

"In the heart of a bustling metropolis, where skyscrapers tower over beautiful parks, the underworld of it all thrives under the rule of gangs and corrupt authorities. Within the chaos and the captivating landscape, Two teenage gang leaders, Paul Walker and Nicole Ruby, once inseparable childhood friends, Now find themselves locked in a bitter rivalry fueled by their ambitions, unaware to them of their shared past. But a chance encounter reignites their long-forgotten friendship that was buried within time, by an accidental kiss. As now both of them, Driven by an overwhelming thirst for revenge, they plunge into a dangerous game of prank warfare Navigating through the power and corruption that filled the city, Paul an aggressive and fun-seeking gang leader, struggles to balance his thirst for fun and close friends, with his responsibilities to find his missing brother. while Nicole the obsessive and power-hungry student council president, battles between her desire for her father's love and her mother's expectations, yearns to reconnect with her absent father. Will do everything to get what they want, Their desire, driving them to insanely desperate lengths, regardless of consequences. Caught between loyalty and darkness, Paul confronts his moral compass in a world where danger lurks at every turn throwing him towards the dark side. Yet amidst the chaos, laughter, and adventure thrive for Paul and the six other gang members and closest friends. As stakes rise and loyalties are tested, they'll realize the thin line between innocence and corruption, As Paul and Nicole spiral deeper into a web of vengeance and ambition, The stakes intensify as their personal ambition and hatred threaten to engulf not only just their lives but the fragile balance of power in the city Who will emerge victorious? Will friendship survive, and at what cost? Dive into a tale where opposing forces collide, redefining power and loyalty amidst chaos."

DansNovastories · Võ hiệp
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13 Chs


The coolness of a cold Saturday night blew through the atmosphere, under the beauty of a mysterious sky, the beautiful scenery of a city park was silent throughout New Year's Eve.

Trees rustled softly, and in the distance, the city's faint buzz added to the peaceful ambiance.

Paul's eyes fluttered open, witnessing a spectacle that felt plucked out from another reality, as before him stood Nicole, the last person he expected to meet at that place.

In that precise moment, he wished he could just have glued his eyes shut, forever sparing himself the sight of a world he wished could disappear.

Little had he known that what would unfold next would defy his wildest expectations.

In disbelief, the one person he couldn't have cared less about was inexplicably on him, their lips having just brushed in an accidental kiss.

"What the heck?" Paul's mind exclaimed, his face flushed with a blush that mirrored the same blush on Nicole's face.

In that brief unintended connection of their lips, an emotional storm erupted within them,

Breeding the that of anger and something far more dangerous than just overwhelming hatred, setting the stage for an impending disaster that would shake the very air around them.

"what the heck am I even doing on the ground," Paul whispered to himself as he tried to get up.

Nicole, quickly jumping to conclusions, threw a punch at him without any hesitation.

"What the heck do you think you're doing, you bas.....", Nicole yelled ferociously, blushing furiously as she went for another punch.

Paul quickly reacted attempting to dodge the punch like the previous one.

"It's you that's crazy! I was just trying to get up. What else do you think I could possibly want to do?" Paul yelled with a furious expression while trying to dodge Nicole's attacks.

"Sheesh, she sure knows how to throw a punch, too dangerous," Paul said internally, trying to understand the entire situation while continuously dodging the incoming punches.

But soon after one of Nicole's punches had finally connected with his face.

During that moment of impact, both Paul and Nicole had a realisation in their minds.

"This bastard! I just had my first kiss stolen from me by this f**king bastard!" In a fury that could rival a raging tempest and burn through steel, Paul and Nicole yelled internally.

Paul immediately went for a counter punch firstly using the a swift high kick to shift his position and back to the ground with a flip.

As without any immediate hesitation, went for a punch filled with the full force of his weight in it, and wanting to silence her by knocking her out.

Nicole, being ready for it, went for a high kick aimed at his arm wanting to break it off, going for it without holding anything back.

With both emanating unmatched anger and brimming with unwavering strength, the outcome remained a mystery, shrouded in the ominous tension of the impending clash.


a loud noise shattering the silence, as all bets were off.

Just as the world braced for the cataclysmic clash, a figure emerged from the shadows,

"Paul, what were you just about to do to her right now?" the dark figure said in a cold voice.

"Alen, what the hell are you still doing here, and what else could I be possible doing than teaching her a lesson of her affording to make such a mistake of that ki… She was the one who wanted to pick a fight, so I thought I'd show her the proper way to have one." Paul said angrily while cracking his knuckles glaring deeply at Nicole.

"Hey watch what you say. I'm sure you know who she is, how dangerous she is mostly how big of a problem she can be to our plans, so let's just freaking get out of here," Alen said quietly to Paul.

"I'm so sorry, Nicole, for my friend's behaviour just now. I don't know what really happened, but I hope we can forget about it all and just go our separate ways," Alen said respectfully to Nicole, turning to her as a radiant smile abruptly lit up his face.

"Whatever… Just get that short thing out of my sight," Nicole said with a mocking smile.

