
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

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26 Chs

First Unique Ability

Kai's eyes fixed upon Sai's lifeless form, his breath still laboured from the intensity of their clash. Beads of sweat mingled with dirt on his forehead as he surveyed the aftermath. He knew that this battle had pushed him to the brink, testing his ability.

Sai's presence lingered like an echo in the air, a reminder of the strength he possessed and the danger he had posed. The sight of the Konoha symbol on Sai's attire sent a shiver down Kai's spine – a chilling indication that the village was now actively seeking him.

Kai's mind raced, contemplating his next move. He had managed to defeat Sai, but the realization that Konoha was closing in weighed heavily on his thoughts. His desire for strength, the very thing that had driven him to engage in these battles, now seemed to be leading him deeper into a web of danger.

With a solemn exhale, Kai made a choice. He would need to be even more cautious, his movements more deliberate.

Afterwards, Kai's eyes widened as he glanced at the illuminated display screen, his heart racing with anticipation. The words "Art to Life(Unique)" glowed brightly, almost as if the screen itself was acknowledging the rarity of this newfound ability. Kai's fingers trembled slightly as he navigated through the interface, his curiosity piqued.

Beside the screen, an unfamiliar word caught his attention: "unique." It was a term he hadn't seen before in this world, but it held a weight of significance that he remembered well from his past life. In his past life, All the abilities he had was classified into common and unique. It means it's a one-of-a-kind technique. When he killed a superpower user before, it often time had this unique symbol. Kai thought this did not exist in this world as it had never appeared before.

Excited, With the scroll and ink in hand from Sai's bag, Kai felt a surge of determination. He gazed at the blank parchment before him, a canvas that held the potential to bring his thoughts to life. He focused on the image of a bird, his mind connecting with the concept of "Art to Life."

As he sketched, Kai's brows furrowed in concentration. However, the lines he produced fell short of capturing the grace and detail he intended. It was horrible. The image on the parchment remained lifeless, refusing to take form beyond his rudimentary drawing.

Frustration tinged with disappointment washed over Kai. He realized that his artistic skills were lacking, and his unique ability seemed to demand a level of finesse he hadn't anticipated. Kai frustratedly swore at this lack of ability that he had. "I should've taken art school." he thought to himself

He carefully rolled up the parchment, vowing to improve his drawing skills and unlock the full potential of "Art to Life." Kai retreated deeper into the embracing shadows of the forest, his every step became an attempt to be elusive.


After a few day, within the heart of Konoha, Naruto's voice carried a mixture of shock and disbelief. "Sai is gone?" His words echoed through the air, an expression of the somber news that had reached his ears. The weight of Sai's passing settled upon him.

Naruto's emotions swirled in a turbulent storm, the loss of Sai cutting deeper than he had anticipated. "After all that we've been through, he's gone?" Naruto's voice trembled, revealing a vulnerability he seldom showed.

Sakura, a pillar of strength in her own right, reached out to comfort Naruto. "We'll get through this together," she reassured him, her words a gentle reminder that they were bound by bonds stronger than sorrow.

Kakashi's presence was a silent reassurance, his eye reflecting the mix of emotions that the group felt. "Sai was one of us," he spoke softly, understanding that he had acted against his order for the sake of his team.

In honor of Sai's memory, the village united in solemnity. A funeral, a tribute to a life cut short. The flicker of candlelight danced in the air as they bid farewell to their fallen comrade.




Gathered once again in the dimly lit chamber, the village elders exchanged glances heavy with disappointment. "Danzo, your actions have failed," one elder remarked, his voice carrying the weight of their collective frustration.

Danzo's gaze remained fixed, his expression stoic and unyielding. He absorbed their words, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "Our plans may have faltered, but this setback will not deter us," he responded calmly, his voice carrying an air of determination.

The elders' voices rose and fell like a murmuring tide, discussing the course of action that lay ahead. "We cannot allow this threat to roam free any longer," another elder asserted, his tone unwavering.

"The death of Sai leads to our ability to summon our forces in the light. We'll use the full force of Konoha to hunt him down." Danzo replied.

In a decision fueled by necessity, the council agreed to unleash the full might of Konoha's forces in pursuit of Kai. The village's finest shinobi would be called upon to aid in this relentless hunt.

With the council's decision made, the wheels of fate turned once more. The village's BINGO book, a repository of information on dangerous individuals, was updated. Kai's image now adorned the pages, elevated to the rank of a B-ranked Missing Ninja. The urgency of the matter was clear: he must be captured or eliminated on sight.