment. Too many times have they used their higher strength to overpower me." Liam laughed when he saw that they were sending another fourth human realm cultivator against him.

Liam rushed towards the man and throughout a punch, aiming for his head. But Brad just moved a bit and completely avoided him, then from the side, he simply touched a single point under Liam's arm. Along with the momentum and his half-paralyzed body, Liam stumbled and almost fell over.

"What was that. He only touched me and half of my body was paralyzed. This world is truly too vast. I have a lot to learn." Liam thought to himself as he tried to get into his stance again.

Brad smiled at Liam, then he put his hand forward and indicated for Liam to come towards him yet again. Liam took the bait and through his hand out again. Brad moved to the side and he grabbed his right hand.

When Brad put his left hand at Liam's wrist and with his other, he pressed on his shoulder, an electric current completely paralyzed his whole arm. Brad also put his foot in front of Liam's and Liam completely fell to the ground.

Ralph rushed towards Liam as he couldn't look anymore.

"Stand still!" Riley said to Ralph.

"This commoner is worse than I thought." Brad said.

"We live in different worlds." Even if a commoner is a realm above us, we can easily win. That is just the difference and they can never catch up." Riley said as he smiled.

Liam was slowly getting his felling's back into his arm, he also tried to get up.

"Stay down dog. If you don't want to be put back there again." Riley put his foot on Liam's back, inhibiting him from getting up.

"As punishment, you will be paying 25 credits per week from now on. I wish you well in our Golden Eagles faction." Riley laughed one last time before he left along with his goons.

"Don't worry, we'll get them back." Ralph helped Liam off the ground.

"I know. Even if it means my demise, they will pay." Liam looked at their back's as they walked away.

"Hey, want to head to the market, that will cheer you up." Ralph said to Liam with a smile.

"What will we do at a market. We only have a combined 15 credits to our name?" Liam looks confused. "We'll only look around, it's fun. Trust me." Ralph laughed at Liam's confused and clueless look.

Eventually Liam agreed with Ralph's suggestion and they both went to the market to look around.

I don't know what I was expecting but this definitely wasn't it. Liam thought to himself. The market was just a big open space and disciples and merchants from outside trying to sell their product. Everyone was on the ground with their products on a blanket.

At the two sides of the market, there were two buildings. On the building to the left of Liam it said Alchemy guild above the doors and on the building to the right of Liam, it read Rune-forging guild.

Liam looked towards Ralph, waiting for his suggestion for where they should go.

"Let's head to the rune-forging guild. I have a few things I want to look at there." Ralph said. Liam didn't mind so they went to the forging guild first.

When Liam went inside the store, he saw something he didn't expected. There were three pedestals a few meters inside and nothing else. On the first pedestal it read area rune enchantment, on the second it read weapon or equipment rune enchantment, and on the last pedestal they were offering rune forging classes.

"What do we do now?" Liam asked Ralph.

"We choose what we want to see. Lightly touch the first pedestal. I want some area enchantments." Ralph slightly touched the first pedestal and went towards the staircase at the end of the first floor. Liam did the same and followed after him.

"Why did we need to touch the pedestal?"

"The pedestals are enchanted, more as a show of what they can do, but depending on what pedestal you touch last, when you go up these stairs, you will travel to a different room. It's all a bit weird but don't think too much about it." Ralph Laughed.

When they got on the first floor, Liam noticed there were about 20 other people on the same floor, but when they came in there was no sign of anyone coming in or out of the guild.

"Look, this is what I was looking for." Ralph called out to Liam; he was over in a different part of the room. This room was a bit different. There were pedestals all around the room and on each of them, there was a scroll with the name of the rune, it's effect and different pricings.

Liam looked at the pedestal where Ralph was standing. "Elemental qi gathering: Fire" Liam read the title.

"Gathers the fire qi in a certain area and condenses it to a smaller volume.

5m radius, down to 3m. Price: 100 credits.

10m radius down to 5m. Price: 500 credits.

"Wow, this is so expensive. How do you ever plan on affording this?" Liam looked at Ralph in surprise.

"I know, I don't plan on buying it now, but you can imagine how much this will help me. It increases the qi density around you by a crazy amount." Ralph said. "If you can get the money, I suggest you try and buy one for yourself. For the water element, of course."

"Before we go, can I look around I bit. I am quite interested in all of these runes." Liam asked Ralph when he saw that he was preparing to leave.

"Of course, take your time, that's why we're here."

Liam started walking around the room reading some random scrolls.

"Trap for land third human realm beasts. price: 25 credits.

Traps any land creature below the third human realm that walks over the rune and holds them for up to three hours.

"Sound barrier rune"

keeps sound from going in or out of a radius bubble around the center of the rune.

price 1m: 10 credits

2m: 25 credits

3m: 75 credits.

Liam read around the room, all the different types of runes and all of their uses. It almost made him want to learn how to make the runes himself. With the huge variety of uses, Liam imagined all the things he could do.

Eventually he decided against it. He was currently rushing to become as strong as possible to get Hayley back. He couldn't waste time on this stuff. When he had Hayley with him and there was nothing to worry about, then he might try and study runes.

Liam thought back to what happened before. He was completely unable to even touch the guy even though they were at the same cultivation level. He didn't use the dark blue drops but he shouldn't have to rely on those to fight with people on the same level as him. It was simple, he needed more fighting experience.

"Ralph, we can go now. I will try to break through somewhere in the next week or two. After that I want to completely focus the last week before the expedition on gaining fighting experience." Liam told Ralph his plan as they went down the stairs.

"Sounds fun. I want to join you; I have become a bit rusty." Ralph nodded.