An adult dies and is reincarnated in the body of a child with a system with the possibility of creating an overpowering country. Thinking he's on another world, what happens when he finds out he's still on Earth? Join my discord :
"Davis, Emie, at the table!"
Two little men arrived in the kitchen walking slowly. Agatha quickly grabbed Davis and put him in his chair and did the same with Emie. On their plate are pasta with a steack, pretty basic.
The children began to eat their food with difficulty, but Agatha quickly came to help them. Davis and Emie quickly finished their plate before they wanted to sleep. Agatha quickly brought the childs to bed, returning to a room quite well decorate with toys all over the place. After putting the two children to bed, Agatha went out and walked in the kitchen. She did not eat because she never had enough money for herself. She gave everything to these children. His apartment with 4 rooms almost not furnishing the room of these children. Her has been doing 2 days that she hasn't eaten anything and she feels she's getting weaker and weaker.
She thinks alone in her corner, thinking of a certain person. All of a sudden, someone's rang the bell of the door. Agatha opened the door to discover three delinquents looking at Agatha with a smile.
"Do you have our money this month?" Spoke the one who was further forward with a voice strong enough to shake the ground.
"Yes, I have it" Agatha sighed sadly before taking an envelope with $500 in it. She gave the envelope to the offenders and was about to close the door when one foot blocked the door to enter.
"Unfortunately, this is no longer enough, we will have to pay in natural, Agatha" The three offenders in front of the door smile with obscene look. Suddenly, the sound of metallic footsteps was heard on the stairs.
The chief of the delinquents asked the other two to go and see while looking at Agatha. The two descended before shouting and going up, letting a drag of liquid flow along their run. The offender watched with astonishment as the other two climbed higher before looking up the stairs.
Pak Pak Pak Pak
The seconds became minutes for Agatha and the offender. Suddenly, a completely metallic dark grey machine in the humanoid form appeared in the eyes of Agatha, followed by other creatures of this kind. They were all armed with a pretty weird assault rifle. The creature looked at the two persons before asking.
"Do you know a certain Agatha Wilson?" The voice out of the helmet of the thing, modifying the voice and making it come out more diabolical than other things.
"Y-Yes it's me" Agatha swallowed her saliva, feeling her heart accelerate.
"Who is he? Your boyfriend? It's not scoring on the plan..." The machine mumbled these last words.
"No, no, it's quite the opposite," Agatha quickly commented.
"Do a more in-depth search of Agatha Wilson"
"" Got it ""
After a few minutes of waiting, the first machine advanced and knelt in front of Agatha while another machine advanced towards the man and controlled him before bringing him down the stairwell.
"Long live the Princess!"
After saying this sentence, all the other machines are kneeling.
"Long live the Princess !"
Agatha remained confu, not knowing what to do.
"Princess Agatha, take your children and come with us, we will take you back to your homeland" replied the machine respectfully.
"Uh, why should I come?"
"Don't you want to see your brother again?"
Agatha foolishly looked at the machine in front of her before picking up the children from their room. Returning with half-sleepy children, she discovered 3 Maids waiting on the side of the bearing
"Hello Princess, I'm Katia, your maid staff now. I also introduce Cherry and Angela, who will be the two personal maids of the Prince and Princess."
The two maids who had to take care of Davis and Emie approached them with a smile of kindness. The two children were scared at first but soon they got used to Cherry and Angela. Cherry and Angela carried the two children, quickly taking them downstairs, escorted by soldiers from Team Alpha. Agatha quickly followed these children accompanied by her new maid. On their way down, they arrived in front of a black limousine with gold strokes on the sides. Inside found everything that could amuse a baby. Agatha and the 3 Maids enter in the limousine with the two children.
A lot of people were watching this scene and watching the coat of arms engrave on the vehicle, someone quickly recognized from which country it is.
"It's the Shadow Empire army!"
"Why are they here ?"
A riot began quickly, but people dared to approach as a multitude of armoured vehicles surrounded the limousine. The convoy quickly departed towards the nearest airport.
Author Note:
My discord :
I confess that I have not published enough these days and I apologize terribly! I'll try to do chapters as often as possible! Thanks to all the stones of power, the collections, the reviews, the readers, thank you for everything and do not forget, long life to The Empire!