
The Abducted Lycan's Breeder

Her father had committed an atrocity by attempting to kill the Lycan king, and to punish him, his daughter, the honorable daughter of the Alpha next in line to being the first female Alpha will be used as his breeder. Against her will, she is forced to get pregnant for the Lycan and the Lycan is forced to have her bear his child only for the benefit of seeing the look of anguish and regret in his enemy's eyes. Along the way, will these two finally figure out a way to work out their differences and fall inlove or will the Alpha be the least of the LYCAN'S worries?

Esty_Usodo · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
116 Chs

Chapter Twelve

The Cooking adventure 

My eyes flashed open, just a bit, as Gerald began to exit into the shadows. I followed his movements, my heart racing as I watched him fade into the darkness, the sound of his retreating footsteps like the step of a predator retreating into the night.

But I knew that Gerald was not truly gone. I can feel his presence near me, somewhere in the darkness, watching me, waiting for me. 

"He'll be back," I whispered to myself, my voice a quake of fear and determination. "And when he does, I'll be ready." 

I rose from the bed, my movements silent and measured, my gaze fixed on the shadows outside the window. 

I tiptoed across the room, my bare feet a whisper against the cold, hardwood floor, my fingers brushing against the curtains as I peered into the night.

There was no sign of Gerald, no sound of his footsteps, no scent of his musk. It was as if he had vanished into thin air, a phantom in the darkness. 

I arose from the bedroom, my breath a cloud of mist in the cold of the night air, my hands gripping the doorframe like a weapon. 

I stepped into the hallway, my eyes examining the shadows, my ears pulling to catch even the slightest hint of Gerald's presence.

I moved like a ghost, my footsteps silent and swift, and my heart beating an agitated beat of fear and adrenaline.

But the house was empty, the darkness silent, the air still.

"He's gone," I whispered, my voice a mix of relief and anxiety. "For now." 

Just as I was about to turn back towards my room, a sudden, sharp sound pierced the silence, a gasp of fear caught in my throat as I spun around, my body hovered for a fight.

"Amelia?" A voice called out in the darkness, the sound of rapid footsteps echoing through the hall. "Amelia, it's me, Jennifer." 

My heart hammered against my chest, my body trembling with a mix of relief and fear as I recognized the voice, the face of my newly found friend, Jennifer.

My mind raced, my thoughts falling over each other in a chaotic fear and confusion. Jennifer? Gerald? The lines between reality and paranoia blurred, my heart hitting in a fierce beat that seemed to echo through my entire body.

"Jennifer," I whispered, my voice a rough gasp. "You startled me."

Jennifer moved closer to me, her hands held out to me in a gesture of ease. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice a mixture of concern and worry. "I heard a noise, and I came to check on you." 

I forced a smile onto my lips, the curve of my mouth a fragile thing in the darkness, a guard against the fear that remained in the pit of my stomach.

"Thank you, Jennifer," I said, my voice a whisper. "I'm okay. It's just the shadows playing tricks on me." 

I smiled at her, my trusted friend and ally, my eyes shining with gratitude in the dim light.

"Thank you," I said, again. My voice tinged with relief. 

Jennifer nodded, a knowing smile on her lips. "I am always here for you, Amelia," she said, her voice low and steady. "We have to look out for each other, right?"

Those words sent shivers down my spine, a feeling of true love and friendship. 

They were an ointment against the storm of fear that raged within my heart, my presence a steady, calming force in the sea of darkness that seemed to surround them.

"He won't come back tonight," Jennifer said, her voice firm with conviction. "He has other...things to attend to. You are safe here, with me." Jennifer assured me, seeing how scared and agitated I was. 

My shoulders relaxed, the tension in my body dissipating like dew in the morning sun.

"Thank you, Jennifer," I said, my voice heavy with emotion. "You are the only one I can truly trust." 

Jennifer's arms enveloped me, the warmth of her embrace, a welcome respite from the icy hold of fear that had held me in its grip.

As Jennifer began to withdraw, I held her sleeve, my fingers curling around the soft fabric like a lifeline.

"Where are you going?" I asked, my voice tinged with desperation. 

Jennifer's smile grew, the corners of her mouth tilting upwards like a sunbeam cutting through the darkness.

"I'm going to the kitchen," she said, her voice lilting with eagerness. "I love cooking, it's almost therapeutic. Perhaps I can fix up something for us?"

