
The Abducted Lycan's Breeder

Her father had committed an atrocity by attempting to kill the Lycan king, and to punish him, his daughter, the honorable daughter of the Alpha next in line to being the first female Alpha will be used as his breeder. Against her will, she is forced to get pregnant for the Lycan and the Lycan is forced to have her bear his child only for the benefit of seeing the look of anguish and regret in his enemy's eyes. Along the way, will these two finally figure out a way to work out their differences and fall inlove or will the Alpha be the least of the LYCAN'S worries?

Esty_Usodo · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

chapter fourteen

Jennnifer's Plight


I felt someone standing by my side, it was Tom, his face grim and determined, his sword glinting in the moonlight.

"Alpha," he said, his voice low and steady, a rock in the storm of tension.

The recruit burst from the bushes, his eyes wide with shock and fear, his hands held high in a gesture of surrender.

"Alpha, Beta, I'm sorry!" he cried, his voice shrill with terror. "I didn't mean to scare or trouble you. I was just trying to bring the animal I hunted for my training."

I exchanged glances with Tom, my expressions softening as I took in the young Lycan's trembling form.

"It's alright," I said, my voice gentler now. "You are not aware of what happened earlier," I told him.

My lips curved into a rare smile as I inspected the young Lycan's quarry, a sleek and muscular antelope with a pelt of midnight black.

"Well done," I said, my voice full of pride. "You've earned your stripes today."

Tom chuckled, his eyes glowing with humor. "Indeed," he said. "And a taste for drama."

The young Lycan blushed, a sheepish grin spreading across his face as they started to make their way back toward the camp.

I walked together with Tom in silence for a moment, the night air still and cold around them.

But then, my voice broke through the stillness, my words sharp and urgent.

"What do you make of Roderick's injuries?" I asked, my eyes flicking to Tom's face. "That wasn't the work of a wolf, at least not a normal one."

Tom nodded, his brow furrowed in thought. "Agreed," he replied to me, his voice low and thoughtful. "I've never seen a Lycan fall prey to a simple wolf before.

Tom's voice grew serious. "You don't think… it couldn't have been a Rouens, could it?"

My expression hardened, my lips pressing into a thin line. "It's possible," I replied, my words weighted with concern. "There's been talk of their presence in the nearby territories."

Rouens - a legendary breed of wolf, ferocious and cunning, whose bite was rumored to be deadly to even the most powerful of Lycans.

"If it was a Rouen," Tom said, his voice tinged with dread.

"Then we need to prepare," I added, my voice firm and resolute. "If the Rouens are indeed in our territory, it could spell disaster for the entire pack."

Tom nodded in agreement to what I said, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. "Agreed," he replied, his eyes piercing my face. "But how do we protect ourselves? We can't fight an enemy we can't see."

My gaze turned inward, my mind working furiously. "We must fortify our defenses," I suggested, my words deliberate and measured.

I quickened my pace, along with Tom. Our footsteps crunched against the underbrush as we hastened towards the camp.

"We'll need to start patrols," I said, my eyes focused on the path ahead. "We also need warriors along the perimeter to keep watch for any signs of Rouen activity."

Tom nodded in agreement. "And our warriors," he added. "We'll need to train them in new tactics, new strategies for fighting such a powerful foe."

My expression hardened, my jaw set in a firm line.

As I arrived at the edge of the camp, my thoughts were already turning towards the work that lay ahead.

"We must also consider our vulnerabilities," I said, my voice low and grave. "Our women and children, they must be protected at all costs."

Tom nodded, his gaze sweeping across the settlement, his eyes flickering with anxiety.

"We'll set up watchtowers along the outskirts," he said, his voice a whip of determination. "And bolster the guards around the dens."

As I strode confidently through my territory with my loyal beta, Tom, by my side, a tantalizing aroma flowed through the air, drawing my attention toward the heart of the pack—the Kitchen.

