
The Abyssal Cultivator

In the mystical underwater realm of Coralopolis, a world pulsating with the vibrant essence of the Dao, young Liam and his sister Hayley, heirs to the royal lineage, set off on their first gather-hunt, a tradition of the royal family for the past millennia, to save them from a creature that has been bothering them for centuries, the Leviathan. . The hunt takes an unforeseen turn when Liam is ensnared and his mind besieged by a malevolent spirit of a long-forgotten cultivator. In her desperate attempt to rescue him, Hayley is struck by a deadly poison. As despair looms, a dormant power within Liam awakens. His hundred water spirit body, hundred different creatures arose within Liam's mind. From mythical to ordinary and some no one has ever seen or heard before, but one thing was for sure, they all possess an incredible power. What will Liam choose, his only chance to save his dying sister, by abandoning his home in search for the world above. Or will he submit to the uncertainty and stay in Coralopolis. As Liam stands at the crossroads between his underwater haven and the vast, tumultuous world of cultivation, one wonders: Will he rise to unite the forces against a lurking greater evil, or will he find himself overwhelmed by the battles that rage above and below the sea? Will he ever find out about the enormous cultivation world above the water and the political battles that go on between the top powers

Jov_175 · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

014 Soul Pets

"I don't know what you're thinking about that has gotten you so sad, but there are still a few hours left in the night. We will be mostly active in the night, it's a lot safer, let's get something to eat." Ralph said to Liam.

When he heard Ralph for some reason Liam tried to hide his emotions, he forced a smile and tried to cheer up. Even though he was starting to look at Ralph as his friend, he didn't know how to tell him about what happened with Grant and his sister.

In this completely new world that he was in, he found someone that was nice to him, someone that he didn't know and yet that boy took him in and helped him understand this world a bit better. Then he realized something.

"What's food?" Liam asked Ralph. Living in a bubble of dense qi nourished their bodies, allowing them to live without food, water or even air. Now Liam was getting a bit hungry, but he had no clue what that meant.

"Are you sure you didn't fall somewhere and lost all your memories. Every creature needs food as nourishment, otherwise we'll die." Ralph said quickly to Liam, now he believed his theory even more, that Liam had fallen and hit his head somewhere.

Another thing that Liam noticed, he wasn't able to fly anymore. The low amount of qi he could manipulate beneath his feat was not enough to support his weight.

"Are you coming or not?" Ralph half shouted at Liam, as he was already waiting for him at the little window in the alleyway.

"Yes, yes. Sorry." Liam hurried out of the little fogged up window and then he followed Ralph, who started climbing up the building across of them.

The strength you get as you cultivate was amazing, Liam jumped to the first floor, then he swung his hands and threw himself to the second and once again to the third-floor roof of the building, like a superhuman rock climber.

In just a few seconds Liam and Ralph had managed to scale up a three-story building, not feeling tired at all.

"Let's get going, we only have a few hours left before sunrise. The best places to find food is from the bakeries that open before the sun comes out."

They then wandered and traversed the whole city jumping from roof to roof, and in between buildings in little alleyways. After finding enough food and some other random stuff that coughed their interest, they returned to their little hobbit whole in a basement.

"That was fun." Liam exclaimed as this was the first time, he really relaxed from the gather hunt in his home that happened a whole week ago.

"I agree, it's a lot better than the past two months I spent alone." Ralph agreed with Liam and they both laughed.

Over the course of the next few days Liam and Ralph got a lot closer. Spending every hour of the day together had its effect. They slept or cultivated during the day, and used the city as their playground during the night, not attracting too much attention to themselves.

Over the course of the time, they spent together, Liam would ask Ralph about anything he did not understand or know about. Now Liam was a lot more competent and understanding of this new world that he was in.

He knew that he was located at the southern shoreline of the southern continent, there was also the Centre continent as well as the northern continent. He also learnt that every school in the southern continent will send their new outer court disciples on an expedition in the wild. All in hopes of them finding their soul pet.

A soul pet was a companion that grew in strength with its master but it could also become stronger when it is fed beast crystals.