"Never utter the word 'short' before me again, unless you crave a very brutal beating, I'd sooo love to give you," Paul said with a deep cold tone pointing at Nicole as they both glared fiercely.

"Huh," Paul thought as he noticed a little flash of light by his right… "BANG!"

With his institute screaming in fear Paul pushed himself backwards narrowly dodging a projectile or a bullet fired at him, but still leaving a cut on his face.

For that fraction of a moment a memory flashed in his mind, a blurred face of a little girl, and then it was gone.

"What the hell was that all about?" Paul wondered.

Paul coming to his senses immediately glared at Nicole,

"Shit, to think she had a cover shooter with her this whole time… I must be careful, since I just can't hold myself back from beating the hell out of her…" Paul said with clenched teeth, his fists just craving for action, but Alen's hand on his shoulder held him back.

Paul let out a long breath.

"Whatever, just consider yourself lucky today because next time, luck won't even dare come near you." He finally said, wiping his cheek and walking away scratching his neck in frustration, leaving the scene.


The moonlight blossoms, leading into the heart of the silent road.

The stars hung low in the sky, like jewels against a dark backdrop.

In the midst of it, Paul's anger could not be checked.

"What the heck bro it's almost the beginning of the year and you want to start it by picking a fight already, that gonna be the second time today firstly that bulky guy and now her?" Alen said, his voice growing louder.

"And worst of it all you picked a fight with her. What the heck even happened?!" He yelled.

"Let it go already, I get it, but a nerfed rubber bullet sniper cover shot, out of nowhere, she really is that terrifying…" Paul said with an irritated look and brow bending in anger.

"Sigh, whatever, just get ready for the coming week. The First year of high school starts soon and we need to be careful if we want things to go as planned. Oh, and not everyone in the gang was able to pass the entrance exam for the school. Only me, you, hmm, Lola and Leo. The three others didn't make the cut, but it seems like they got into other schools," Alen said as walked beside Paul.

Paul replied "Wow, hmm… I don't blame them anyway. I guess we'll just have to make good use of the four of us then, let's just get out of here already, it's creeping me out."

"Who even was that little girl I saw that time?" Paul thought, scratching his head.

The scene of the unwanted kiss flashed in his mind again, displeasing him.

"My first kiss. She freaking took it away from me." Paul said Internally with eyes igniting with fury. "Next time I see her, I swear to finish the job" Paul yelled internally as he walked away.


Time passed by like a wave.

The sun crept over the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue across the sleepy town.

the air was infused with the crisp scent of dew-kissed grass, blending with the fragrance of freshly bloomed flowers.

Amid this picture perfect morning, Paul with his backpack in hand, took in the sights, sounds, and scents of the new school day ahead.

He checked himself in the mirror, then took a deep breath "Okay, everything's set. Senior year, here I come,"

As he opened the door to the house about to leave...

"Where the heck do you think you're going? Cause it seems like you're forgetting something important," A little girl exclaimed in a cold voice, as she sat majestically behind Paul.

Paul was startled. "Ooh shit I forgot," he exclaimed internally.

"Ooh, hey, Amanda, I didn't see you there." Paul said nervously as he turned around.

"Please don't find out, please don't find out, please don't find out…" he was screaming anxiously internally.

[crossing her arms] "If I'm right… I'm pretty sure you were just about to leave without saying goodbye, weren't you?" Amanda said, glaring.

Paul secretly sighed in relief. "Well, I thought you were still in the bathroom and didn't want to intrude," Paul said with a calm smile.

"Thank God she didn't find out about last night's ice cream snacking…" Paul rejoiced in his mind.

Amanda rolled her eyes. "Don't underestimate me, big bro. I can smell your absence from a mile away, so don't try me," Amanda said.

But despite the resounding warning he received from his little sister, Paul couldn't hold himself from realising tears of overwhelming joy from the cuteness of his sister's expression.

"Alright, alright, my bad, I'm sorry… 'big brother' is too stupid, he left his sis alone, but big brother is in a massive hurry right now so I got to go so byeeee, little detective" Paul said smiling.

"Hey watch it, and why are you talking in the third person? I'm no longer a kid, I'm 8 if you must know, so don't talk to me like I'm a kid alright?" Then she smiled.

"Well don't forget to say bye next time alright, see you later idiot big bro," Amanda said waving.

"See you later," Paul replied.

Paul left somewhat nervously, moving quickly as if he had stayed a minute longer he wouldn't have been able to predict what would happen next.

"Paul!!!!!!!!!!" [With a ground-shaking roar] Amanda's sudden yell broke the quiet.

"Guess she already found out," Paul said while laughing nervously.

Paul rushed away, feeling a weird worry bubbling up inside him.

He sped up, sensing something not right around the corner.

Just before he disappeared, he glimpsed a shadowy figure nearby, giving him the chills.

Despite his unease, he kept running, not realising Amanda's shout held more fear than annoyance.

The unknown dangers ahead were invisible, but the feeling of trouble lingered.

What will happen next? I guess you have to stay to know.

it continues, i just love writing this story so much

i just hope more people gets to like the story too

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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