
The 808

Adam is a normal everyday student on earth 808 the only spectacular thing about him is that he is best friends with a super genius, when one day his friend dies leaving Adam with his prized possession. Sinking into depression Adam is living life day by day when one day everything changes. He becomes a "higher lifeform" changing his life forever. Follow his journey as he finds a new place in this universe.

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Warriors training

Present Day.

Planet Derêkee


Training grounds ~ instructor Zeel is giving out instructions to the new recruits. "ALL FRONTLINE COMBAT BASED TRAINEES REPORT TO INSTRUCTOR LEE"

Pointing in the direction of a tall darkskin hybrid. the new recruits who have just received their respected combat fields based on their bloodlines which were known only to the instructors.. well apart from Adam's which was now known to most intuitive and social members in the camp.

Soon everyone huddled up in their groups in single file lines. there stood a barren field with few things but massive holes that led to God knows where. "Okay listen up trainees my name is instructor Lee. I will be guiding you in your training day to day and chief instructor over there will be monitoring your growth. We will hold monthly power shows where each group will pick the best recruit from each field and this trainee will compete with the other groups for title of unit commander. the person with the most victories after this two year period will be assigned the seat. EVERYONE CLEAR?" "SIR YES SIR" everyone shouted in unison.

5 mins later

"Today's training will be on fundamental fighting." Lee said unfazed by the confused looks on the faces of youth who wanted to test and control their newfound abilities. "B-But sir why are we practicing something so useless when we have such strength?" A muscle headed recruit said from the back. "strength is intertwined with fundamentals only when bringing out your bodies best and most appropriate muscle movements can you achieve true strength- even without your given powers" Lee said after a little thought.

later after the lecture..

"hey pretty boy I heard you were something like top dog" said the muscle head before. He was quite the work actually standing at 7'11 and packed with muscles that covered muscles. He looked as though we was born from God himself.. well if he wasn't so ugly on the inside and out.

Adam looked over "what is that supposed to mean?" clearly confused on why the brute went out his way to torment him. "well since everyone here thinks you'll be the strongest I will just have to crush you" said the big bully while looking down at Adam. "yeah okay shit face" said Adam. At the mention of his facial features the big guy was immediately angered without a doubt. you see because his genetic mutation gave him such unsurmountable strength it caused his face to look something akin to baki the grapplers back.

Without saying a word the big guy launched an attack at Adam. throwing his fist downward onto Adam's shoulder which immediately caved in under such pressure and caused him to fall to the ground. "eughh" Adam groined out after facing such strength for the first time since his genetic slice. the guy just huffed and walked away.

"More like runt" he said out loud. immediately, after hearing the force of impact Felix came running over. "you good bro??" he asked while helping Adam up. "wow what a shit face huh?" Felix said while staring at the back of the gaint. "hahaha" laughed Adam. "what..what's so funny?" Felix was confused as ever. "nothing" Adam replied.

Going over the basics and fundamentals was so boring to Adam that he can't even describe it. He felt himself improving at a fast rate though which surprised him. "one. two. up. shuffle. jump." Lee said as he threw a 2 meter high log under Adam's feet who got over it albeit barely but much better than his previous attempts.

He can be said to be one of 12 out of 50 people in his group to jump over it at this point. "good good good" Lee said with a straight face and grabbed another log while walking over to another trainee.

Time slowly went past, three hours to be exact. Adam now can jump this simple log pretty easily since the genetic mutation gave his muscles a boost and to the future unknown degrees he couldn't comprehend.

"Okay enough we will now run a small competition in the group to see who gets to go home first and to who the rest are that will stay training for another 3 hours." Lee stated.

"Candice" Lee looked at the exhausted trainee "23 consecutive log jumps. highest recorded so far.. stand to the side."

Trainee after trainee came up. Some are doing good and passing Candice's score while some did incredibly horrible for genetic soldiers.

"Joe 29 consecutive jumps stand to the side..."

"lue 32 consecutive jumps stand to the side..."




"Dunk 89 consecutive jumps stand to the side..."

Name after name was called and finally it was Felix's time to shine.

"Felix 122 consecutive jumps.." instructor Lee looked moderately surprised while saying so. "Stand to the side bud"

Finally, it was Adam's turn. Log after log came after him but he wasn't scared after going through this routine so much. His body seemed to move on it's own. "1..2..5..11..45..67..99..111..119.." Adam counted to himself time after time. It was finally hitting him. fatigue ran through his legs. You could see the veins bulging out his leg. 'just a couple more' he said to himself.

After what felt longer than it should've he pushed through getting a score of "Adam 144 consecutive jumps. good job" Lee said with a smile

"Danggg broo what are you a grasshopper?!!" Felix said emotionally but happily to his friend.

"hahaha...nah *cough* I don't think grasshoppers know what type of pain this is" Adam said coughing.

He then looked over at the meathead who scored 0. Coincidentally, the same guy who picked on him. "Dang too fat to jump??" Adam said while smiling.

'well i guess we can call this a win today.. hehe' Adam said to himself feeling alive for the first time in a while.