Liam was very interested in this soul pet so he forced and begged Ralph to tell him.

"You have to kill 10 beasts with the same element as you, then you'd grind up the crystals together and put a drop of your blood onto it. Afterwards a rune shall light up…" Ralph explained to Liam with drawing, as he drew a rune with weird shapes inside of it. " You will have to show your soul beast who is the master, to make it your soul pet. It is a mental battle that will happen in your sea of soul."

"Does it matter at what level the beast crystals are? It would be a lot easier for me to kill 10 beasts at the first human realm." Liam asked Ralph as he was fully envisioning himself getting a soul pet.

"It does matter a lot actually. The level of the beast crystals used determines the strength of the soul pet." Ralph said simply.

"Doesn't that mean that those rich kids can just buy 10 high grade crystals and get a soul pet that is really strong?" Liam was getting really envious.

"They can if they want to die. You remember I told you, that everyone must show their soul pet who is the master. Inside your sea of soul, no one can help you other than yourself and if you die in your sea of soul, your soul is destroyed and there is no hope for you. That's why most people settle down for a weaker soul pet and then feed it a lot of beast crystals to raise its strength." Ralph continued to explain to Liam.

"And does it matter from what type of beast the crystals came from?" Liam was curios. If it mattered and you could control it. Making your soul pet something cool like a water dragon on ice phoenix.

"It does not matter your soul pet is set based on you and your character. Why are you even interested this much in soul pets, you won't be getting one. The only reason I told you about the expedition is so you know that we'll have to be less active then." Ralph said, getting a bit bored from all of the questions that Liam threw at him.

"One last question, I promise. Why wouldn't I wait until I am stronger so I can tame a stronger soul pet" Why are they forcing everyone to make one so early on?" Liam asked as it did not make any sense to him.

"Getting a soul pet early is vital. The more you grow with your soul pet, the stronger your bond becomes and the better abilities that you unlock are." Ralph said as he got up from his orange sofa, seeing the sunset, he knew he should wait a few more hours before heading of but the boredom was getting to him.

"What kind of abil…" Liam was stopped mid-sentence.

"You said, last question! Now let's head out. " Ralph could not hear more of Liam's questions so he exited their basement and did not wait for Liam as he started scaling up the building.

Liam had to hurry to catch up, it was still early in the evening and the sun just began to set. A lot of people were walking around. They shouldn't be out this early.

"Ralph, are you sure it's okay for us to be out this early?" Liam asked Ralph when he got closer to him.

"Every elder in the sects is preparing for the expedition. There isn't anyone to catch us." Ralph said confidently. " Let's go in this alleyway, this restaurant throws a lot of good food before sunset, it will still be fresh."

"Okay." Liam followed after Ralph as they started scouring the dumpster in the alleyway next to the restaurant. Liam remembered Grant's words, that he'll send someone after him. He was really hoping that Ralph was right.

Meanwhile two people with a blue and pink colored turtle emblem on their robe walked out of a restaurant in a town called Reagalshire.

"That stew was so good, I could eat it every day." One of the men said.

"Wait, do you hear that" The other commented.


"I think some beggars are searching for food in the dumpster. Ha ha ha." The man started laughing.

"Let's go teach them a lesson, I have some pent-up frustration. Why did Elder Grant have to send us looking for a little twerp." It was apparent that neither of the two men were pleased to be sent to this frugal town.

The two men walked silently behind the two beggars, then each of the two men through a punch at the two beggars. Instantly knocking them out.

"What, they are so weak, I purposefully lowered my strength so I could have a little fun, but what is this." One of the men said.

"Brother, you forget that we're in this cheap town."

"Wait, isn't this the twerp Elder Grant told us to look out for. He said he sent us because he displayed interesting strength but he was so weak. What was Elder Grant thinking.

"It doesn't matter. This is good, we can finally head back. Let's take this other kid. He also looks to be a runaway." The two men had accidentally found Liam and Ralph and the two boys did not even have the chance to resist. The power of the two brothers that were sent after them was just too great.