

You just woke up in another world where magic and martial arts exist. You become well known in every kingdom as someone with great potential, so you become a threat to everyone. But great power consists of continuous danger and foes. So you decided to become a side character instead and act like a lowkey on the side of the bigshot. Chaotic wars begin, and killing can only satisfy you. But after the war, you suddenly become the greatest villain of all. You want revenge, but darkness envelopes you until you vanish.  

Noname_Nightmare · Thành thị
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Chapter II

Everyone booed because they are still waiting for Lexus to trash him. But it looks like Ash Stone already wants to end the battle quickly by delivering himself to the death door.

When Lexus saw Ash Stone's position, he sneered.

He is really looking for a quick death! Not only Lexus thought this way; everyone thought the same.

It's obvious to all who will surely win. Between the two of them, comparison can't help, and Ash Stone's momento is weak.

In everyone's mind, although Ash Stone is strong, it will only be a matter of time before he dies.

But Ash Stone didn't think the same. He thinks he can win.

He thought that Lexus indeed lives up to his name; he is strong, and even though he is big, his speed is commendable. No normal person can survive after receiving his heavy punch, but unfortunately, he met me! Although I got injured, I can still fight. A final fight. It's a gamble. If I fail, I will just die.

Ash Stone closed his eyes, adjusted his breathing, and started to remember all the years that he had practiced. He survived until now, and this is the day that he is looking forward to. A final fight can be his final edict as to whether he will be free or if he will still stay here to fight for his life. But no matter how strong his opponent is, he needs to fight 'til death for his freedom!

Suddenly, a murderous and deadly aura was released in his body. Everyone was shocked because they felt like Ash Stone had changed. Because of all his fights, he only fights like a normal person who doesn't have martial arts. That's why no one in their life thinks that Ash Stone can still survive because he finally met someone who's stronger and better at martial arts. They never saw him use any martial arts, so they thought he was just lucky.

"It looks like I underestimated Ash Stone. Still, it didn't change the fact that he is still weak compared to Lexus!"

"I don't think so. We didn't see him use any martial arts before, so it's expected that we look down on him, but now that he is revealing his strength, it means that he maybe has the power to turn the tables."

"He! It looks like you think so highly of him."

"You don't understand. He can easily defeat a hundred martial artists without using his own martial arts. He just uses his physical abilities. He didn't rely on that, but now he is revealing his power. It means he will use everything to win. A desperate person who is fighting for freedom can do everything to leave this kind of place, so who knows if he still has something that can make him win? But I bet on Ash Stone."

They look at him, curious.

"Don't ask me why; it's instinct," everyone who heard him ponders. They think he made sense, so they started to change or add their bets.

Everyone is discussing and debating what will happen.

But inside the arena,

Lexus was almost coming to Ash Stone's position when he suddenly felt a great danger coming to the body of the thin boy in front of him.

Out of instinct, he felt like his death was nearing, so he thought of subconsciously withdrawing his attack. But it's impossible because he uses 60% of his qi.

He was suddenly feeling regret because he underestimated the enemy.

But he can't find any qi in his enemy's body. Although he is shocked that he can perform martial arts, if he doesn't have the qi, his attack will not be fatal. Also, his martial arts position is not familiar to him.

His guru came from the most powerful family in the king of kingdoms, so he knows most of the famous martial arts. Thinking that he had suddenly felt regret earlier, he felt embarrassed.

And the martial art that Ash Stone's displaying is maybe not that powerful; otherwise, he will know.

Thinking about this, his confidence grew stronger, but he didn't lower his guard.

While Lexus's attack is coming, Ash Stone suddenly opens his eyes.

His eyes are sharply cold yet deadly. His sharp eyes are glowing, and he looks at Lexus like a hawk.

He is absorbing the air and slowly releasing it. His breathing is heavy, but if you look closer, you can see that a mist of air and clean smoke is coming inside and out of his mouth.

He is trying the breathing technique that he has trained for all these years.

During each exhale, the mind leads Qi out through his arms and legs. He is using breathing to harness the power of his Qi. From his dantian, there's a small ball glowing and circulating in his dantian, who runs fast to his arm. The glowing ball is a tiny amount of energy that he has in his dantian, who suddenly forms a line down to his arms to his hand.

His hand, which forms a ball of fists, is suddenly glowingly dark.

When Lexus is almost 2 meters away from him, Ash Stone's defensive stance turns to an attack stance.

When the punch from Lexus was 1 meter away from his face, Lexus speeded. But in Ash Stone, it suddenly becomes slow motion. He speedily bent and stepped in two steps before giving an upper punch to Lexus jaw.

Lexus, who received Ash Stone's attack, got confused about how he could still speed despite his injury. But he didn't think of anything because he laughed. He laughed so hard, and so did the audience. He speeds up so suddenly that they actually expect some miracle. How silly.

But just as they are laughing,

They heard something crashing.

Teeth crashing?

*Boogsh! Lexus body suddenly fell.

"What happened?!"

"What did I see?!"

Ash Stone's body also swayed. He feels like he can't feel his body anymore. But before his body fell to the ground, he smiled because he had won. That's all that mattered. He is fre.ed.

"What's the deal now that they are both lying unconsciously?"

"Obviously Lexus lost because his body fell first. But I can't think of any reason why? I mean, he was just alright awhile ago, but his body fell down. Wait! Don't tell me!"


"Is this because of Ash Stone's punch?"



"What happened?"

"Lexus is dead!"



"His teeth are all crushed. Also, his jaw just got dislocated, and he must have an inside injury. I don't know! We don't have a doctor here!"

That's right. In a battle of arenas, a doctor is not needed since it's always life or death.

"What a powerful uppercut punch from Ash Stone!"

"Did Ash Stone just win with one punch in the final round?"


"What a monster!"

"Ash Stone!"

"Ash Stone!"

"What an unexpected result! Ash Stone gives us a miracle! He is just 12 years old, but he already proved himself and hit one punch to uppercut Lexus Night, our undefeated 99th King of Youth Battle! Let's now give a round of applause for our newly appointed King of the Youth Battle! Ash Stone!"

Ash Stone weakly raised his right arm. He is receiving his treatment and has already been fed pills, so he woke up to finally see his success.

He worked hard just to leave this place. Winning as King of the Youth Battle can grant you a wish. It can also give you a chance to choose whether to stay or leave.

I, Ash Stone, want to leave this cage. I want to be free. I am actually not the real Ash Stone, though; I am Ash Williams, and I just woke up in this boy's body. I just realized that I got transmigrated from the novel that I am reading. 

The Abandoned Villain, where magic and martial arts exist.

On my planet, we are just normal human beings, and there is no magic or martial arts that exists because humans don't believe in or like them, but I do. So after transmigrating here, I practiced and learned new things, which I enjoyed the most. Also, magic is the most interesting to me. I also want to adventure and travel to all the kingdoms. Also, I know that there will be a war soon, so I really need to save myself.

 But life is indeed not easy.

I am a new author who wants to try writing a martial arts book. So please, if you have any comments, suggestions, or criticisms, they are always welcome! I want to improve myself, so please, if this chapter two is quite boring, let me know what I should change. Thank you!

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