
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

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26 Chs

Bee's Fall

Bee's voice rang out once more, his words laced with determination, "Behold our ultimate form! Unleash, Hachibi!"

The transformation was swift and impressive, the Jinchuriki's form giving way to the fearsome Eight-Tails. The air was charged with an intense energy, an aura of power radiating from the monstrous figure. "Prepare yourself, for this time, there's no escape," Bee declared, his voice echoing with newfound strength.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Kai made a calculated decision. He chose to disengage his dominant chakra mode, understanding the importance of using it strategically. His eyes remained focused and determined, his mind racing as he analyzed the unfolding scenario.

As the Eight-Tails lunged forward, Kai's reflexes kicked into high gear. He evaded the massive creature's attacks with deft movements, his body shifting seamlessly to avoid the devastating blows. The rhythm of his dodges was matched by the precision of his strikes – each swing of his infused dominant chakra wind blade targeted the Eight-Tails' tails, severing them one by one. With each successful hit, the Eight-Tails' regeneration was momentarily disrupted, its regrowth stopped by the Kai's dominant chakra.

However, the resilience of the Eight-Tails became apparent as the severed tails gradually began to regenerate. Frustration flashed across Bee's face as he witnessed Kai's strategy. The cycle of severing and regenerating tails continued, a testament to Kai's tenacity and calculated tactics.

"Bee! This is getting irritating. My chakra reserve is depleting, his chakra is quite.. strange."

In a sudden burst of energy, the Eight-Tails leaped into the air, a swirling concentration of chakra coalescing at its core. The imminent threat was undeniable as a massive sphere of energy took form, its intensity growing by the second. Bee's voice roared with determination, "Perish!"

With a deafening explosion, the Bijuu Bomb was unleashed, hurtling towards Kai with unrestrained force. The sheer magnitude of the attack was awe-inspiring, an overwhelming wave of energy that threatened to consume everything in its path.

Kai's senses went into overdrive as he faced the impending cataclysmic assault. He summoned every ounce of his remaining strength, his dominant chakra surging to life once more. His body was enveloped by a vortex of crimson wind, his protective armour taking on an even deeper crimson.

The explosion of the Bijuu Bomb was a spectacle that reshaped the landscape, leaving nothing but devastation in its wake. The once solid ground now bore the scars of destruction, its center impact marked by a massive crater. In the midst of this chaos, Kai lay motionless at the centre, his body battered and broken.

The aftermath was a scene of desolation, with debris scattered and smoke billowing from the ground. The Eight-Tails' transformation ceased, revealing Bee's exhausted form. His laughter carried a triumphant tone as he gazed at the prone figure of Kai, "Told you, didn't I? You've met your end, fool!"

Yet, in the midst of Bee's gloating, a sudden shift in the air caught the Eight Tail's attention. The atmosphere changed, an unsettling breeze that sent a shiver down The Eight Tail's spine. Its instincts flared, a sense of impending danger igniting within him. "It's a trick!" The beast voice boomed, his words a desperate warning.

But time was against Bee. In an instant, the realization dawned upon Bee as Kai materialized behind him, his figure wielding the windblade once more. The blade found its mark, sinking into Bee's form with a resounding impact. A pained cry erupted from Bee's lips, his body reacting to the sudden attack.

As the wind blade pierced Bee , Kai's clone within the crater disappeared. The illusionary maneuver had been executed flawlessly.

With the wind-blade still embedded in Bee's form, Kai's voice rang out amidst the chaos, a mix of exhaustion and triumph in his tone, "I owe Kakashi for that trick."

Bee's resistance faltered, his strength waning as the pain and the toll of battle took their toll. His body gave way to the exhaustion that had been mounting throughout the fierce confrontation. Collapsing to the ground, Bee's once defiant demeanour now yielded to the reality of his defeat.

In the aftermath, a Zetsu emerged from the shadows, its presence a stark contrast against the chaos that had unfolded. "Impressive work," Zetsu's voice chimed, offering a moment of respite. As Kai caught his breath, Zetsu took charge, ensuring Bee's damaged body was secure. With an unsettling display, Zetsu's form transformed, devouring Bee within its own being. The sight was eerie, he then said, "I'll make sure he stays just enough to be alive but still damaged enough to lose consciousness."

Zetsu's voice echoed once more, a mix of curiosity and acknowledgment, "Your chameleon ability played a crucial role, it seems." Kai's response was a simple yet amused chuckle, acknowledging the truth behind Zetsu's words. The camouflage power had indeed proven invaluable, aiding him in taking down an opponent far mightier than himself.

Kai's laughter conveyed the satisfaction of a hard-earned victory, a triumph against the odds. The taste of success was made sweeter by the fact that he had overcome a formidable adversary entirely on his own. Kai's reflection on the battle acknowledges the fortunate circumstances that had played to his advantage. Had Bee taken the fight more seriously from the start, not letting his guard down, the outcome might have been drastically different.