
The Abducted Lycan's Breeder

Her father had committed an atrocity by attempting to kill the Lycan king, and to punish him, his daughter, the honorable daughter of the Alpha next in line to being the first female Alpha will be used as his breeder. Against her will, she is forced to get pregnant for the Lycan and the Lycan is forced to have her bear his child only for the benefit of seeing the look of anguish and regret in his enemy's eyes. Along the way, will these two finally figure out a way to work out their differences and fall inlove or will the Alpha be the least of the LYCAN'S worries?

Esty_Usodo · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
35 Chs

chapter 23

The magic herbs

My footsteps were a soft, rhythmic pattern in the darkness, a companionable sound that spoke of friendship, of secrets shared, as we continued their journey into the heart of the night.

My gaze was fixed on Jennifer, my mind racing with questions, with fear, as I struggled to comprehend the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

The walk was to the thickest part of the forest. An unending walk to the world beyond. As we walked, Jennifer blended the journey with a story. Making the walk easier and also creating a memorable experience.

Jennifer's words were a grim, chilling testament to the horrors that lay in wait, the danger that lurked just beyond my sight, as she continued her tale.

"The witches have struck a deadly blow," she told me, her voice a low, ominously rumble that echoed in the darkness. "One of our warriors was attacked, his mind twisted, poisoned by their magic. He lies in his bed, a husk, a shadow of the man he once was."

Her story was a chilling reminder of the danger that lurked in the shadows, a silent, insidious threat that threatened to consume us all.

"The witches have returned," she whispered, her voice filled with a quiet, determined fury. "They seek to destroy us, to tear us apart from within.

"They use their magic to turn our people against us, to sow discord, to breed distrust. We must be vigilant, we must be strong, or we will not survive this."

I shuddered, my body shaking with a mixture of fear and rage, as Jennifer's words painted a dark, terrifying picture of the threat they faced, the evil that lurked in the shadows.

"We must fight them," I whispered, my voice filled with determination, with resolve. "We must drive them from this pack, we must destroy them, before it is too late."

Jennifer nodded, her eyes fixed on the darkness ahead, as she led me deeper into the forest, toward a secret place, a hidden refuge that offered sanctuary from the dangers that stalked me.

The forest enveloped us, its shadows reaching out, its branches like grasping hands, as I and Jennifer navigated the treacherous, twisting paths that wound through the trees.

The moonlight was a cold, silver blade that sliced through the darkness, illuminating the path before us, as we moved deeper into the woods, our footsteps silent, their breath ghostly whispers in the still, silent air.

Finally, we got to a small, hidden glade, a clearing in the forest that seemed untouched by time, a place of secrets hidden in the shadows.

My voice was filled with curiosity, with a hint of confusion, as I looked at Jennifer, my eyes scanning the vegetable garden, the rows of plants that stretched before me, as far as my eyes could see.

"Why are we here?" I asked, my voice a murmur, my gaze fixed on Jennifer, my mind racing with questions, with a growing sense of intrigue.

Jennifer smiled, a sly, mischievous expression that lit up her face, as she placed a finger against my lips, a silent, conspiratorial gesture that spoke of secrets yet to be revealed.

"We are here to pluck some special vegetables," Jennifer whispered, her voice a calm, secret thing, as she glanced around the garden, her eyes searching, scrutinizing the rows of plants, and the soil that lay beneath.

"This hidden garden is where I find the herbs that will soften the king's heart," she continued in her voice, a low, urgent murmur that seemed to echo in my ears, a promise of victory, of freedom.

Jennifer led me deeper into the garden, her movements were stealthy, and precise, as she searched for the herbs, her fingers brushing against the leaves, and the stems of each plant as if to feel the magic that flowed through them, the power that would bend the king to their will.

Finally, she stopped, her hand reaching out to grasp a small, leafy plant that grew in the shadows of a nearby bush, its leaves deep, vibrant green, its scent a heady, powerful thing that seemed to fill the air.

Jennifer plucked the plant from the ground, her fingers gentle, reverent, as she held it aloft, its leaves trembling in the moonlight as if to acknowledge the power that resided within.

My fingers moved in tandem with Jennifer's, our hands a symphony of motion as they plucked the herbs, my body bending, and twisting, as they worked their way through the garden, their hands full of the precious, magical plants.

