
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

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26 Chs

The Harsh Forest

Without delay, Kai's holographic display materialized once more, presenting him with an unexpected option – "the leech" ability. His brows furrowed in contemplation, a mix of surprise washed over him as he was short of breath. The description hinted at a unique potential – any blood could offer a measure of healing. It was an opportunity that couldn't be ignored, a lifeline amidst his exhaustion.

With a swift decision, Kai accepted the ability, his connection to the leech's trait strengthening. He wasted no time. The leeches that had been his adversaries only moments ago were now his salvation. His blade shimmered to life once again, its edge slicing through the body of a fallen leech. As the crimson liquid welled up, Kai cupped his hand beneath it, his fingers stained with the life essence of his former foe.

In a moment of resolve, Kai lifted the blood-soaked hand to his lips. He hesitated for just an instant, his mind awash with uncertainty. Then, with a determined gulp, he consumed the leech's blood.

The effect was almost immediate. A warm, invigorating energy spread through his veins, a sensation akin to a gentle, healing touch. Kai felt a surge of vitality, his weariness receding like mist before the sun. A quiet sigh of relief escaped Kai's lips as he felt the rejuvenating effects take hold. The forest around him seemed to brighten, colours becoming more vivid, sounds more distinct in comparison to his dying state. He was back. With a hint of sigh, he quickly got up and realised that he should really not let his guard down.

He slowly moved on across the forest, cautious of every single step he takes this time. His senses were heightened due to the increased focus he's currently having. Each choice he made was deliberate, his path guided the awareness of his surroundings.

Amidst the labyrinth of trees, he spotted his next target – an ant. With a deft motion, he dispatched the tiny creature, his actions fueled by a sense of purpose. The holographic interface shimmered before him, offering up the ant's unique ability. As he absorbed it, he felt a subtle shift, a whisper of newfound strength through him.

However, the results were not quite as he had anticipated. The ability to bolster his strength by a factor of 20 was unrealistic, the ant's gift was far less than he anticipated – it doubled his physical power. It was a passive enhancement, a subtle transformation that left no visible mark.

Kai's lips curled into a wry smile. While it wasn't the monumental leap he had hoped for, the newfound strength was far from insignificant. He flexed his muscles, feeling a renewed vigour course through his limbs. He tested it for a while and felt quicker, stronger and a better physique than what he had previously.

After a few more moment of exploring, Kai have decided to retrace his path to the battlefield, wariness coursing through him. He moved like a shadow, his every movement calculated to avoid drawing unnecessary attention. He sought an opportunity amidst the aftermath of conflict.

Why did he go back? It was because as he scaled the terrain, Kai managed to ascend to a higher vantage point, his eyes scanned the landscape below. He realised that there was no clear path nor no landmark to head to.

He needed a map, and the best solution was to try and scavenge the corpses of the dead that was previously in a battle.

As his gaze swept over the battlefield, relief washed over him like a cool breeze on a sweltering day. The battle had indeed concluded, leaving fallen corpses all around. Kai's eyes fixed upon the scattered corpses, it seemed like Kai's feeling of betrayal had taken the better of him, as he felt nothing, no sense of pity nor sadness, while seeing this corpse.

He moved swiftly, his steps guided by a mix of caution and urgency. With a silent leap, Kai reached the fallen figure and began his swift search.

His fingers brushed against the material of the fallen warrior's attire, deftly exploring pouches and pockets. The tension in the air could be seen, each passing second amplifying the beat of his heart. And then... success – his fingers closed around a parchment, a map that could really help him explore this forest. Alongside the map, he discovered a handful of currency – a small treasure that offered potential aid in his journey.

With the map in hand and his resolve unwavering, Kai stepped away from the fallen warrior, to avoid the dangers of an enemy ambush.

Nearby, Kai could see a tiny alcove that was just fit enough for one person. He went and took refuge in the hidden alcove; Kai carefully unfurled the map, his eyes tracing the intricate lines and symbols etched upon its surface. The forest's hushed embrace cocooned him as he studied the document, determination burning within him. The map held the promise of answers, a path through the labyrinthine mystery of this unfamiliar realm.

As his fingers danced along the parchment, his gaze settled on a name that stood out like a guiding star – "Konoha." The city's identity was etched in bold letters, and he knew he had to go there eventually.

Eventually, Kai ventured forth, following the map that he had found. The forest was his silent companion, its rustling leaves and dappling sunlight bearing witness to his journey. Hours slipped by, and the wilderness gradually yielded to the edges of a sprawling settlement. Konoha sprawled before him,

However, Kai's approach was cautious. Instead of stepping into the heart of the city, he opted to remain at a distance. His vantage point provided a clear view of the city's entrance, his eyes narrowing as they settled on the guards stationed there. They stood as vigilant sentinels, their presence a testament to the city's security and order.

Kai's focus sharpened as he observed their interactions. He watched as they interacted with passersby, their gestures and expressions a silent language of authority. The guards formed a barrier between the outside world and the sanctuary within, their duty unwavering...