
The blessing in disguise

Earlston, Scotland, 11:00;

The girl woke up to Xi Yuan's ringing phone with a groan. Who was it? Impetuously, she stretched her right hand toward the device and grabbed it, bringing it to her ear, "President Xi is not available. May I get the message?", she said.

"Sister-in-law…", Xi Fang's voice came through the other end, surprised, "I am so sorry. I shouldn't have disturbed your rest. I'll call later."

"No, no!", the girl sat up on the bed, her senses alert now, "What's up? How is my favorite Brother-in-law doing?", she asked kindly. 

The man smiled at the girl's gentle excitement, "I am fine.", he answered, "Thanks to you."

"Yuan told you, didn't he?", the girl giggled. 

"Uh-huh. So did Yue's Dad.", the man nodded, "I wonder, though, how did you convince him?"

"It's a secret.", Rong Xinghe purred, her tone mischievous, "But don't worry. I did not threaten or kill anyone."