My eyes widened in surprise as I heard about her likeness for cooking, a small chuckle escaping my lips. "You're cooking now? 

Jennifer nodded as laughter escaped her lips, her laugh like a chiming bell. Maybe it was due to my gesture. 

My face lit up with interest, my smile was like a warm and trending crackling fireplace on a winter's night.

"I'd love to join you," I said, my voice eager and excited. "Maybe I can help? It would be fun to cook together, and it might help take my mind off...everything."

Jennifer nodded, her eyes sparkling with expectation as she led me down the hall, our footsteps echoing in the quiet, moonlit house.

"I think I know what to do," Jennifer said, the words a conspiratorial whisper. 

As we entered the kitchen, a sense of comfort and familiarity washed over the aroma of spices and the warmth of the oven like a cozy blanket of security.

Jennifer moved with purpose, opening cabinets, and pulling out ingredients, her movements a practiced dance.

"A little bit of this," she said, pouring a splash of oil into a pan. "A dash of that," she added, sprinkling spices into the mix. "And a lot of love."

I chuckled at Jennifer's words, the tension in her body melting like butter in the pan. 

"It's time to show my skills," I said to myself. Cooking was also my thing just like Jennifer. It made me happy when Jennifer mentioned it. 

"Uhm, can I try it out?" I asked Jennifer with a look of someone not so sure of herself. A mask to my true identity. Jennifer was pleased with my request and gave me the go-ahead. 

I took the lead, my hands deft and sure as I put forth the knife, my movements precise and swift as I chopped onions, sliced tomatoes, and minced garlic with practiced ease. 

"Wow, Amelia," Jennifer said, her eyes widening in awe. "I didn't know you were this great. Where did you learn?"

I smiled, my cheeks flushing with pride as I stirred the vegetables in the pan, their sizzle and scent filling the room.

"My grandmother taught me," I replied, my voice tinged with nostalgia. 

As we sat at the table, the fragrant steam of our creation filling the room, Jennifer took a bite, a look of pure bliss crossing her features as she savored the taste.

"This is amazing, Amelia," she said, her voice full of appreciation. "You have some serious talent."

I beamed, my smile radiant with pride as I took a bite of my own. "Thanks, Jennifer," I appreciate her, my eyes shining with gratitude. 

"Cooking has always been my passion, but I never thought it could be this fun." 

As we savored the tasty dish, a bothering question in my head popped up again. I felt it was the right time to finally ask it. 

"Uhm, are you the only concubine of the Lycan King?" I asked with a look that showed so much concern. 

My question hung in the air between us, a delicate line of curiosity and concern that begged to be answered.

"I'm not the only one," Jennifer replied, her voice tinged with a sadness that seemed to weigh on her heart. "There are others, but you know how it is. He doesn't care for any of us, not really. We're just puppets in his game."

I nodded, my eyes dark with understanding. "But why is that? Why can't they stick to just one woman?" I asked, my voice quiet. 

"It's just the way it is, Amelia," Jennifer said, her voice a thoughtful sigh. "Lycans don't mate for life, not like humans. They're driven by instinct, by the urge to dominate, to conquer. Love is not part of their equation."

I shook my head, my eyes flashing with rebellion. "But it should be," I said to myself, confusion and uncertainty written all over my face. 

I became sad, and my countenance fell. I had wanted a man who would love me so much, but coming to this pack shattered my dreams. She was meant to remain a breeder all her life. 

Jennifer watched me, her eyes soft with empathy, a silent friend in my sorrow. She knew that words, no matter how well-intentioned, could do little to ease the pain of non-reciprocated love.

Instead, she reached for my hand, her fingers twisting with mine in a gesture of oneness, a silent acknowledgment that I was not alone in their struggle.

"We are strong," Jennifer said, her voice a whisper in the darkness. "We will not let them break us." 

My arms encircled Jennifer, our bodies pressing together in a tight embrace, a fortress against the harsh realities of their world.

At that moment, I felt the walls I had built around her heart begin to crumble, my tears falling like raindrops on Jennifer's shoulder, my sobs a grievous song in the silence.

Jennifer held me tight, her hand stroking my hair in a gesture of comfort.

"It will be okay," she whispered, her voice a gentle caress. 

"We will find a way through this, together."