The scent was like an enchanting melody to my senses, stirring a primal hunger within me that I could not ignore. It was a fragrance that spoke of warmth, comfort, and the promise of a hearty meal shared among pack members.

With a quick exchange of knowing glances, I and Tom quickened our pace, eager to discover the source of this delightful scent. As I approached the Kitchen, the inviting aroma grew stronger, wrapping around them like a comforting embrace.

Jennifer, my most prized concubine, appeared from the shadows, her curves emphasized by the soft, silky fabric of her dress, her lips a slash of red against the pale canvas of her skin.

"Alpha," she purred, her voice a siren song that could tempt even the most virtuous of men, "I thought you might be interested in the feast we've prepared."

I growled a low, primal sound that rumbled in my chest as I took in her scent, a heady mix of desire and danger.

My pulse quickened with anticipation as I pushed open the door, revealing a feast laid out before me.

Roasted meats, fresh vegetables, and rich, savory stews filled the room with their mouth-watering essence, calling out to me and my pack to partake in the bounty.

With a glint of desire in my eyes, I took Jennifer by the hand, Tom walking behind us. My lips curled into a feral smile as I led her into the kitchen.

The aroma was stronger here, a savory symphony of spices and roasting meat that made my stomach growl with hunger, my primal instincts stirring to life.

And there, in the center of the kitchen, was a feast fit for a king: a platter of roasted venison, steaming vegetables seasoned with exotic herbs, and a goblet of ruby-red wine.

Unable to resist any longer, I let out a low rumble of approval, my golden eyes gleaming with delight.

Jennifer moved like a panther, her hips swaying with each step as she served me and my beta, a dance of submission and seduction that left men enticed.

I dug into the feast with abandon, the juices of the venison running down my chin, my eyes half-lidded with pleasure.

As I ate, I watched Jennifer, my gaze lingering on the curve of her neck, the swell of her bosom, the fire in my eyes, a sign of the hunger that raged within me.

Jennifer smiled, her teeth glinting in the firelight as she knelt before me, a supplicant at the altar of his desire.

I reached for her, my hands roaming across the velvet of her skin, my fingers tangling in her hair as I pulled her closer.

"You've done well, my pet," I growled, my voice low and seductive, my teeth grazing her neck.

Jennifer shuddered, a moan escaping her lips as she leaned into my touch, her body aching for my possession, my command.

The savory flavors of the venison danced on my tongue, each bite a symphony of spices and juices that left me wanting more.

I stared at Jennifer, my gaze lingering on her lips, her jawline, and the way the firelight played across her awesome features.

"You seem to be enjoying the food," she purred, her voice a whisper in the darkness.

I nodded, my eyes never leaving the feast before me. "It's divine," I rumbled, a hint of satisfaction in my voice.

"Amelia helped me prepare it," Jennifer continued her words like a drop of poison in my wine.

Why would she allow that slave to make my food?

"You must admit, she's quite skilled in the kitchen, for a captive."

My gaze flickered, a storm cloud passing over my features. I felt trapped by her words.

"She's skilled, yes," I admitted, my voice low and dangerous. "But I trust that she didn't forget her place, she's meant to be in her room."

Jennifer leaned in, her body pressed against mine, her hands roaming over my chest, and my shoulders, a soft moan escaping her lips.

"Please, my love," she begged, her voice a honeyed whisper. "Allow Amelia to walk among the pack, to roam the forest. She's spent so much time locked away, in the darkness. Let her have some freedom, some light."

I snarled a low, primal sound that seemed to thunder from the depths of my soul.

"You're tempting me, woman," I snarled, my words a warning, a challenge.

"Amelia is to be your breeder, my Alpha," Jennifer cooed, her lips a hair's breadth from my ear. "She deserves to be treated with respect, with kindness."

My eyes narrowed, my jaw clenching as I considered her words, her plea.

"You're right," I admitted, feeling defeated. "She deserves some freedom, some sunlight."

Jennifer smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Thank you, my love," she purred, her hand slipping down, her fingers brushing against the bulge in my pants.