
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

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26 Chs

Paired with Pain

After a while, another meeting was once again held within a hidden isolated cave. Pain's gaze locked onto Kai, his words echoing through the chamber. "It seems that throughout this month, you've somewhat grown to a sufficient level for the Akatsuki. You may have some decent techniques, but you'll need some help. Besides, I want to see this... ability of yours."

His spiral eyes shifted towards Itachi and Kisame. "The four tails will be for me and Kai. You two are to focus on the nine tails."

With subtle nods, Itachi and Kisame vanished from the room, their purpose clear. Once they had left the meeting, Pain turned to Konan, his curiosity piqued. "Where can we find the four-tails?"

Konan leaned forward, her voice calm as she began to explain the whereabouts of the Four-Tails' jinchuriki. "The jinchuriki of the Four-Tails is a shinobi named Roshi. He resides in a remote mountain village located within the Land of Earth. The village is nestled between towering cliffs and rugged terrain, making it difficult to access."

She continued, "Roshi is known to be a wise and reclusive individual, often keeping to himself. He has managed to find a balance with the tailed beast within him, using its power to protect his village. However, he is not to be underestimated, as his mastery over the Four-Tails' chakra grants him formidable strength."

Pain's gaze remained steady as he absorbed the information. "Very well, then our path leads to the Land of Earth."




In the days following their conversation, Pain and Kai set their course towards the Land of Earth, their purpose clear in their minds. Pain took a moment to explain the strategy to Kai as they journeyed.

"Our objective is to capture the Jinchuriki," Pain emphasized, his tone carrying the gravity of the mission. "We need them alive, not killed."

Soon enough they arrived in a serene village where the Jinchuriki laid host to.

The village stood nestled between rolling hills and verdant forests. Rustic houses lined the cobblestone pathways, their roofs displaying signs of age and weathering. Colourful banners fluttered gently in the breeze, adding a touch of vibrancy to the otherwise serene surroundings.

Smoke rose lazily from chimneys, mingling with the scent of freshly baked bread and the earthy fragrance of the nearby woods. Villagers bustled about, going about their daily routines with a sense of tranquillity. Children played near the village well, their laughter echoing through the air.

The village centre featured a charming marketplace, where vendors displayed their wares – from handcrafted pottery to bundles of herbs and spices. The gentle chime of a bell indicated the opening of a quaint tea shop, inviting passersby to enjoy a moment of respite.

Amidst the idyllic scene, the village seemed untouched by the turmoil of the shinobi world. Yet the scene changed dramatically with the arrival of two mysterious figures – Kai and Pain. The tranquillity shattered as their presence loomed over the unsuspecting Jinchuriki, Roshi. Pain's presence alone was enough to instil an aura of fear, and this young fellow was no easy prey either.

As Kai and Pain approached, the villagers quickly retreated into their homes, sensing an aura of danger. Roshi, the Jinchuriki, stood his ground, his expression a mix of curiosity and caution.

Roshi spoke, his voice steady but tinged with wariness. "Who are you, and what brings you to our village?"

Kai's gaze remained unyielding as he answered, "I'm Kai, and this is Pain. We've come seeking something, or rather someone."

Roshi's brows furrowed. "And who might that someone be?"

Kai's tone turned solemn. "You, Roshi. I need you to die."

Roshi's fists clenched, his apprehension giving way to a mix of anger and fear. "You expect me to just accept this?"

Pain finally spoke, his voice calm and composed. "We won't harm your village or its people. We seek your cooperation, Roshi."

Roshi hesitated, his thoughts racing.

Roshi responded, "Very well, but not within the village."

Pain regarded Roshi with a discerning gaze. "Your willingness to fight is clear. The location is inconsequential. No need to mask your intent."

Roshi's surprise mingled with a sense of respect, and he guided them to a secluded spot beyond the village's borders.

Roshi's voice was tinged with a last hope. "Is there truly no alternative?"

Kai's reply was firm. "None."

In an instant, Roshi launched an attack at Pain, but Kai intervened swiftly, blocking the strike just as swiftly.