"The people need someone like you to overcome the witches," Jennifer whispered, her eyes filled with fierce determination, as she glanced at me, a silent, fierce acknowledgment of her strength, of her courage.

"That is why we must make the king's favorite meal. We must win his approval, his favor. With these herbs, with our magic, we will bend him to our will, we will convince him to accept you as a warrior, as a member of the pack."

I nodded, my eyes fixed on Jennifer, my expression determined, and resolute, as I grasped the herbs in my hands, and allowed the magic that flowed through them to fill me with a fierce, burning strength.

"I will do whatever it takes," I said, my voice low, powerful, as I cast a glance toward the palace, the distant spires of stone that rose into the sky, a silent challenge, a promise of victory.

We swayed our way back to the pack after getting enough herbs needed for the special dish. I was eager to learn and know what was so special about the meal. Jennifer had promised to lead me through the procedures.

As we arrived at the main entrance to the mansion, I watched as Jennifer stopped, her face a mask of calm, of collectedness, as the Beta called out to her, his voice a low, urgent thing that seemed to fill the air with tension, with danger.

The two of them slipped into a corner, their voices hushed, secretive, as they exchanged words, as they shared information, their expressions fixed, determined. The shadows swallowed them whole and they vanished from sight.

Not quite long, Jennifer showed up, showing off her set of white teeth.

We made our way back to the palace, our hands full of the precious herbs, my heart filled with a fierce, burning determination to see our plan through, to bend the king to our will.

I slipped into the kitchen, together with Jennifer. My footsteps were silent, my movements quick and precise, as we prepared the king's meal. We added the herbs, a pinch here, a sprinkle there, as we infused the food with their herbs.

The kitchen was a symphony of motion, of sound, as my movements were in perfect harmony, my hands a blur of activity as I chopped, stirred, and seasoned, the aromas of herbs and spices wafting through the air, a fragrant, intoxicating aroma that filled the room. Not without Jennifer guiding me.

I sang as I cooked, my voice melding into a single, beautiful melody, a song of power, that seemed to echo through the halls, through the palace, a secret, ancient incantation that seemed to fortify to strengthen my resolve.

My eyes lit up with determination, with resolve, as Jennifer urged me to dress, to prepare for the king's arrival, her hands brushing the wrinkles from my dress, as she smoothed my hair and cast a glance at my reflection in the mirror. My expression was hard and fierce, my gaze unyielding.

"He will not be able to resist the aroma of the food," Jennifer said, her voice a low, seductive whisper, as she nodded toward the platter of food, the herbs that nestled within, their magic a potent, intoxicating thing that seemed to shimmer in the light.

I lifted the platter, the food steaming, fragrant, as I made my way toward the king's chamber, my steps measured, precise, as I glided through the halls, the palace quiet, still, as if holding its breath.

The door to the chamber loomed before me, its wood polished, gleaming, as I reached out, my fingers tracing the carvings, the intricate designs that decorated its surface, as I whispered a silent prayer, a plea to the gods, to the spirits, to lend her strength, to guide me.

The door swung open, the hinges silent, as I glided into the chamber, my movements graceful, elegant, as I approached the king, his eyes fixed on me, his nostrils flaring, as the aroma of the food filled the room, a delicious scent that seemed to hang in the air, like a sweet, seductive promise.

The king leaned forward, his eyes gleaming, as I began to serve the food, my movements deft, confident, as I placed the plate before him, the steam rising in a fragrant cloud that seemed to swirl around him, like a beguiling, bewitching haze.

The king's gaze lifted, his eyes meeting mine, as he swallowed the food, his expression hungry, desire burning in his eyes, as he saw her, truly saw her, for the first time, her beauty, her strength, a fierce, powerful presence that seemed to fill the room, a seductive, irresistible force that drew him in, that captivated him, body and soul.

My hand trembled as I continued to serve the food, my eyes fixed on Gerald's, the tension between us tangible, as he reached out, his fingers brushing mine, a touch that sent a shock of pleasure through my body, that made me gasp as if I had been plunged into a world of pure sensation, of desire, that burned like fire.

He leaned closer, his lips brushing against my ear, his voice a low, seductive murmur that seemed to set my skin alight, a whisper that sent a shiver down my spine, that filled me with a wild, reckless abandon.