

This Is a Story of My Lifestyle. This All Is True and 1st Thing Is I Saw a Dream of 4 Hidden Powers and I Wrote It in My Story and Now These Days I Am Writing My Lifestyle. The Main Character Is Fred It Is Me He Is 16 Years Old Boy. He Is Very Kind, Honest, and Doesn't Have Patience but His Heart Melts in One Second in Emotional Times. He Has an Honest, Kind Friend but Sometimes They Are Fighting. When There Is No Fight It Is Not a Real Friendship I Think. but in That Second We Have Been Friendly Too. There Are Tashen, Kevin, Sehandu, Nehan and Dinada. Lets Us See What Will Happen in the Future and I Don't Know What Will Happen Too.

THE_LEVI · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Sister's birthday party.

Ok, here Tashen said Tashen's mom.

Ok, then I am coming said Tashen.

Ok now I'm ending he calls you all to need to come okay.

Ok sure said all my friends.

And I end the calls and went down again to help mom.

Mom does I need to help you.

yes, I find you everywhere you please cut this apple and mix them up with this salt and pepper powder said, my mom.

Sure mom please give me those.

Here apples said, my mom.

Ok, mom.

And I start to cut the apples into slices.

where is my brother I did not see him and father?

They went out to bring some goods said, my mom.

Oh ok, mom.

And where is sister asked, my mom?

She is in the garden.

ok, I will tell her to come and help you do your work, said my mom.

Ok, mom...

And My mom went on that someone knocked on the door.

Knock knock...

And I went to see when I've opened the door Kevin and Nehan were in front of the door.

Oh, come in come in I did not think that you will come early haha.

hehe laughs Nehan.

Ok, where is your sister asked, Kevin?

Oh, there she is coming.

There is a small gift for you said Nehan.

And this from me said, Kevin.

Thank you for two of you said, my sister...

Sit bro think this is your home.

haha ok ok laughed Kevin.

Mom, I have cu he apples tell sister to mix the powder.

Ok ok, we will do it and some chocolates and soft drinks are in the fridge take those give them to your friend said, my mom.

Ok, mom there you to go to my room I will bring them ok.

Ya sure said Nehan.

while I'm going to my room Kevin and Nehan is shouting to a person on the road.

haha, what the shit are you doing haha we need to stay here.

No no there can you see him? said Nehan.

Mm... where.

There in that bus station said, Kevin.

Oh yes yes who is that? Oh haha that person know who fall from the ladder to the paint box in the school campaign know hehe I never thought that he is on our side.

Ya ya haha and he is not on this side he lives in front of Tashen's home said Nehan.

Oh ok ok and eat this.

And when we are eating Sehandu, Tashen and Dinada came. And shouted my name. I called them to my room and gave them something to eat.

Fred where is your sister? asked Tashen.

Yes, where? asked Sehandu.

Oh here, give this to your sister said Dinada.

Wait I will talk to my sis.

No, no need talk give this said Sehandu.

Yes no need said Dinada.

Here said Tashen.

Wait I will keep this and come.

I went to my sister's room and knocked on the door and asked.

Sis here.

What? said, Sister.

Gifts from my friends.

Oh, tell them thanks keep in front of the door I will take said, my sister.

OK ok, I kept.

And turn back and come in for my room to thank my friend for giving gifts for my sis.

And my mom came to my room and said.

Son can you help me to take that desk with your friends said, my mom.

Ya sure.

Ya let's go said Dinada.

And we cane down to help my mom its and crazy very large desk.

Oho shit. mom what is this desk.

Haha yes, it is very large that is why I told you all to come said, my mom.

And we arrange the table and washed our hands. we went out to walk in street with my friends.

where are we going asked Dinada?

We are going to the street to walk.

Yes, it is good I'm boring when in your room said Nehan.

Yes yes...

How many kilometers are they from the town? asked Tashen.

Not very much like 500 or 600 meters.

Ya, why don't you know said Sehandu?

No bro said Tashen.

My uncle's shop is in this street said Dinada.

Where is your uncle's shop and what does he sell.

He does and big coffee shop with servants said Dinada.

Ya I know I have visited your uncle's coffee shop if is very big know said, Kevin.

Is he is rich asked Sehandu?

Ya, he is rich his Son is older than me do you know him he can learn more than we said Dinada.

Yes, It is good for his future.

There can you see the coffee shop said Dinada.


Do anyone hungry or thirsty?

I am thirsty said Dinada.

Yep, I too said Nehan.

Ok, then Coffee's are from me haha.

And we went to the coffee shop drank coffee and came out and again went to the Home.

I take a wash and while my friends are eating lunch. And while I'm bathing my friends and my brother got together and turn to off the water Line I was watching from the window I have finished bathing I shouted: " Hey go away there a snake" they ran and my brother fall into the pipeline and broke the tap line so much of things happen. My mom came out to the sound in that time all my friends have come in from a second and there went again took my brother and came to the house.

Haha, you all went to prank me know hehe I think you need to think more hehe.

haha yeah, it is an idea of your brother said Dinada.

Hey, shut your mouth said, my brother.

Why are you scared. keep that fear hehe.

Hehe, shall I laugh brother told it boringly?

Today is a fun day said Sehandu.

Wait still we did not start to have fun said, my brother.

Ya exactly...

Really ya ya lets have a good fun said Kevin.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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